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Barton D Smock Sep 2016
we know he’s sick. ya body, ya body.

an angel of nonsense, this dying…

to memorize…

/ I will say to the maker of doors

your mother
gave birth
standing up
Barton D Smock Dec 2016
[magic pills]

a doll taped to a skateboard. you get the idea.  mirror for doghouse, nest for traffic light.


/ boredom, falling short
in a mom’s
child / I understood

your movie / is there a meal


prepares, or a less

psalm / a taller me

where ovens

[scrap chapel]**

a black tire, the bed
of the fisherman’s
crow- death and guilt


same dream, same bear-

the afterlife of god

– tree of more
Barton D Smock Sep 2014
the room is no longer
the sick

our guest is discovered to be a lack of absence.  

here and there,
astronauts prefer
to earthbound.  

it wasn’t until I was reincarnated that I began eating animals.

I knock on a baby’s head, a light knock,
the someone home
will need
your voyage.  

lakeside, we forgive
the lone thought
as if the thought
is as alone
as the one

     visible only
to the orphan
beside her clothes

does not
Barton D Smock Jun 2015
when I think about you

I don’t
Barton D Smock Jul 2016
some eyeless thing eating for none

a volunteer
to snipe
the crucified

appetite’s bedsore

a baby taking up for a chicken
Barton D Smock Oct 2014
in the only finished scene
of my father’s

a tin woman
eats a cricket
before a paltry
of children
in spirit
to distinguish
an aerobic

from a cerebral

Barton D Smock Dec 2015
how far we are
from soup
when mother
burns her tongue
to convince
they had

the mime and the mute
the same

we love her so much
we use our brains
as often
as baby

first base is a landmine.

there’s nothing to say
we weren’t
Barton D Smock Jun 2014
by the parting
and not
by the red
of the sea

my mind goes
to the same place
to be unique.  

it is here
I worship your son
even as he models
for the father
I’m not.

as for my own

I am his memory

of where he put
the earth.
Barton D Smock Nov 2015
in the creek of tomato silence
where my father saw
what it was
could not eat
there lives
a tiny whale
by emptiness
Barton D Smock Jul 2012
I was dreaming of you kissing me just softly between my eyes
and of children chasing a lamb around the silence of a grave.* – Alex Hoshor

I comb one hand with the other. beside me my son moves his jaw front to back, his chin massaging the ridge in the skull of our new puppy. we are snug in a velvet chair. my groomed right hand was last week reset by an accidental flash of fire and to look at it now makes one think of snakes veining then leaving the earth.

I fear I may soon have to field the proffered inquiries of angels lobbying for a pet heaven. I fear that fear is just something we say.

     the dust on my daughter’s dollhouse worries me. disuse worries me. these small shoes on step at the dollhouse door.

it is the simplest thought that it could’ve been my boy, my girl, at flame. but enough that sleep of late seems cat nap to its greater insomnia.

     awake, a mob of naked children some saying excuse me move gently past or leap the car or belly under. I walk from it slowly as if I am pregnant or as if in front of me one is pregnant. I lose my foot on the discarded handle of an axe and lose my way thinking it is the found arm of a puppet. I know I am bare because suddenly there is sand in my toes and the pregnant women are here to sunbathe. it’s the gas can tells me turn back.

how long have we been friends? the length of my belt, bed of copper or garden, removed with my left hand and laid.
Barton D Smock Nov 2015
in one room
a light is on
in another


I live with my parents
hymn to mouth
by hand
to the language
of vicarious


gender peasantry
is about
to become

a thing


mom, dad

I don’t think there’s world enough left to be quiet in


my bad hearing
I take it
with me
Barton D Smock Jul 2013
a chicken with its head cut off
takes part in a melodrama
fit for a swan


both halves of my daughter
live thinking they are survived
by the other


mall nuns.

just nuns
taking a shortcut.


my daughter uses a pencil
when pretending
to smoke.  

nesting failure

makes her sad.


I spend my days seeing things.

as if
youth is a museum


poverty isn’t
Barton D Smock Jul 2012

horrors of the gentle;
a list.


in a son's grocery.

all things tower.


I am weak but only for you.
I am weak but only for you.


if your only fear is that you will be eaten
you are not



the mirror's
most fervent
has no face

and in these last hours
has no face.


perfectly round
the muscle
that slides
from its arm.


state your grounds

for burial.


a scroll, flat.  or a tongue.  


an elephant can be opened
with the tusk
of another.

its belly can accommodate
most families.


the under-shepherds

the train

cannot lift
a single crow.


what one takes for god's coat

is probably
just a moth.


my house
is your

          and death its own angel.
Barton D Smock Jun 2014
was the angry
to recite
the warning
at the end
of a drug

the thinking behind this was sound.
the side effect of this thinking

gave the punk
a tenderness
to his voice
none expected
his mothers

to notice.

it wasn’t exactly the voice of god
but from a god-like stupor
came god

to his son
who was his
and the punk

Barton D Smock Mar 2013
at thirteen years of age she began seeing single.  I report this from my own dream of becoming a priest.  as her father, I can prove her first twelve years were skillfully copied by boys and girls alike.  as her mother, I am so so lonely.
Barton D Smock Oct 2016
from crow
to anthill
the thing
that’s there

telescope, craft your grief

god is what
if all
Barton D Smock Sep 2016
being alone never hurt anybody.  I ask online about a coat hanger.  in person about a stork.  symbolism is dead.  it’s not that kind of garden.
Barton D Smock Aug 2012
stood up
by his thoughts
Barton D Smock Mar 2015
one of my eyes
is my father’s

says anonymous

a blood
is not
the baby
the angel

says mother

into moral
the hands
you bring
are dry.  says hers

Barton D Smock Oct 2013
in the tomb of my father’s influence
a single
****** on
juice box.

     assigned seating
in biology class
a giant     a boy
beside the me
most grotesque
and we share
a model
heart     as a found
of gum.

in cafeteria I am untouched
as a tray of food     I fraternize
with my new name     jovial
Barton D Smock Dec 2016
I *** cigarettes
from the butcher
gave boredom
a fat

/ death has been trying to guess my age
Barton D Smock Dec 2013
he arrived from work at a normal hour and made a sound.  she called the cops by mistake.  she put the spout of the tea kettle in her mouth.  he watched her cry and went to bed.  the sound he’d made was so weak that when the time came she assumed he’d come home late.  she kept it to herself and stepped on a scale.  he joined the army and watched a soldier toss and turn.  she gained weight in her sleep while he commented sensibly on the loss of his uniform.  apart from the occasional mourner, no one went outside to ***.
Barton D Smock Nov 2016
when I say church
she says
then admits
it wasn’t
her first

was church
Barton D Smock Jun 2014
I use god to spy on the gifts he gave me.  youth is a type of wheelchair.  I can see my facebook page and the back of my mother’s head.  I talk so fine my baby talk is for show.  memories are like animals, not made.  my father is happy one of two dogs has learned to shake.  I can look at my hand for hours and not forget its name.  hand.
Barton D Smock Aug 2015
I can trigger
in my sleep
the beauty
I’m made
to return.
Barton D Smock May 2016
it takes illness
three seasons
and absence

to go

explain to my ghost

how my son
has two-

there will be other kids

a weaker
doorbell, a dog

as we fry
in church-
Barton D Smock Jan 2015
I have just had it written down for me how I am not classically racist.  I am alone.  I am brief stay of bullet.  god is using each hair on my head to scribble on my son’s thought process.  when I think of crab legs I think in color of the lightning bolt it snows inside.  I miss mom.  gospel, gospel that I hang these rags for invisible crows.
Barton D Smock Feb 2016
there is only one creature
doesn’t know
how long it had

to destroy
the world
Barton D Smock Oct 2014
on doctor’s orders, the girl forgets herself by allowing the water to turn her baby brother into a prune.  mother tells father that god has spoken and that the man in the house is not a cop.  the girl has seventeen sisters to which the man has brought the seventeen boys from town voted most likely to have teeth a year from now.  the mark has begun to fade like parents after ***.
Barton D Smock Jul 2018
while jumping
on those
not postponed
by thunder
Barton D Smock Aug 2018
Q: what is a ghost?

A: you have a mom and god finds out
Barton D Smock Aug 2018
you have to count them quickly

the bite-marks on my son’s arm


either you touch a goldfish
or become
a dentist


does it matter whose dream
my mouth is


make art and make it empty. god has run out of room.
Barton D Smock Aug 2018
it gave me nightmares, from mating call to church bell, that air conditioner in our third floor window. thematically, the poor are closer to death. my people don’t move. god is where you left him. god where I put.
Barton D Smock Aug 2018
as you do not struggle to recall the titles of those empty sermons we composed while biking uphill after our sister’s head, I tell you that a baby eats like jesus in a haunted house and that dad was right the lawnmower dies because it knows where in the yard his mom was deep enough to bury doll and I deny that hibernation is real

(is more a ghost started by two wise men dressed as animals
Barton D Smock Dec 2012

in a letter to my son:

     there is only so much knowledge I can stand.

in his letter back:

     I was finally able to draw a mouth.  I drew first a box, then lied.


a gutted refrigerator rocks in a junkyard.

either the door has jammed, or she

is pregnant.


when silent prayer came into fashion
my daughter said her first word
and told me
what it was.



they were Mr. and Mrs. Nothing

and eloped.
Barton D Smock Mar 2015
to heal her father, she asks me to brush her hair.  she promises that when I’m done she’ll not only show me the scab but also remove it so I can see where her batteries go.  the knots in her hair are ungodly.  she says to leave them.  she says she can get any cat to come inside.  ******* is new to me.  I almost announce aloud that I must look often like I am trying to get a pair of scissors to eat snow.
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