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Angie Dec 2010
I cried myself to sleep last night,
these tears are all I have.
I cried myself to sleep last night,
you held my heart in your hands.

Everything happens for a reason,
is this part of the plan?
Maybe I'll recover
or else be forced to move on.
My heart is ripped in two again,
and she holds the bigger half.

There is a major fear
of which I seem to have,
a fear of true love,
and a fear of where I've been.
It's sort of been a problem
that I've had right from the start.

The people in my past,
who have hurt me the most,
are the people in my future,
to haunt me like a ghost.

The plan was working perfectly,
until I fell for you.
But the memories were stronger,
they made me come unglued
Angie Nov 2010
open arms and broken hearts,
black hair dye and leather seats,
long days barely out of reach,
I don't know if you still feel it,
but maybe you can believe it.

Blond hair and blue eyes,
Lots of laughing and a warm embrace,
seeing your face again
sent a shock through my brain,
it's been so long that you've been gone
Angie Nov 2010
Broken glass in smaller cracks
walking down the street, for the meet
get ready to say god-night,
there's no more time to fight.

Speak the words and close your eyes
you're the only one who can decide,
running for your life, 'less you wanna die
so get ready to say good-night
there's no more time to fight
Angie Jun 2010
Pretend for just a minute, love,
pretend that you cared.
Would you tell me that you love me,
and you'll wish that I was there?
Would you hold me in your arms,
maybe play with my hair?

And even though I know it's not true,
I'd eat it all up, because it's from you.

Pretend for just a minute, dear,
pretend that you cared.
Would you wrap your arms around me,
and say that it's all right?

Because that's what I really want,
that's what I really need...

— The End —