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Kendra Nov 2019
You will remember the poem from your childhood
The one that says sticks and stones will break my bones...
But your words will never hurt me...
Well it's not true
The words hurt more than the stones
The worst words are the words let go
Let go he doesn't love you
Let go she's gone
Let go
Let go
Let go
I'm gone
I've drifted off
Into the sky
They place where words can't reach me
And the pain is not so high
Kendra Nov 2019
Everyone can be a clown
The people who present as clowns
At the circus
At a birthday party
Or in public
They all have secrets
They all have a dark memory
Some more than others
Some of them have been abused
Some have been scarred
But you will never know
You will only see a funny
Lovable person
Under that makeup
A clown is a person
They will want to be loved
So don't you discourage
And make them feel as though they are not worthy
Make them feel loved
Loved as loved could ever be.
Kendra Nov 2019
The sky is the only escape
It is an escape from the pain that I feel inside
The sky keeps me sane
It quietly says
The pain you feel now is temporary
And will soon go away
Kendra Nov 2019
Told to smile be and to be happy,
but, why?
My sadness won't hurt you
you only care for I have told you
if I had not said a word you would not have noticed
so why now pretend as you worry?
Is it only because people are looking?
Is it only because people can see?
I know as soon as everyone is gone
you will stop "caring"
So stop pretending
Find someone who will care

— The End —