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Feb 2013 · 915
B Feb 2013
Her dreams are washing away with the tides of the sea
The words inscribed in her heart are drifting
Away in a glass bottle, safe but solitary

Her gaze is steady and the mellowness of
The sun’s sweet warmth is soothing the pain in her

One lone figure upon the sands
Abandoned by the presence of her destiny

Their time gone now like a drop of rain
On top of the world for a moment but shattering
When it collides with reality
B Feb 2013
I walk in the silence of my thoughts.
The rushing winds beckon but my ears refuse to listen.
Tree tops bend to whisper wise words;
I continue on because my mind has its own .

In the silence of my soul I trod,
Gazing only to the light of the sun ahead.
The leaves prance; they want me to dance,
But I will only walk today
In the silence of my thoughts .
Feb 2013 · 413
Painted Soul
B Feb 2013
Like wet paint my thoughts drip
And collect in a puddle at my toes.
I dip my brush and begin to stroke
My secrets onto earth’s blank canvas.
Back and forth they glide softly
Until an image begins to form,
And strangers see and they ponder.
Then they understand who I am;
It becomes clear to them.
Everyone sings and dances beneath
My soul in its painted nature.
Feb 2013 · 550
Tunes of Bobby Dylan
B Feb 2013
Lone in the high spaces of my prison cell
Tunes of Bobby Dylan alive in my ears
Smoking a cigarette

Mr. Tambourine man, play me a song too
Let me follow you into the desperate night
Wait for me
And teach me a melody
Feb 2013 · 473
B Feb 2013
I am a bird with wings
But I have not yet learned to fly.
When I do,
The threads of my dreams
Will soar into the infinity,
And my claws will hold back
Any who try to stop them
B Feb 2013
I left my umbrella in Ireland
In a pub near down by the sea.
It kept me dry of the drops
That seemed to chase after me.

I left my umbrella in Ireland
With the old lads drinking their beers.
No need of a big blue umbrella
To keep dry their big merry tears.

I left my umbrella in Ireland,
And I believe my happy heart too.
For it was the land of smiling eyes
And skies that sometimes stayed blue.
Feb 2013 · 453
The Darkness Beyond
B Feb 2013
Chasing a whisper in the wind,
Searching the abyss for an abandoned secret
That can answer a long forgotten prayer.

I wander into a wistful tunnel of thought;
Confusion embraces my doubting mind,
And I lose sight of the beckoning light,
Giving in to the darkness beyond.
Feb 2013 · 1.9k
B Feb 2013
They are a herd of wild horses
Trampling across my forehead in a dance
Surrendering themselves to the unknown
In blazes with the touch of a sun ray
Recoiling into quiet
And bursting into frenzy
Tangled like my cluttered mind
Falling out in a discouraged rhtyhm
Tied into a contained presence
But always escaping in the fluttering winds
Feb 2013 · 907
B Feb 2013
One word
One smile, one glance
A slow forming wound on a sensitive heart
One thought
The anticipation of the possibility
The pain of its non-existence
One moment, one crack
A flashing glimpse of a future
Love in its vacant form
One touch
Innocent, sweet
A mindless stab by
One man
Feb 2013 · 471
B Feb 2013
A spontaneous break in the seriousness of gloom
Bubbles of elation floating into wide spaces
Bursting from the tall rafters of your consciousness
The eyes twinkle with the thought mentioned
And tears trickle in a steady stream of mirth
Feb 2013 · 593
To the Suffering
B Feb 2013
A pained heart painted with colors of desire;
the depths of being, darkened without fire.
Gusts of rage fill holes in deep wounds;
lone thorn roses upon the soul blooms.

To be is to suffer the woes of despair
but not is to wither away in death’s lair.
Life’s hurt forever will have its presence;
a heavy weight on the unsteady conscience.

So hold on to the fragments of hopeful thoughts;
live in the moments when not all is lost.
Fight to float in the eye of the storm;
keep the heart beating, safe and warm.

— The End —