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Jul 2017 · 222
My Angel
babygirlstatus1 Jul 2017
An angel is what you are.
Now all I have is hope.
Gods true gift.
Everyday with you is a blessing from above .
Loving you is forever.

My sweet little Angel
Jul 2017 · 209
The Kiss
babygirlstatus1 Jul 2017
Kindly and gently touch my lips with yours

Intenseness rises as my heart beats fast as you lean in

Sensation strong sensation arises as you caress my soft body

Surrendering to your gentle touch as I feel you enetering me once more with your sweet love

                          Your kiss makes me whole again. I'm comfortable around you. We connect in more than one way. Your touch brings energy to my soul. Your eyes show a light when you look at me. You hypnotized me. All I can think about is your smile. Let me be yours and I promise your heart will never be broken.
Jan 2017 · 284
My World
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2017
Day after day
Night after night
You grew inside me
Now we are in the 9th month
You move less but your kicks are still powerful

The sickness
The pain
I wouldn't trade that for anything

While your father can't experience any of it
He is proud
As he feels your kicks when he places his hands on my tummy
And talks to his lil princess

Now as we go through the last month
The pain is worst
But you my child are bringing the best out of me

A queen now
Carrying a princess
Who will soon be in my arms
My warrior princess is what you are

You are born for great things
You are strong
You are important
You are my world

I can't wait to see your face
The days get close
I get excited
I will hold you tight

As you get older
I will be here to guide you
Love you
Dry your tears
Hold you through your fears

Even though I may not do things right
I know you will forgive me
Just as I will forgive you
When you don't do right
We both are learning my love

You are my miracle child
You are my smile
You are my sun
I am your shine

See you soon my world
My lil Angel Ann'Marie

This is a poem/letter to my daughter.
* Warning kind of long*
Oct 2016 · 404
Dream A New Dream
babygirlstatus1 Oct 2016
Dream a new dream
Dream of days to come
Not days that were
Dream a new dream

Dream of a new life
Dream of a new begging
Don't dwell on the past
Dream a new dream

Dream of smiles
Dream of happiness
Not of sadness
Dream a new dream

Dream of a hope
Dream of a future
Prosper and
Dream a new dream
Sep 2016 · 497
The World Turns
babygirlstatus1 Sep 2016
The wind blows
The world turns
Everyday and every night

People laugh people cry
Some live some die but
The world still turns

New ones are born
While others are killed
Yet the world still turns

Nature revovles everyday...
Its the circle of life

Time comes time goes
Day in day out
The world still turns

New days new beginning
New night new experiences
And the world still turns

New year new me
Fun times sad times
The world still and still turns

Think hard
And think deep
In our world that turns is
You and Me
Aug 2016 · 228
I Wonder
babygirlstatus1 Aug 2016
I wonder if she ever loved me
I wonder if she ever cared
She told me so many things
But I doubt that they are true
My heart hurts
She ignores
She hurts
My tears are everlasting
Apr 2016 · 262
What do you
babygirlstatus1 Apr 2016
When you look at me
What do you see
When you touch me
What do you feel
When i talk
What do you hear
When you hold me
Do i satisfy what you are feeling

When i look at you
I see a handsome man full of potential
When you touch me
I feel safe and secure
When you talk
I hear the voice of a king
Wise and intelligent
When you hold me
You squash all my insecurities

Thank you for loving me jus the way i am
Thank you for your protection
I love you babe
Mar 2016 · 295
Deep deep pain
babygirlstatus1 Mar 2016
Drip drop drip drop
  Blood all over the room

She sits back
  And just laughs

She looks in the floor
  Thoughts running through her        mind

What will people think
When they see this

What happened
   What went down

She cut
She cut real deep

The pain was just

She tried to hide
She tried to run

She couldn't
So she cut

To get rid of it all

She broke her promise

She may not have done it

But inwardly she
Was hurting herself
Mar 2016 · 275
My feelings
babygirlstatus1 Mar 2016
My breath gets taken away
When i see you

My heart beats when you
Hold me tight

Please love me
Dont let me go
I love you

My heart yearns for you
I cant deny what
I feel

Be mine
be my everything
   Forgive me

Dont let us be apart
Feb 2016 · 626
Tik tok
babygirlstatus1 Feb 2016
Tik tok tik tok
Time goes by
Sitting there
Thinking about life

Ding **** ding ****
The church bells ring
Letting the hours be known

Boom boom boom boom
Goes the bombs
To win a war that should not be fought

Look around take a minute to see
The sounds that are in our earth
No one seems to listen
Oct 2015 · 276
The Pain
babygirlstatus1 Oct 2015
the pain was too strong for one person to endure
she called out in agony
"WHY!" she screamed out "WHY ME!"
A heart wrenching cry came out from the depths of her soul
until she sobbed her last sob
cried her last tear
her soul became black
empty from within
the beating she endured
the abuse and pain
was more than she could fathom
she couldn't tell no one
she feared being called a liar
she feared being put down
she turned to things that no should have
her world was dark
numb from the pain
she couldn't cry
n when she did it was only a little
she didn't want any one to see her cry
the pain took over
she pretended to laugh
she beacme fake
deep down inside anger and anguish took over
she turned to the wrong friends wrong people
she was immature
she became used and abused more
all she wanted was jus a little love
a little comfort
*** money and alcohol became her comfort zone
finally she met a beautiful someone
she had been missing since 4
the person who loved her unconditionally
her mother
she cared for her
told her that she was valued
slowly n till this day slowly the walls are falling down
thanks to this young womens mother
who is still there for her to this day
Jul 2015 · 285
What is in the heart
babygirlstatus1 Jul 2015
the heart is full off many things
love beauty hope love life
but when life is taken
all that is left is
pain hurt anger darkness and death
that is what  has been in my heart
help me release it
set me free from the
curse of heartbrokeness
Apr 2015 · 412
My Heart Has Been Mended
babygirlstatus1 Apr 2015
My heart has been mended from bein broken
what caused this
it wasnt the wind
it wasnt the rain
it was love

When the one you loved finally tells you that they love you
or the wall they built up is melting
love can mend a broken heart
love is what healed mine
the story behind this poem is that i was in love with my best friend and still am without telling me he told me the walls around his heart are melting this is dedicated to Jerry Medina my bffl best friend for life
Apr 2015 · 476
screamin for mercy
babygirlstatus1 Apr 2015
The soul the tortured inward soul
Screams for mercy
The pain to deep
I cut hoping pain will go away
I cry inwardly for The tears wont come outwardly
My past runs through my mind
Day in day out
When will my soul be at peace
When will it heal
Crack by crack my heart breaks
The joy i once had now turns into a maskarade
Cut after cut
Tear after tear
Sleepless night after sleepless night
The screamin soul is begging for mercy
The begging soul is cryin for freedom
The pain is to deep
It is too sad
Wish i could change the past
Hoping i can change my future
Hoping it will go away
Night after night
Tear after tear
Rip after rip
My soul goes through the worst
Death is there everyday
Waiting for permission to stike
Take me now
Don't let my soul suffer anymore
Apr 2015 · 448
the heart beat
babygirlstatus1 Apr 2015
The heart beat makes the sound of the drum
One tap two tap
It plays to the rythym of emotions
Boom boom
Cryin laughing
Sad happy
Angry scared
The heart beat tells you your emotions
It describes you
Love and death
Hate and promise
Heart repaired
What beat is your heart making
Jan 2015 · 471
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2015
There's a lot we don't understand
A lot we don't comprehend
we ask the why and the how
The how comes

Some things will be too much
For our minds to comprehend
The truth hurts a lot
The pain would be deep if
we knew the truth
we couldn't handle it
let alone understand why

its ok to wonder
to be curious
and not to have understanding
Jan 2015 · 847
Lies and broken promises
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2015
U lied
U broke ur promise
U hurt
U cheat
Ur word means nothing so
Get out of my life
Jan 2015 · 274
She Cried for Love
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2015
Broken heart
Sad soul
Bruised body
Anger boiling
She needed love
She craved it
She cried for it
What is love
Her abuser told her he loved her
She thought if thats love then it must sickening
How do you define love
How can you understand it
If someone can please explain
The truth of the matter is
That I'm really talkin bout myself
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Death is freedom
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2015
Life is so valuable
Many dont understand it
From a baby to death

We may not see how valuable death is
Death is freedom

Its a freedom from suffering
A freedom from the pain
A freedom from the sickness and from the hurt

Even though we may lose the ones that we love
Remember that it is a freedom

Some choose death others dont
Death isnt to be feared
Death isnt to be hated

Some love death
Some embrace it

Some dont know what to do with it when it comes
When death comes to you dont fear or fret

Embrace it
Jan 2015 · 617
Forgiveness is a Journey
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2015
Have you ever been betrayed
Has the hurt been so bad that you dont know how to handle it
Have you been told that you have to forgive

Loving others come easily but forgiving doesnt
Take your time let your hearts heal
Because baby forgiveness is a journey
People may not understand why you cant forgive
But love go through your journey
Go through it nice and slow
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
In Desperation
babygirlstatus1 Jan 2015
in desperation
             she called out for help

in desperation
         she chose the wrong man

in desperation
                 she got married

in desperation
              she had a child

in desperation
              she got a divorce

in desperation
              she tried to do it by herself

She was only 21 so young her problems started when she was 3. All she wanted was love. She wanted it so much that she was desperate. Attention-seeker people-pleaser was she. She would do anything; anything for that love. Her actions were from someone to help but none came. She met a man and married him, had a child with him then got a divorce. She tried everything she could and seemed to fail. She was so desperate and hurt that she ended her life. Many people go through this it's time to pay attention and help out

— The End —