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Becca Keith Apr 2012
Here I am before you, now
A broken, hollow cast of what I once was.
I lay my life upon your alter,
Spare me.

I am entirely at your mercy, here in your arms
I give you all I am.
Please shelter what is left of me.
Love me.

Your hands are soft upon my thigh,
And lips are gentle on my neck.
I long for you to understand my fears.
Protect me.

Be my savior in this instance,
Give me a purpose to cling to in your absence.
Hold me to your body.
Save me.
About a man I'll never truly have.
Becca Keith Apr 2012
This place I have reached
(I know not how)
Excites me,
Elates me,
Empowers me.

It is not a lovely place
(I know with certainty)
A ***** place,
A wretched place,
A sinful place.

I have tasted fruits
(I ought not have)
Poisoned fruits,
Corrupted fruits,
Toxic fruits.

I have felt the caress of your lips upon my skin
No revenge tastes as sweet as the poison in my mouth.
A semi-reality.
Becca Keith Apr 2012
I have seen you
And I have experienced your light.
I have loved you fondly
Beyond all that I know now or ever had before.

But you are dark.
You are destructive.
Like the plague you leave chaos in your wake.
You **** people.

You took me in your hand
And with your silver tongue, destroyed me.
I hate you.

But, I can't.
I loved you too fondly.
I know your light.
An experience I have had.

— The End —