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3.1k · Sep 2013
Outer Space
Bailey Morse Sep 2013
the words are in my throat
and I am choking on the syllables.
what was once familiar is now
a crushing blow to an altered fate
and if it were up to me.
if it were up to me
Id climb to the moon and
we'd live inside that starry infinity.
but there's no oxygen in outer space
and there's no love on Earth.
955 · Sep 2013
Bailey Morse Sep 2013
I went dancing last night
with the ocean
and he made my demons
into salt.
how noble that he
would take so gratefully
all the pieces of myself
I don't want.
859 · Jan 2014
Three Cheers For Stale Beer
Bailey Morse Jan 2014
It's all I can do
To walk into the new year
And pretend that I'm not crawling.
To convince myself
there is nothing that can fracture
a heart of stone.
Not shattered bones
or loose ends,
heaving lungs
or dead friends.
A smile can hide
a plethora of downfalls
but it cannot begin to fade
the way we are addicted
to the taste of our sorrows,
our lips drenched in the familiarity
of half dreams.
I am choking on air
before I can choke back the tears
and my hands
still aren't used
to the emptiness.
Bailey Morse Dec 2013
Do you fear the
Pouring out of all you are
Like I fear your use
Of alcohol?
As if you don't want the world
To know that all you are
Is broken promises and hard liquor
That you've deemed more important than me.
Seeing is believing.
Do you fear the sight of stains?

Light another cigarette, darling.
Do you dare?
Or are you subconsciously aware
That I identify as a child's book
Of magic tricks?
We all know things disappear
Behind layers of smoke.
People  do  too.

I am not here because you need me,
I am here because I fell in love
With a boy that has big blue eyes
Like longing skies
And a thorn in his side.
I thought if I could pull it out
I could somehow make a home for myself
In the spot where it used to be.
Open the windows, let he fresh air
Clean out your wounds, but
You are made of stone and that thorn
Is a sword and I've become so malnourished
That I cannot pull it out.
I'm not sure it would make a difference
If I could.
789 · Sep 2013
The Tide
Bailey Morse Sep 2013
I spent my whole life treading water,
but the tide never ceased to
rip my feet out from under me
any time I tried to stay grounded.
I remember being pulled down
at the mercy of the waves.
they tossed me around
like a feather-weight.
but it always felt the same:
the sting in my eyes, the fire in my lungs and
the infallible silence that
made you want to stay under
even when you knew that
the world was just as infinite
above the surface.
690 · Sep 2013
Bailey Morse Sep 2013
we cannot refuse the wind
nor the falling of the stars.
I claim I'm better now
but search in every passing car
for the side that I have lost
with my demons still in tact,
I miss the weight of burden
lying heavy on my back.
Bailey Morse Oct 2013
I could never fathom
How people made constellations
Out of stars.
But you called me beautiful
And it was almost
The same thing.
624 · Sep 2013
this poem is about you.
Bailey Morse Sep 2013
this is about the girl who drowned in fate.
the rain came down and she danced
but one missed step
brought her to her knees,
begging forgiveness from a god she didn't believe in.
this is about the boy who loved the stars.
he could feel the echo of their loneliness
inside of his bones
and thought it was
his own.
this is about you.
the one who fought.
the one who lived to tell.
the one who gave me hope.
613 · Sep 2013
Bailey Morse Sep 2013
If sorrow and bliss had a child,
they would name her chaos
and she would spend her whole life
being sent away.
but humanity is incapable
of comprehending
this foreign beauty
that laces her fingers in ours
and pulls us along beside her.
if sorrow and bliss had a child,
they would name her chaos
and I would fall in love.

— The End —