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Barton D Smock Aug 2016
a tacklebox in a prison yard

a wasp
from scarecrow’s
childhood, also


the forgetful native
to absence
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
a collarless dog fetching a grounded kite

trauma’s original boredom

the search parties
wind and blood
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
acolytes of the short leash, light

has more
to say
than god / think of me

as a hand
from a haunted
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
a smallness
that skips
a brain

a stuffed creature from god’s cage


sickness, the second person to forget my dream
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
the water here, brother, is flat. drinkable when it weeps.

what you hear is a mom moving her baby.

god / you can switch
him off
like a bug
in a coffin.

I saw yesterday
your daughter’s

I saw today something using its gums
to open a briefcase
and something else
its teeth
to crack
a beetle.
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
in more
than two
I’ve been
towel dried
by a father
whose baby
was given
a brick
for sounding
/ scrapegoat

this word
at mirror’s
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
by the time the robots believe in god, some of us want to be here. Misty keeps ripping her clothes off to make us think she’s cutting herself. I am not in love with her.

my son
his stomach
is a nightmare

Misty says making it hard is like pulling ticks from an owl. Misty says it is up to us to find the woman carrying the statue of her frozen brother.

a. act like a baby, not an indian
b. eat the way eating was born
Barton D Smock Aug 2016
to the man whose face can do things mine cannot, I give my son.  

silence has no creator.  pictures

of god
don’t sell.
Barton D Smock Sep 2016
the boy
in another

marks again
its territory

grief beds sorrow, sorrow’s

dream only
of discovered
Barton D Smock Sep 2016
the ******, day one:  I have every photo I’ve ever been in.  mom is a wreck.  her and the dogcatcher keep mailing each other the same knife.  death worries it will be made to visit the ghost it promoted.  dad lets christ use the oven.  I can’t get over this idea I have.  an entire language to mask a word.
Barton D Smock Sep 2016
hunger is a clock devoured by worship

the rabbit hole
Barton D Smock Sep 2016
“Everyone you see
lives somewhere.
How is this done?”* - Franz Wright

I am wearing a bomb and she is wearing a bomb.  we are going to the same empty place.
Barton D Smock Oct 2016
to spoonfed

three teeth
if that
into ceremony / how early

one must be
to not
Barton D Smock Sep 2016
we’ve had trouble conceiving an ugly child.  the stray will come back when it wants to play dead.  name the third mother in Solomon’s nightmare.  places I’ll never be

I’ll vanish
Barton D Smock Oct 2016
in the not
of deserving


the mother’s

are coming

to observe
Barton D Smock Oct 2016
I had a doll
kept me
from believing
in sunburn, ideas

for the same
Barton D Smock Oct 2016
I had the longest dream

you were there and mom
was in your head

our pets had all gone blind

dad was bathing
a baby jesus
in the basket
of a bike

I began to forget
things, the toy

that ate
its young
Barton D Smock Oct 2015
for Kazim Ali*

two sons
share a pencil
then trade
ghost plate
for alien
Barton D Smock Jul 2012
made not
into a fisher
of men
my father
pushed off
in the little boat
of his wound-

so filled
the weeping bowl
of my mouth.
Barton D Smock Apr 2015
for Brian Dawson*  

to me
was any
my father

to know.
Barton D Smock Jul 2012
your brother slips in the shower, and then down the drain.  friends, with other friends, get on a plane.  your mother calls.  she is angry that you’re not angry about not being made to scale.  you say into a curtain- one piece of red cake please.  today, you will make it to the top of a baseball bat.  father will make a little promise below his arthritis.  your wife will make you happy.  she will say happy birthday- it’s a model of the city you wanted to drink in.
Barton D Smock Jul 2012
said they had seen my father waving his arms and that he’d been eating something raw because it was on his lips and he was a different man. said that many were screaming their mouths onto the windows of the subway or dropping their heads between the legs of weak children as if they were to carry on command bowling ***** to the sober dammits. said they and said they so early my ear I had to put it on the table next to a spoon my father used quietly last week everyday of it. began god his forgiving of bears being seen downtown and began I to get very hungry to hear my father mock blowing mock broth to keep it in the bowl.
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