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Sep 2012 · 2.3k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
To all those suffering today
Write it down
Sometimes suffering sounds beautiful
Sep 2012 · 2.2k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
You do not tell me what you think
You keep it in your throat
One hard, thick lump of repressed opinion
Sep 2012 · 2.2k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
You ask again
Another favor
When will I start saying no with an exclamation point?
Sep 2012 · 1.9k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
We tried a new church today
And what I found is
musicians make better musicians than preachers
Sep 2012 · 1.9k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
I now wear frogs as feet
And black tents to hide my layers
I don’t bother with makeup (except the lips)
Sep 2012 · 3.0k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
give the girl a cupcake
she wants a retake
smooth over all her mistakes
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
Life is super hard for me
More than most people
Maybe they put something in my coffee every morning
Sep 2012 · 1.5k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
My brain
What an interesting find
It is a little city of macaroni
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
Sometimes I think I have it bad
And then I realize I’ve never been shipwrecked
Or skipped a meal
Sep 2012 · 933
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
I have been churned like butter
Whipped solid
In a mixing bowl of confusion
Sep 2012 · 983
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
You, whom I have loved violently
You are my abundant yield
Sep 2012 · 778
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
When it is over
What did I learn?
The same as anyone learns from defeat
Sep 2012 · 671
Bad Haiku Sep 2012
The first time I faced our pain
The pain I gave to you
I wanted to turn into a cloud
Aug 2012 · 681
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
They could not define me
I could not define myself
Who could tell who I was?
Aug 2012 · 709
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
Please do not walk over my remains
I have had enough of walking over
I am sick to death of skinny heels
Aug 2012 · 620
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
She’s broken
All over the floor in glass pieces
Do you know how to fix her?
Aug 2012 · 674
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
Can I catch the stars
Falling from the night sky
Or will I be bombarded by their beauty
Aug 2012 · 613
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
Your words are only words to me
They are coming from your open mouth
Lips moving, and saying nothing
Aug 2012 · 576
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
People mess up my head
They mess up my head big time
Their opinions become mine
Aug 2012 · 598
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
Have you ever been mauled by a tiger?
Neither have I
But I still know the feeling
Aug 2012 · 532
Bad Haiku Aug 2012
I would rather not be alone
But I would also rather not be with people I don’t like
Either way, I lose

— The End —