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Apr 2016 · 399
de ja vu
bd Apr 2016
i think this is fate, how we ended up meeting halfway. when i entered your bedroom for the first time my heart couldnt stop telling me ive seen this place. ive seen your face, ive seen your soul, this is de ja vu we have done this all before. i have looked for you in every love ive ever known. i have been searching for so long. i had given up and let my heart turn to stone, but then here you are. with your blue kyanite irises. i fall into your bed & fall into you & cease to worry about what time it is. what time is it? everything has gone silent. i am a constant contradiction, a tangling of wires. i am a god ****** forrest fire & i turn to ashes everything i touch. yet here you are in the midst of the flames feeding the fire & at the same time soaking it up. this is love. this is fate. i have seen this all before thats how i know none of this is fake.
Aug 2015 · 468
bd Aug 2015
Darling, you think deeply. You hold onto the wrongdoings of others so you can convince yourself you do no harm. Its quite the opposite love. Your hands are stained with blood as are mine. Your wrists run red and leave trails of white, all healed but still staring up at you in reminder of a time you wanted to feel numb. When you've run out of excuses why you haven't come back to me yet, just come, and I will be here.
bd Aug 2015
If you're going to take her from me, there are a few things you should know.
She likes her drinks with straws, even when she's not wearing any lipstick.
She is stubborn about the way she holds someones hands, it's funny.
She likes to be held close with no space in between never loosely draped over.
She will curse your name and wish you away but she's really only asking you to come back and stay.
When she thrashes in her sleep at night, its the demons chasing her again.
You have to gently wake her and tell her she's safe and tuck her back in.
Her love is better than crank.
I remember kissing her and feeling spunt for days and days and days.
And ******* it if you're going to take her from me for all that it's worth, just stay.
Because I didn't and that was my biggest ******* mistake.
Aug 2015 · 323
bd Aug 2015
even* life in all it's grandeur
simply can not mask
the overwhelming feeling
of hopelessness that washes over me
when I think of
Apr 2014 · 456
bd Apr 2014
& I think if you could flip through every page in my notebook from the last couple years, you'd see.
You'd see just how dreadful it is to be me.
How can you expect me to be perfect when I'm still in shambles from the past two lovers?
I can see that youre trying your best to glue me back together, but it's useless.
& so am I.
Jan 2014 · 735
from the bottom to the top
bd Jan 2014
There were moments when I didn't have anyone else. Not even myself, but I had you.

There were hours when the sunlight would burn the day away & I couldn't survive the cold of night.

There were days when I had nothing to say yet all the right words would flow from your lips like ocean waves.

There were weeks when my bones were stiffening & the sight of my scars were sickening.

There were months when I didn't care for watching myself bleed & a blade was non existent to me.

Through all the moments, hours, days, weeks & months I haven't even had a whole year with you but I know its you that I want.
& if I could count back every second & turn back the clocks I'd do it all over again with you, from rock bottom to the very top.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
bd Dec 2013
I am so anxious and paranoid that you'll leave me
I'll never hold another pair of hands if you do
If I can't die I won't be able to endure the emotions that devour me when I see you
All I do is sit in this cardboard box of a room & let the rain rot away the roof
& When memories, photographs, letters & words are all that remain
There is no hiding the truth
I am endlessly, unconditionally, helplessly in love with you

I never knew what it felt like to lose composure & then you said its over
Then, I knew
The reality of the situation hit me in the stomach like a ton of bricks
& Here I am on my knees again, beaten & bruised
Begging for you, like I always do
Like it makes any difference in the way you'll look at me afterwards
Like it makes any difference at all, I live to please you
My brain is rotting like the roof on this cardboard box of a room
My heart is stopping because I feel like I'm losing you
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
upside down
bd Dec 2013
you turned everything around
like starry days & sunny nights
like I'm leaving footprints on clouds
& the sidewalk is in the sky
the birds learned how to breathe underwater
& all the fish learned how to fly
everything is anything but normal
& I need to make things right
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
bd Nov 2013
I think that just the right amount of sunlight
can make anything look beautiful
that is, if you have the eyes for it
& lately im not sure anymore
I dont know if I belong here or there
I dont feel like I belong anywhere
besides in your arms
& back to the point I began with
the right amount of sunlight
came in this morning through the blinds
& shined itself right across your beautiful face
I got to watch you before you were even awake
Ive never found it so easy to smile
I wondered what im worth to you today
would you search for me, would you ****, would you pay?
because for you, I would walk to the ends of the earth
there isnt anything in the universe that youre worth
because baby,
youre priceless.
bd Oct 2013
Its the small things. Like the way I catch myself staring at you the same way a child stares at something unfamiliar & strange. I could use the same words to describe you & they would reign true but in all reality there are no words deserving of describing the love I have for you.

Its the small things like the way I just noticed that February is right around the corner. This could be my second chance to rekindle the flame I tried to make (in the rain) when I was too far away. But until then I'll keep you warmly wrapped in every sweater I own. The ones that you keep strewn about your room. & if your room wasn't messy & scattered (like my brain) it wouldn't feel like home.

Baby its the small things like the way you sleep by my side on Friday nights & how I've got your portrait framed & hanging in my mind. Its starting to get  colder now & I'm just figuring out that the only thing that matters is you & I. The world around us is irrelevant & played out. I could take you away, let me take you to a place where
Its all the small things that make you see, you & I, that's a forever thing.

(letters to her)
bd Oct 2013
I've wasted all the pages in my notebook trying to find the right words to say to you.
Its 12:39 a.m.
My eyes burn & my arm hurts but I refuse to sleep until I find the perfect words to explain how I wouldn't mind waking up every day to see the beautiful face I still crave.
After all this time...
My world still revolves around you & I know you know it.
I'm a fool for you & I'm not afraid to show it.
The sun will set & the moon will rise & leave just in time for morning to arrive.
Its a cycle & with each day that passes it makes the last ones seem so overdue.
Every page in my notebook
Every new morning
Every sleepless night
Belongs to you.
Oct 2013 · 822
but, are you really down?
bd Oct 2013
You were so high that you could barely walk. I know you missed those yellows so I let them swallow you whole. I carried you from the kitchen to grandma's chair & you slept there. You slept & slept while I kept watch over your heart.

I was always so paranoid someone would steal it. The same kind of paranoid I get when I smoke. You took a piece of me I could have sworn was already missing & showed me it was right under my nose.

Who knows? Maybe after all my time & effort, through good & bad weather I trust you to make things better & you can expect the same from me. I love you so much & I'm so sick of watching myself bleed.

I'm so sick of watching tears fall down your cheeks & knowing it's all because of me. In some sick sort of way when you left me I got stronger & I hated myself for not missing you as much as I thought I would.

Night time made me realize you are the hands I need to guide me out of the darkness & into the light. You are accidental poetry in the form of you being my source of life. Blood, sweat & tears are what will consume our years so I was wondering if you're up for it?
Oct 2013 · 803
2:46 a.m.
bd Oct 2013
What sickens me is the thought of another person touching you in the same places that I do - or did
Did I lose or did I win? I lost you & I'm praying I wont spend another cold winter alone with only a notebook & a pen

If what we had wasn't real then I must have been right, I've been sleepwalking through this desolate wasteland I call a life
Was I wrong or was I right? Is this an illusion or was our relationship a lie? I need to know you aren't giving up on us to be able to sleep at night

Its 2:46 a.m. & I can't get ahold of you, I can't make things right
Oct 2013 · 972
burned out
bd Oct 2013
What am I going to do?
I'm losing myself & I'm losing you too.
What are we going to do?
We were a candle with a bright burning wick but what are we now?
Has the flame burned out?
Maybe Im to blame, I know its a shame & I'm not proud.
There's nothing left of me & I'm not sure what you see,
When I'm just an old building that's been burned to the ground.
I'm not begging for you to stick around.
I wouldnt blame you if you hate it how youre never sheltered from the clouds.
But my foundation is stained with your footprints & these ashes would scatter in the wind to spell out your name.
I know its a shame & I'm not proud, I know id be selfish to ask you to stick around.
Sep 2013 · 793
bd Sep 2013
You were the first to teach me how to be alone
Waking up in the middle of the night
Only to discover you were not in the same spot I last saw
You weren't even home
Did you think you could hide forever?
Naïve but certainly not blind to the fact
I can see the monsters in your lungs
Pillow cases soaked with tears but still you said it'd get better
Not quite grown but surely old enough to know pain
Scars lined up neatly like pews in a church
Am I still the fresh faced child you were so proud to have known?
Are you proud to know now that you let me stumble & fall without a helping hand?
My silent screams will haunt your dreams & I hope you cry knowing my blood spills out
You were the first to let me know I'm better off on my own
& to always keep my expectations low
Or else I'd never make it through growing up alone
Sep 2013 · 527
or something like that
bd Sep 2013
Maybe it's fate
How my mom talks about you
Or how you collect your bus
passes just like me
Even though you only have two.

Maybe it's fate
How you fit so perfectly on a stage
While I'm not paying any attention to
anyone in the room
But you.


You are mine & maybe it's fate
But one thing is for sure
& that's time, so let's not waste it by
Arguing about arguments
It's fine.

I love you.
Sep 2013 · 937
bd Sep 2013
Its like I'm trapped underwater, desperate to surface for air.
I've got cinder blocks tied to my feet.
Frantic hands in search of your comfort but you're not there.
I want to scream for you but I know you won't be able to hear.
I'm seconds away from letting the depths swallow me, but I refuse to accept the end is near.
I know sometimes we both feel like were drowning when life gets to be too much.
Somehow we always seem to come to the surface eventually.
So don't leave please just stay the night.
Its cold underneath my sheets without you by my side.
Just stay with me please because I don't feel like drowning tonight.

— The End —