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Basil Rubin Dec 2019
Caustically reddened feelings
Open heart and shaking earings
Through the snowing of December
Cherries from the marble trees

I will pick them one by one
Dead and covered with the freeze
Through my head will harshly breeze
Dance with memories about you

Though I try hard to hang onto
Kisses doomed in a breast abyss
Leaves I think would never fall
From the maples after terrors
Of those terrifying years
Basil Rubin Dec 2019
Sweet found sharing tawny dolls
From the hands of merchants
Hands in steel cuffs off the shore
Gone to civilisation

Pots of gold and ***** glass
Filled with blood and ****
Beneath the raised free country flag
Hope you didn't miss

Sweet little children singing songs
In the night of Christmas
Under the tree they'll find these dolls
For years kids will play with them
Basil Rubin Dec 2019
'So amusing our life is
I laugh at people under debris
While beating my child to death
An alcoholic with a shuttered glass
My mind is a complete mess
Shut up if you are of different race
I pray to god and take no chance
In taking you freaks out of my glance
After the fight with my lovely wife
I'll go and read some yellow press
If you think I'm an imaginary stereotype
Go out and look around yourself'
The smog so hard I can't even breath
While saying how amusing our ******* life is
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
On the last flash of the world
I'll be standing by the grave
Thinking about how we sold
All the future days

How ****** capitalism
Ruined our lives and crushed the dreams
Whippings heard under the clouds
Forgotten names will give me creeps

I'll surrender to my fate
Too late for change then I would say
In the end of the Earth great
To other place we'll fly away
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Black blood and dry skin
The freedom is collapsing
Then deadly reeking at our feet
Good bye our mirthless mother

And we did everything we could
For you to live and flourish
We planted bullets in school yards
Printed on our tanks was glory

We dedicated our songs
To your breast and your forceful limbs
But rarely to your soul
We could not know could not resist
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
It seems like my greatest weakness
I just walk around like a shadow
Nothing happened right?
Nothing really serious
Nothing to be worried about
Tell me why do you cry Son
The screams are so loud down here
I'm just gonna stay for a moment
Perhaps I'll never see you again
Indeed I am a shadow
Of the body that used to be me
I want to believe it's all for the best
I want to believe I'm finally free
Basil Rubin Nov 2019
Just look at the landscapes here
The grim sky touches the green and yellow trees
And this touch creates a shot of purple fire
I have to write it down
It's sad I don't know it's just a dream
If I did I'd stay here longer
But a train we're traveling in
Draws us into the world that's real
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