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Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The president won't tell me
What to do
The media won't tell me
What to think
The party won't tell me
How to live my life
I am the citizen of the Earth
My home is where the real people are
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Hold me in a strangeland
Between the turquoise sky
And endless brooding ocean
To the horizon we'll fly

With my electric dreams
And half forgotten self
Of your misty existence
Behind the door of Heaven
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Jump and stay aloft
In a lucid flow
Through the sky with birds
Humming childly words

Find your obscure self
In the same place where
Miracles begin
Show up and disappear

Pink walls built by those
Who had gone and frozen
Images of talent
In the shape of graves
Basil Rubin Dec 2019
'So amusing our life is
I laugh at people under debris
While beating my child to death
An alcoholic with a shuttered glass
My mind is a complete mess
Shut up if you are of different race
I pray to god and take no chance
In taking you freaks out of my glance
After the fight with my lovely wife
I'll go and read some yellow press
If you think I'm an imaginary stereotype
Go out and look around yourself'
The smog so hard I can't even breath
While saying how amusing our ******* life is
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Haunting thoughts
Whirling in my mind
Limping mockeries
A matter of time

The more life gives
The bigger my desire
To move somewhen back
And put my past on fire

Then I would let the ashes
Dance unconsciously with wind
While hot vigorous flashes
Drive away clouds from my dreams
Basil Rubin Dec 2019
Caustically reddened feelings
Open heart and shaking earings
Through the snowing of December
Cherries from the marble trees

I will pick them one by one
Dead and covered with the freeze
Through my head will harshly breeze
Dance with memories about you

Though I try hard to hang onto
Kisses doomed in a breast abyss
Leaves I think would never fall
From the maples after terrors
Of those terrifying years
Basil Rubin Dec 2019
Sweet found sharing tawny dolls
From the hands of merchants
Hands in steel cuffs off the shore
Gone to civilisation

Pots of gold and ***** glass
Filled with blood and ****
Beneath the raised free country flag
Hope you didn't miss

Sweet little children singing songs
In the night of Christmas
Under the tree they'll find these dolls
For years kids will play with them
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Since I saw you last
My world's been rolling up
With darkness

And only distant flirt of stars
Gives me the hope that some day
I'll see again you shining bright
Or at least catch the glimpse of eyes
That I dream of during the stormy night
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The hell with systems
The hell with rules
Created by arrogant
******-handed fools

Open your eyes
In the mid of the night
A desire to wake
Is what we all should fight

Fluffy snails who guide you
Through the forest of dreams
Dance with them in the air
Doors forbidden like winks
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Show me the way
Through the walls
In my mind
And when you do please stay
Despite all odds
With all your might
Today is the beginning of tomorrow
Let the problem of one person
Be the the problem of everyone
When we see the light we'll follow
The Blue bird will fly away soon
And all of us into the hands of the Sun
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
On the last flash of the world
I'll be standing by the grave
Thinking about how we sold
All the future days

How ****** capitalism
Ruined our lives and crushed the dreams
Whippings heard under the clouds
Forgotten names will give me creeps

I'll surrender to my fate
Too late for change then I would say
In the end of the Earth great
To other place we'll fly away
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Just look at the landscapes here
The grim sky touches the green and yellow trees
And this touch creates a shot of purple fire
I have to write it down
It's sad I don't know it's just a dream
If I did I'd stay here longer
But a train we're traveling in
Draws us into the world that's real
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The Sun is my father
The Earth is my mother
And I will repose upon her *****
In work we'll create a new land
In peace having buried the inevitable truths
The governments have been feeding us always
We who will never take the gun
They say you should ****
Your brothers and sisters with
We who respect the person
Whatever race or gender this person is
This is our mission in a temporarily
Messed-up world
To start living with understanding
And fill our minds with love
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The retching beauty
Of a masticated soul
An unstoppable fire
In the woods behind the wall

Wrong moves of an artist
lifelong screams of a riot
Dreamy land is our planet
We decide we should fight on

Moral apoplexy up on the screen
Much time for laughs and no time to think
Bout the confusion brought up by their sins
And 'bout the world we all will live in
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Black blood and dry skin
The freedom is collapsing
Then deadly reeking at our feet
Good bye our mirthless mother

And we did everything we could
For you to live and flourish
We planted bullets in school yards
Printed on our tanks was glory

We dedicated our songs
To your breast and your forceful limbs
But rarely to your soul
We could not know could not resist
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The long lost divine
Tell me how to walk on the Moon
Smooth happiness crushes my spine
Emptiness screams out of my body
And hides my soul
The only reason to believe
Is unnecessary travelling
The hammer touches my brain
Obsessions can't stop breaking in
Am I still alive the lost divine
Do I have to try to climb
The highest mountain of which
I've never seen the peak
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
It seems like my greatest weakness
I just walk around like a shadow
Nothing happened right?
Nothing really serious
Nothing to be worried about
Tell me why do you cry Son
The screams are so loud down here
I'm just gonna stay for a moment
Perhaps I'll never see you again
Indeed I am a shadow
Of the body that used to be me
I want to believe it's all for the best
I want to believe I'm finally free
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The real people aren't here anymore
They've been trapped into unconscious field
Of desperate illusions and they're fighting for
Made up ideas that for them seem real

This old player we used to watch our movies on
The sound of childhood in the music of a riot
Cold water in a glass with sugar at the bottom
And fragile life burned in eternal fire

Where is my island with the highest trees
The one with dancing people and beautiful land
Where as a child I always watched the crystals
Beside you lying on the lukewarm sand
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
No more life
Striding among colorful leaves
No more hope
That comes with the breeze

No more confidence
In tomorrow sun's brightness
Because I've lost you
And so goes the light
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
When the new Sun rises
And hatred is failed away
When one person's life will stop
Be an object of the trade

When we dream together of
Cruelties as stamps of sorrow
Them our hands will push away
As blank shadows of tomorrow

When we see as if one eye
Guides our free and loving minds
In the land of waving flowers
Yellow sands and clear blue sky
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
The filth is coming out
Nobody cares who's wrong and right
When our enormous plane is crushing
Into someone else's sky

Wrapped in a gentle comfort towel
Imagined by the hidden shadows
Newly-born screaming in a tower
Soon they'll get pockets filled with papers
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Hour of the Wolf
When bad things happen
In the land of madness
Inside ourselves

Say something different
Why did you come here
You're not supposed to
Just look at him

Unconscious desires
Don't let the dark blood
Flow into my brain
Don't let me fade away
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Creating asunder
You and me
From different planets
By different means

Hither and thither
Heading our trains
Another soul's lost
Between the wide lanes

Look at me funny stranger
Never seen you before
Just a glimpse of your eyes
Never will be with you
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Timorous reason
Crippled mind
Always with me
Desire to fly

Away with parrots
Chanting hymns
Of far-away lands
We have lived in

Time is up now
Time for the next
Immaculate life
To be morally blessed
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
You are what they say
Nothing more or less
**** exchange and pay
Don't try to be the light
In the jellied mess
Unspeakable fright
Buried people
September 1982
And their last loud cries
If you try to tell the truth
One day they will come for you
You are legend
If you see the eyes through
The walls of heartless and brutal

— The End —