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Feb 2017 · 172
entries for pedestrians
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
the future sees itself as a man unable to be forgiven in an Ohio of pawn shops and nakedness
Feb 2017 · 89
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
a man enters the dark to say blind is beautiful but he doesn’t die there. the sick child

a dream unable to sleep
Feb 2017 · 111
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
[entries for meaning]

/ the past can’t do this anymore

/ the brainwashed narrator of my absence
he will not explain
to snow

/ she will not sleep

with it
that says
for word
I am my mother’s
of the male


[entries for transformation]


is there blood in something born outside,

a history that works in one ear?


time touches nothing. is the *** of my bruise

/ a scar


[entries for children]

remember, it is dark and memory is god painting with the blood of those he would create
Feb 2017 · 201
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
alerts god
I’m not
Feb 2017 · 68
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
to it that hawks the mirror’s television, eating is the oldest trick in the book.

the ghost of my clone

/ does death
get the message
Feb 2017 · 120
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
most days it would try not to look at its clothes. there was the night it spent at a friend’s house where it puked in the bathroom and spoke to the glass door of a dryer. where it saw it swore a mousetrap catch only the pregnant mice. where it heard from a wall the names of those against making a ******* from a smashed spider.

year baby was the year the strippers fled tanks and were later shot safely from cannons. the year it suspected déjà vu of bringing food to the same stomach.
Feb 2017 · 111
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
I am a boy because of the boy who killed my family. she wears a swimsuit designed by a hole.  we eat together these fireworks in the mouth of a frog.  our gargoyles worship food coloring.  our father for a living disguises his mother’s roof.  his mother speaks to the animal animals don’t.
Feb 2017 · 145
entries from the wreckage
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
as a word, plot seems artificially unaware of its absence from a book of baby names.

online, abandonment needs a vacation.


comes home to a punching bag in a treehouse. to a breathing machine being fixed by a marsupial. to a son talking himself down from cooking-show fatigue. to a clockmaker’s lab rat

putting a spell
on a boat.
Feb 2017 · 145
now thru the end of March
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
I have a privately self-published chapbook {BASILISK} that I am making available for free from now through the end of March by request only. if interested, one can provide me with a physical mailing address via message here or to

as my brothers tie me to the world, the mailing of the chapbook will also include a short work by one NC Smock, one of said brothers.
Feb 2017 · 105
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
before violence can celebrate the sleep that got away,
Feb 2017 · 111
entries for hope
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
they will begin to think you’ve lost them. a mirror will go to prison for harboring the invisible cyclops that discovered how to miss the trace nakedness leaves. a rabbit’s foot will pray from inside a crushed hat. and the land will be flat because a hill stopped filming.
Feb 2017 · 162
ark and herd
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
dreams my dialect coach never had. birth and the boring outcomes of immediacy. oh grief, the first to mourn the fast learner. it’s your story, but you can’t name it resurrection, your spacecraft, without considering the mortality of your audience. I sleep crooked while watching ugliness. I love my brother like a leg but he brings to choir exit music for nomads. what does god think of the future? we carry the virus that killed our ghost.
Feb 2017 · 171
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
I am looking for the mark on my body that will tell me how near I was to you when I fell asleep. we can’t know where touch has been. the third animal to which I pray

was it always
Feb 2017 · 133
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
“you are the secret watching the private act”
– from Citi, by RA Washington

ruins are for playing tricks on the past and god is the mugshot newborns love. hand is smaller than the hand it knows of. I am here for the nudes of the amateur basilisk. look at me when I exist.
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
you’re not small enough to be alone in the world.

old ghost-brain
gets a bike.
Feb 2017 · 156
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
easy on the eyes, her parents

in the white-haired dream of stroke’s snowfall

her other, the apple-diver gone AWOL from the priesthood

her twin, tapped out
of being

the grey bullfrog
god of her brother’s

what else

a fat kid
how he won’t
hang himself,

a sleeping bag
on the topmost
Feb 2017 · 278
Barton D Smock Feb 2017

a brother
on the roof
with his raft

and the white mouse
his baby
like a bottle


the coming
of radar’s
crow, the lights

of illegible
Feb 2017 · 178
a letter, silent
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
a letter, silent

dropped by a word
into window’s

cot, diving board, empty pool. southernmost


for earpiece.


her headless
Feb 2017 · 107
after the poem
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
the point
was to describe
to the image.

to go
in sleep
from bear
to bombed
Feb 2017 · 145
mousing (for RA Washington)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
history doesn’t repeat itself so much as curse the language it just learned. this is their there. escapist fare for those still fleeing. and I thought my hands were loud. one headset per foster home. shadow envies prayer. prayer has lice and ghost

a bathroom for both dreams.
Feb 2017 · 170
keening (xxiii)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
to the man who enters this poem looking for a gun. to the woman whose animals pray. to the giant with a memory like a model airplane. to the boy burying his sister’s ****** nose. to the bottle-fed scarecrow. to the dollmaker on the bridge and to the doll-god of country eggshell. to the possum and to its babies in my brother’s ballcap. to god’s only with god’s disabled. to a shadow’s early work.
Feb 2017 · 200
keening (xxii)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
killing the firstborn is so yesterday. let’s be lonely. maternity leave for clowns. ant farms on airplanes.
Feb 2017 · 137
keening (xxi)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
having one word for my voice, I would read to death from the book death borrowed. my armpits were those of a mannequin thrown from a horse. I gave no birth. I ate what I could of the kidnapper’s dream. upside down fish. crippled fish. boatloads of black sheep

by the eclipse.
Feb 2017 · 135
keening (xx)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
that, or a seven day vigil for the one he destroyed
Feb 2017 · 154
keening (xviii - xix)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017

I am the least, no

I am

look what they’ve done
to the lightning, dad

to your scarecrows, mom

all the toilets were in the trees
the trees were taller
a flat

the ****, roadkill

was on
the moon


a chicken with two heads. a burning bush. a cane only a dog could love. a barber whose hair, nevermind. an arm cast bearing the hangman’s faded autograph. invisible milk

and the nothing you bring to my godless poems.
Feb 2017 · 136
wizardry & abuse
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
by the ear

I’ll not

Feb 2017 · 145
no meaning
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
give death a sign. pumpkin seeds to the weatherman holding his throat.  nostalgia a reason to *******.  a gas mask to goliath.
Feb 2017 · 161
keening (xiv-xvii)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017

/ seen shoving a burnt doll into a book return

the nobody


puppets for dental hygiene

the animal
on auto


the overmedicated bear cub

and the jawbone
from snake’s

/ driven by flower

this moving
of loss


orphaned by imagery,

the vision

is a non

ghost? my one

for boredom’s
Feb 2017 · 145
keening (xiii)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
pain had a son whose right hand became the receiver of a jailhouse telephone. whose left remained a seashell. pain’s wife a daughter whose shadow became a puppet when she’d floss.
Feb 2017 · 123
keening (xii)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
I was still new
to the angel
when I reached
into the deer
for the baby

mom looked for a large moth
to stick
with a fork, brother

made to strangle
a coat
Feb 2017 · 118
keening (xi)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
the man lives in his car and his children live in a store that’s out of everything. his dog has forgotten how to eat. things are on what any good god would call a collision course. he shows me **** photos he says he can’t look at until he knows for sure that the people in them are somewhere naked. he wants me to work on writing with a sense of place. not me, he says. move grief.
Feb 2017 · 168
keening (x)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
this was in my dream. and this. and she was there and she has two kids, a boy and a girl, and a husband, there he his, who’s killed himself. I kept saying, after every thought, behold. went home with a woman who insisted she was born pregnant. slept like a wolf addicted to car alarms. saw the saddest foodfight.
Feb 2017 · 130
keening (ix)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017
I imagine it puts a hole in a demon, this combing of underwater things to protect the toenails of painted men. mom is this void the last of its kind?
Feb 2017 · 157
keening (iv thru viii)
Barton D Smock Feb 2017

flashcards for women in labor. predictions for memory. sheep.

the hidden breads of snow.


history is not a person. these are the kids it tried to name.


elevator country. the hangings of nothing pregnant. baby knows a shadow that knows a shadow can tell a map what to do. can get a small library to carry books on men eating men in the right bathroom. baby is here for trying to stay. its tongue came out that way, stuck to its nose. a moral choice on behalf of its mother whose water we drank blind.


I was having trouble remembering my dreams so I began to see someone who wasn’t. my demeanor was approachable, he said, but cerebral. he said we were in unfamiliar territory. he asked me if I’d mind looking at some pictures he’d forgotten to draw. jokes of the trade, he said. the first few dreams I think were his and were probably so by design. the two scarecrows, witch-hunt and crucifixion, came soon enough but were paired wrongly as husband and wife. their little klutz.


I thought it was a movie about dancing and you thought it was a movie about the devil. our feet were warm. remember the alarm? worlds to which none were added.
Jan 2017 · 246
keening (iii)
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
I wash my own body. put behind me the death of outhouse slapstick. a dog is barking at a tractor. an older dog, wearing sunglasses, lets the baby do whatever. only some of these churches are mine.
Jan 2017 · 130
keening (ii)
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
notes will be notes from when I was alive. all men, amen. oh infant, teacher of spiders. the future of adult bookstores. yes they are dreams and yes they go to church. lose a finger, it becomes a ghost. a paw and the children think maybe their mom is having a mother. I’ll sleep with anyone. doctors each from the birth of my past. animals denied the policing of crow.
Jan 2017 · 182
keening (i)
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
a week ago, sister bled to death on a rocking horse. today is the short memory of our pig farming father and the suicide of the knife-thrower’s surgeon.
Jan 2017 · 117
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
the dollhouse needs a second bathroom and those responsible for the film I’m watching have nowhere to hang the astronaut
Jan 2017 · 99
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
as violence
might recall

gospel, I wear

a mask
and poke
your baby’s

forget beauty, ah

/ the description of a monk in the notebook of a nun
Jan 2017 · 414
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
memory selects its future and trauma stops to eat. we are in the Ohio of dieting apparitions.  oh, some cigarette made to last.  a buried joystick.
Jan 2017 · 177
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
two birthmarks

temporary, one


when god
was young
Jan 2017 · 431
cry shape
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
it comes up in conversation how his dogs, ******* and ******, were killed during a bout of baby-proofing. biters both; like mirror their mother. she is only god in that we sent her a son. he says this, and also this: the act of swimming is a creature that comes to my knees. we bring him the raccoon. no raccoon, no moon.
Jan 2017 · 213
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
angel: I know

my son’s
is lower
than pork, that suicide

means god
has a say
in how
we’re prepared…

also, that above
the lake
in which
my father

a strange
there flies

a burning
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
rain notes

I go through a whole pack of candy cigarettes while listening to my father shower with his clothes on. the bedroom window is stuck and sister is on the roof. I can’t move. mom is my dream of suicide

a generation. thunder my gutted church.


the shrinking

the ugliness
of horse
by deer


curfew, pregnancy, dream-

this plan
to stop


I occur only to the animal that wants to die
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
the age of my exit wound

the order
in which
we die
Jan 2017 · 166
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
I king my scalp with smoke-damaged eggs. a man is here from the church of predictable witness. each sound is worse than the last.
Jan 2017 · 275
passage notes (ii)
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
it treats the paintball injuries of contagious dogs. dry-humps to the sobbing of saint visitation. its sister delivers her own snowball in the binoculars of a man with a limp and a finite supply of plastic lawnmowers. I learn about its town from a poster meant to attract what’s never left. this is where I go to look like I’m here.
Jan 2017 · 160
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
/ not that I have two birds
but that I ask
for the stone

/ nothingness
for space
Jan 2017 · 325
brother notes (ii)
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
I think of the wind. how all it can do is ask for mercy. do you know my mom? my sister? my daughter has a pet that disappears when famous. sadness has no opposite.
Jan 2017 · 158
the angel of memory
Barton D Smock Jan 2017
its child

and *******

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