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434 · Mar 2015
i am plastic
barghest Mar 2015
i lay on my bed at night and i stare up at those little plastic stars on my celing

i see you in them
                    i see me in them

you shine so bright and you are the light i look towards

                     but i am recyclable plastic

i tell myself that you dont need me anymore, that you have them now.
       i am so angry that you left me
well you didnt actually, but i feels like it
     these impaired chemicals in my brain make my emotions overexaggerated
       im trying to be happy but i cant let it go
you dont mention me                        
in your posts anymore
                                            im sorry
                                          i love you
we still talk but not as much
319 · May 2015
wow i love you
barghest May 2015
im smiling so much
   and i cant stop
im a little nervous because i feel like im going to mess this up
   but i know it's going to be okay because its you

******* i love you
im going to mail you my sweater soon !
231 · Mar 2015
barghest Mar 2015
oh my god you still love me

— The End —