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1.9k · Sep 2013
My Dubai
Azurra Grace Sep 2013
Seize it.
The laughter.
The smell.
The sand storms.
The heat.
The city.
Over-flooded with happiness.
And the regret.
That now its all gone.
1.3k · Sep 2013
Carpe Diem
Azurra Grace Sep 2013
Can I seize the day?
****** the day up and put it in my handbag
Underneath all my candy wrappers,
A tube of lipstick
And a snickers bar.
522 · Sep 2013
Then I Seize It
Azurra Grace Sep 2013
I will seize the day
And it will throw me

In the water.
Plunge me
into the unfamiliar cold.
Push me adrift
from my harbor.
Let me breathe.
I am a no longer a weight, sinking
I can break the surface.

In the sky.
I have no limits.
Adrenaline high.
Let me soar with the birds,
past the clouds,
to the moon.
I am weightless.
A shooting star,

--A. Azurra Grace S.
467 · Sep 2013
Menacing the Carpe Diem
Azurra Grace Sep 2013
I will capture it.
Squeeze its neck.
Hug it to death.
Let it be inside of me.
A part of me.
The day.

— The End —