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Beaux Apr 2014
I think it's kind of like Athena sprouting from Zeus's head... they just were.
This is something a dear friend said today, and it struck me right in the heart.
Beaux Apr 2014
Halt, stop in the name of...
      nothing, really
          metaphysically speaking
Who am I to say go?
      who am I to say I
          who am I
Waiting on a light change
      electricity, right?
          determining my fate
Look at these people
      a Rolodex of souls
            faster than a flip
Reflective frames on my face
     mirroring their souls
            projecting mine
Are they moving slow or fast?
     trans-dimensional spy glass
            warped speed
Oh, look it's green
    game over.

            please insert more tokens.
            please insert more tokens.
            please insert more tokens.
            please insert more tokens.
            please insert more tokens.
Beaux Apr 2014
I apologize..

I never, I never meant to stare.

It's just...

I never want to lose sight of what's real.
Beaux Apr 2014

From the depths of void
Waves of crimson & night appear
Bearing gills & fin
Be beast of water born
Covered not in harsh exterior
Sweet lotus armor arise
Collapsing of souls
Form locked to ground
Freedom it does scream
Fear not, for Gods call to thee

Beaux Apr 2014
The Saints keep pressed lips when speaking words.
Gypsy lovers crawl towards the feet of his might.
Watch the shackles shake the walls for the prisoner sees his face.
Not within the petals of a flower, but within the breaths of fire.
Within the last glance of prey's eye before the predator kills.
Not a power of cruelty but of vigilance.
Embrace the sweet lotus cradled by the parting waves of serenity.
Be he, he or she or it or I.
Blessed be a soul seeking love of the highest.
How indescribable it becomes.
Fear not where the lightening strikes but where it doesn't.
For truth is no more than lies.
The mountains of knowledge sought dull in comparison to a grain of enlightenment.
Be still in all that is sound and rotation.
Beaux Apr 2014
How bright is she
who plays in the dark
A ruby wrapped in clover
is she
Watch the Sun lie
over time
Engulfed in all that
seems free
Crawl backwards on
hind legs

Quickly now
She's coming
You hear her
It's she

click clack who's afraid of that

Sit now quiet
You can't let her hear
Hear all of the things
A Ruby wrapped in clover
Engulfed in the blackest of dreams

Glance away she's magic
It's behind the eyes
Maybe green or lightening or three
Don't look too close
You'll see nightmares

click clack or maybe dreams
Imagine a piece of your soul retreating to under a bed for shelter. Now read it again.
Beaux Dec 2013
Color in the leaves of a weeping willow
Like a child understanding a dream
Cover your soul in white, my love
Reality be bitter sweet
Fall with ravens from the mountain
Climb to the highest peak
Spread your wings, as black as night
Crumble the goals you seek
Inspired by Lights All Nights, Dallas, 2013.
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