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Oct 2013 · 402
My feelings
Bambi Oct 2013
I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel. I focus on the pain; the only thing thats real.

~ Jonny Cash

I wish that sometimes I can really show myself, without being questioned.

I want to speak my mind, without being blocked or suffocated.

What have I become. My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in thee end.

~ Jonny Cash

I know right when I publish this people question, still I wont go and unpost.
I feel as if left raveled, taken together, question in a box.

Yet again I must be questioned.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades

roll by dragging my decaying body behind it.

Im to young to drive away.

Im to afraid to run.

What will happen when I get home today?

I question myself, I order myself.

It is killing me not to speak.

Yet I must remain quiet.
I am sorry, for I must remain concealed.

You did raise me right.

You did treat me well.

Its me.

Beneath the stains of time. The feelings disappear. You were someone else I am still right here.
~ Jonny Cash
Oct 2013 · 263
Bambi Oct 2013
I feel this may be the beginning, the beginning through the end.

I feel of nothing.

Theres is nothing to fear, to wilt, to hide from.

Thus a care has not been given from others to me.

I am alone.

A dark room filled with light.

Depressed and sorrow tis me.

I shun the needs and wanting.

I wait.

A window brings in the sun and thus the moon.

I feel of no reason to smile.

I want to hide the fact of facing any fear of mine.
Oct 2013 · 563
Nightmares alive.
Bambi Oct 2013
May ye slumber to be appeased.

Till they awaken.

Thus sleep into a deep trans.

For ye to ****.

Goodnight, goodnight, sweet dreams, goodnight.

Don't let ye ****.

Don't allow ye to feast.

Fall into a coma, fight for thy live.

As thus nightmares come to life.

Good night, goodnight.

Come to life, come to life.
Oct 2013 · 522
Bambi Oct 2013
A ancient man of up to date, in search for his rugous body to expire. Very sapient, in a low spoken tone. Blackening, lusterless, tone of green eyes hazed behind his glass dome to in which seeks a luminous view. Thus being no longer youthful, such man twas engraved as my forefather. 
  Tis of thy ancestor hair a majestic, ash, of none of thee less than one inch grown out of his marble shaped, sphere, crown. Scars are thee faded memories, thus he shall not keep them in mined nor heart.
Oct 2013 · 324
One little spark
Bambi Oct 2013
Set me on fire watch me burn.
Carry the water that would put me out of the death line and drink it.                                         
                                                             ­  ­     Laugh from the success in ******.
Cry for the charges.
                                                        ­     ­         
                                                                You tied me to a tree,

glazed me in gasoline,                                
you made a spark

turn into a flame.
Oct 2013 · 542
A cats mind.
Bambi Oct 2013
Meow meow meow, meow meow.




Oct 2013 · 506
Tis love?
Bambi Oct 2013
Tis love?
A happy, gleaming full, heart warming world?
A melancholy, oppressing, shunning full world?
Love shan't be thee second on my list of wonders; yet the first.
Bambi Oct 2013
I am tired yet to say, however I am astonished by the graceful sun rays that blind my eyes from its roaring beauty. 
I may feel pain, though I feel free as the wind rolling to and fro.
I want a better night slumber, although I want every day to be the same for me to rise from my coma to walk past the rest of the tragedy, melancholy life's influencing me to do bad as i do good.

I am, I feel, I want.

TO MRS. JACOBS <3 <3 <3
Oct 2013 · 306
Bambi Oct 2013
One drop led to thee end of me. 

One douse was all I had left. 

One tear ran through my blank face.

One pill left.

One of me on the floor. 

One drop of blood hit the cold, dark tile.

One little happiness was all I had; to know that the pain is almost over.
Oct 2013 · 332
A day of relief
Bambi Oct 2013
A day of relief...

Her vulnerable body lay still, on a bed of pedals. Wilting flowers crumbled under the pool of blood around her. Dead. No one saw the pain in her eyes, the death that has occurred. She died with a smile, a tear, a mind finally in peace. The harmony  of the piano was perfect exit of her life; the tears of loved ones are released at the funeral. Her spirit watches over screaming to the mourning, asking them why they are crying, her death is a miracle not a tragedy... My death is a miracle, not a tragedy.
Oct 2013 · 283
A lifetime
Bambi Oct 2013
In a life time I wont do as expressed ,yet I remain to feel faint. A world of sorrow; regret is what I live by. Sunshine rises for everyone to hide in the dark shade and let there wants lift, as others needs fade. My life as a view to others is a sad, melancholy, very dark life to live. Of coarse I won't live my life out to the fullest, because i'm afraid of the people in the journey of a life time.
Bambi Oct 2013
Words have taken over my life. They control me. I am alone. I am afraid. I have been bullied. Years. Beaten with words. Hated with words. Betrayed. Stabbed. Doubt traced it's way to my mind and soul. I am infected. Not loved. Stolen. Taken. Kidnapped. Someone is disturbed by me. I have no friends. I write of sorrow. I am still waking up. My safe place in life is in my music. The only thing I have. What has began. This is a terrible story. This is my life, ******* words, the thing suffocating me is my life, how pathetic. No self control. No risk's to take. No way of living. Everything written by me is disgrace to others. Shocking. "Wow, what a brilliant mind she has. She needs to be more happy though." Shut up, I will not change. Not for anyone. This is me, don't like it then don't read it. Don't ******* judge me just by looks. I am tired of hatred remarks from ones inner opinion. Cussing. Screaming. Last year, I got picked on the bus, like every single day. That one day I had enough crap from the girls at school. One guy sad the last thing and I snapped. I cried I showed him that I have a weakness, that I am weak. I still cry. When I got home that day I through my bag in the middle of the street, screaming, cussing. One true friend standing next to me telling me "Amber, it is going to be OK," Giving me hugs. While my other "friend" says, and I quote. "Amber you shouldn't put you're bag there" Then she walk the rest of the way home. I ran to my house, bag still on the street. I lock myself in the bathroom screaming, and cutting. Blood on my wrist. Tears on my face. He did it, they have done it. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!" Still screaming. I never speak my mind. I don't tell my feelings. Every night I cry. Every ******* night. Go ahead think that this is for the views. It's not. It is not a lie. This is real. I am real. They are fake. The words now are just mixed up. I scream, I cry. I cry, I scream. I am crying as I am typing. I just. I don't know anymore. I am just here. You are just there. We are apart. You may not understand. You may relate. I am sorry if you can. But this is one little part of my story... Welcome to my life.
Oct 2013 · 848
My feelings.
Bambi Oct 2013
I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel. I focus on the pain; the only thing thats real. ~ Nine Inch Nails
I wish that sometimes I can really show myself, without being questioned.
I want to speak my mind, without being blocked or suffocated.
What have I become. My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in thee end. ~ Nine Inch Nails
I know right when I publish this my grandma will call and question, so my mom will go on unpost, leaving me raveled, taken together, question in a box. Yet again I must be questioned.
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades roll by dragging my decaying body behind it.
Im to young to drive away.
Im to afraid to run.
What will happen when I get home today?
I question myself, I order myself.
It is killing me not to speak.
Yet I must remain quiet.
I am sorry, for I must remain concealed.
You did raise me right.
You did treat me well.
Its me.
Beneath the stains of time. The feelings disappear. You were someone else I am still right here. ~ Nine Inch Nails

— The End —