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BeeRod Jul 2019
I feel myself sinking today.
These positive affirmations helped yesterday
And the day before
And the day before
Not today.
Today I'm overthinking
Today I'm having to employ CYA left & right.
Today I'm reminded of my shortcomings.
Just another day, it won't matter.
It won't matter.
I tell myself it won't matter.
But it does right now.
And I can't cry today.
I can't get mad today.
Am I sad? I don't know what I am.
I guess I'm numb today.
I don't think a drink will help.
I can't find the voice to speak about it.
I don't think a break from work will suffice.
I'm numb today.
So full of complaints
Yet depleted of conflict resolution.
Is this the pressure diamonds endure ?
Is this what will strengthen me?
Is that what this is ?
Should I be thankful for this?
Optimistic about it?
I don't know.
Today is just, not the day.
BeeRod May 2018
What is this
Joyride you're taking?
Happy suns and pleasant night
Freedom reigning, joy,joy
What is this?
This reign that makes me reign
Is not the rain that made me rain
So I question it's validity
It's derivation?
A problem. Maybe it's a problem.
Maybe it's a scream
Maybe this Joyride
Is running on thoughts of deliverance
Echos of finality
The wonders of the absolute.
This reign? That rain?
That shine
That shine
That smudge
I see a smudge in it
This smudge?
Am I overthinking again?
Is this subconscious anxiety?
My reign ?
My rain?
My wants, my wants are delivered
They are delivered
And this is first class deliverance
From an economy sender
Am I wrong
To question it's origins?
Am I wrong,
To wonder ?
To see what you believed a ghost
I've seen him
I see him
It's possessed you
That reign
Or was it the rain
That held your spirit all along?
How much does it cost,this possession?
Is it free ?
Or are you making your last payment?
Is this your down payment?
What do you owe ?
Do you owe?
Did it owe you?
This reign,
Or that rain ?

I kneel for rain
For hopes of its previous passing
And this spectrum
Is 3 dimensional
I kneel for reign
And it's longevity
In you
I clasp for it
I bow to it.
BeeRod Mar 2018
For every apology you've given me,
You deserve it ten times over.
For every ear you've lent me,
You deserve my full attention.

You've hurt me.
You've really hurt me.
You've made me feel so small,
And yet,in this moment I feel huge.
I feel like,
This huge weight on your shoulders.
And I feel blind,
I feel deaf.
As though,
All of your efforts have been in vain,or something.
And I don't see them, I don't hear them.
And yet,I'm 2 inches away.

For every sorry I've given you,please multiply them by 20.

I've made mistakes too, you're not alone.
Why do I make you feel so alone?
I nag, and I complain,and I yell,
and I know how small you feel.

I claim to do so much,
What b.s.
On this toxic throne,
Is nothing but my projection,
and denial.

I know you're thinking of this as a mistake,
That I should never blame myself
That it's you,
That it's only,you.
But please,multiply my apologies by 20.

Because I do have a part.
Yes,I do.
I play a role.
And I remind myself,
Of him sometimes.
And I cry because,
I mean ****,he was mentally draining at times.
And now I'm draining.

How much do you have to take from me,
For me to understand how sorry you are?
I Judge you
I belittle you
I emotionally scar you.
Yes, yes I do. Stop saying I don't.
It doesn't matter if you're deserving of any of it.
The magnitude to which I take things,
Is the role I play.

I am part of the reason,
Why your poems are of raven days.
I am part of the reason,
Why you feel,
Stuck in your ways.

I tell you,
You can't escape.
That your home,
Is not an escape.
That I,
Am not an escape.

Then I ask how I can help.
In the same breath.

The irony.

For every sorry,
Multiply them by zero.
Delete them from your memory.
And please accept this one.

I love you.
I love that you've stayed.
I love that,despite my roles, you've succeeded in making me think that I had none,
Until now.

Jesus I see it in your face,
I hear the eggshells beneath your steps

I love how literally, I just need a touch from you

I love how literally, your eyes melt me.
Yep,they still do that.6 years can't change that feeling.

I love,everything.
And I mean that.

And I'm so,sincerely sorry,
For subconsciously making you pay.
For consciously belittling you.
For being my own double standard.
I'm severely sorry.
When you see this love, it is not mandatory for you to tell me. Of course you can,but I won't be angry if you don't. I just needed an escape for a moment.
BeeRod Oct 2017
I feel like a bad person.
Ya know, the bystander type.
The, "they're just words" type.
The,"you'll only be nagging"type.

What do you do,
When you see an adult
Intelligent, wise beyond their years
Literate, articulate
But four feet tall
Swimming in the 5ft section of the pool?
I mean, they're strong too.
Do you let them swim? Do you risk it? ARE you risking anything? I mean they know what they're doing right ?
Literate, articulate.
They know right? Right ?
And if you've let them swim
With tightened lips
And a forced smile at times
How many times do you let them,
Before you tell them to come back?
Literate, articulate,strong.
Will they even listen ?
Arrogant. Stubborn.
If you don't speak, is it because you don't care?
Afraid. Nagging.
Are you in denial?
Afraid, Nagging.
But that voice in the back of your head, screaming to ****** that person out the pool, is it right ?

Im afraid sometimes. I see the head above the water, but just barely. I see the feet kicking, but just barely. I hear breathing, but just barely.

And I know.
I know why they're tired.
I hear it, I see it, I read it.
And you've been swimming
Im afraid,
That if you were to drown
I helped it,
By being the bystander.
And yet
I know better.
Literate, articulate,

How many times
Will I allow you
to swim in the 5ft section of the pool
When I know
You're only 4ft tall.
BeeRod Aug 2017
I'm not blind.
I see you,
And as you look deep within yourself
Explaining yourself
I can't help but wonder
How you miss so much
In your explanations.
How can I
See your entirety
Yet you
See pieces?

It's not just the contrast
Of your hair
Against your skin
It's not just the muscles
Or your chilling smile
It's not just the shape of your eyes
Or the *** appeal in your voice
It's not just your touch
Or what those things lead to...

It's the way you sleep.
Despite your troubles,
You sleep so sound.
So peacefully,
Like you're strong enough
to repair those troubles at night
And resilient enough
to get through another day.

It's the way you laugh
As though
Despite those things
You hate about yourself
You can still find humor
And allow yourself
A piece of humanity.

It's the way you cry
How you still have those emotions
You claim were lost in your storm
You still rain,
You still allow yourself
That rain.

It's the way you turn your head a few times to and from, when you feel that jolt of emotion
Whether it be before ***
Or in a conversation
In which you're losing.
It's cute,really,
To see your barriers come down
Even for just
a moment.

It's the emotion I wholly feel
In your kiss.
It's like, I know you cherish it
As much as I
And match me.

You see me as some damsel
In distress with you.
As though you're not enough
Like I could seek another
Like I should seek another.
As though I'm never gonna make it
With you.

But I need someone who struggled
I need your demons
I need your sorrows.
I don't want, or need
A seemingly perfect man.

I need someone
Who understands what it's like
To survive
Whilst trying to live.
I need someone
Whom shows me
Those pieces of him
While he's sleep
While he laughs
While he kisses me.

I need someone who battles with this life from time to time
Yet makes it.
I need a warrior.
I need a king.

And no, I don't need someone to fix.
I need someone I can relate to.
Someone to grow with,

I'm not blind.
I see you.
I watch you everyday,
and I'm proud of you.

In case you haven't heard it yet,
Your past has made you a Phoenix.
Your current struggles
Have made you a role model.
And yes,
You make it look ****.

You think I'm blind.
Blind in love.
Blindly following,
Blindly Falling.
Have you ever thought
That maybe,
You're blind?
That maybe,
I could be right,
And you, sir,
Are trying to blind me?

I know what I see.
But do you?
Who's really blind?
BeeRod Aug 2017
I really don't know who to talk to.
Really, I don't.
I've found such happiness,
Whilst remaining humble
And haven't stressed like I used to,
Or taken things to heart as much...
Yet as I stare into the mirror,
I don't like what I see.
I don't care about
How pretty my features are
I don't care about
My modeleque height
Or my warm smile
Those things, I was born with.
Thank God I'm happy with them,
It's not like I could change them
But I do care about
What I've done to myself.
Those things I did have control over,
and lost control.
I'm too soft, everywhere.
My sides are too fat
My stomach isn't as flat
I'm unhappy with my body.
And sure, I'm not huge.
But I didn't gain weight in the right places.
To look over old photos
Or know the preferences of those closest to me,
Begs tears,
and utter disappointment.
And I don't want to sound like any other girl
All the blah blah blahs
But I'm unhappy with my body.
I work hard,
I pay my bills.
I help people,
I'm doing well in school.
And I've added this gym routine on top of it.
And while I've created my own schedule, therefore I'm not complaining,
Its hurtful
That I have no one to talk to.
My family and friends will simply wave this away, as I'm not huge.
Those other parties closest to me won't say much at all.
I guess,
I just wish someone would wholly and truly tell me I'm beautiful.
That someone would want me not just for what part in *** I play
But FOR those things I dislike about myself.
And voice that.
I'm not looking for someone to cure me
And I realize what I must do to change,
but ****
I don't think I'm supposed to feel like this.
I think someone is supposed to validate me to an extent
Atleast that's what I do with those I care about, when I see they're in a low spot for a moment.
Don't we all need to hear that from time to time?
Well, I don't ever hear it. Unless I begin the conversation there in.

I gained weight, I'm not happy about it, I'm making a change, and no one has said, "you're beautiful." Without me **** near fishing.
It hurts.

And I don't know who to talk to.
Or what to do, but to continue dealing alone. As I have been.

I just want to love myself as much as I love my life
I just want to keep being happy
I just want to love myself.
And not be surrounded by so many people
Yet feel so alone.

I don't know who to talk to.
BeeRod Jun 2017
****** fingers type away
Searching through opportunities
To better my household.
To better myself.
Ad after ad
Application after application
Broken promises
A weakened heart.

****** fingers type away
Submission after submission
Racing onward
Yet standing still.
Broken shoes
Struggling to take the next step
But forcing myself.

****** fingers type away
I don't want to drown
I don't want you to drown,either
These fears, the fear of losing everything
This stress,the stress of having nothing
These duties,the duty to my sick kin
the fear of losing her
Since my father is already gone.
My heart is crying
I'm screaming
My fingers are tired
I'm tired.

But something is telling me to keep fighting.
My God is telling me to encourage myself.
To realize this is temporary
To realize my potential
To never give in
To use my head
It's a small,dim light.
But I see it.

My head may be spinning
My feet may be bruised
My heart may ache
And my fingers may be ******.

But nothing is placed on my shoulders that I cannot bear.
I have made correct decisions.
I am worthy.
I can do it.
And will lose nothing.
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