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Jan 2018 · 878
Umaga Ng Tagsibol
Aztec Centeno Jan 2018
Sa pagsipol ng hanging
Banayad, ang Bulaklak,
Ay sinabayan ng indak.
At masiglang nag-hintay
Sa mainit na haplos
Ni Haring Araw.
Hi, Tony!

The flower in your hair when you showed me that pre-performance photograph inspired this. <3
Oct 2017 · 275
Aztec Centeno Oct 2017
Feet are firm aground
Hands, gesturing around
Eyes fixed upon a multitude
Order, harmony, and justice
Were subjects of the promise

Alas, the crowds were in elation
Sounds of fervid reverberation
A lasting thunderous applause
Healthy intentions were projected
And earnest hopes were erected

The days pass over the land
All seemed to flow as planned
Then the winds blew differently
And belief churned into dread
As the blood of a nation is shed

As the crimson sunset is nigh
Mothers and fathers let out a sigh
Before the casket is closed shut
Pleading for fairness that was sworn
Fiercely met with mockery and scorn

When the evening bell tolls
We ask clemency from these souls
For we have failed to recognize
That underneath this righteous display
Was nothing but insufferable decay
Diss poetry on the Duterte Administration's Drug War in the Philippines
May 2017 · 291
So Be It
Aztec Centeno May 2017
The days, the months, they play
With countless sunsets by the bay
And it was until one busy day,
That your name came into view again

The feeling was familiar
One where I was all smiles
But also where I was unsettled
And my deep thoughts, I wrestled

In the past, there was no spark
So I wanted to ignite it
There were things unsaid
So I wanted to say all of it

Our past was fleeting,
Yet filled with significance
Every instance, I treasure
My delight, I couldn't measure

I've sought to know your soul,
More than how I knew it in the past
And it is my everyday wish
To bask in what I greatly reminisce

Before, I thought I've seen it all,
But I thought wrong
Now I've seen the dark side,
The parts that you hide

In fear of being despised,
You showed me your worst
Your happiness was broken
Your solace was stolen

And through my inquiry,
I've thought so deeply
Though you've shown me the dark,
Anywhere with you, I'd still embark

This time, I am sure
Uncertainty no longer plagues me
With you, there's only security
With you, there's only joy

Try as I might, I couldn't show
For I yearned for love you couldn't bestow
So, sufferance is the only solution
And acceptance, the only resolution

All of this don't really matter
All but your happiness and your solace
For my love for you is noble
Not to cease as long as I'm able

You've been through blizzards,
You've fought inner demons,
You've had your share of misery,
Now you deserve your victory

This, I've accepted and thus I let you go
My heart aches, I admit it
But if we're not for each other,
Then so be it
This is
This is
Apr 2017 · 506
The Phoenix
Aztec Centeno Apr 2017
Enchained in the highest storey
Within the Tower of Ivory
Is a living breathing being
That even gods deem worth seeking

Encroached by a virulent spell
She was a spirit in a shell
Bound to be held in solitude
In unbreakable chains, subdued

Fiery feathers outward-plucking
Blazing embers are cavorting
An eternal persecution
Nigh upon is death's retribution

The vivid light seemed scoured
As the cinders settle downward
The atmosphere grew ungodly
Enduring flames die softly

Sudden gasp, air was aghast
Chains lay splintered in a blast
From frail comes might, death comes light
Her cage was broken by godly smite

Golden feathers grew staggered
As the cold embrace is shattered
The radiant Phoenix flies free
Restored to its former glory.
A very dear friend of mine is aspiring to enter into an acclaimed university in our country.

This is my motivational gift to her. :)
Sep 2016 · 579
For Whom The Heart Aches
Aztec Centeno Sep 2016
For whom do bees flutter?
Wandering aimlessly,
Pollinates every flower,
To keep the hive by the hour.

For whom do lions hunt?
Prowling beneath the green,
With life and limb to risk,
To feed the cubs who frisk.

For whom do oxen stand firm?
Cirlcing 'round their young,
Horns on steady grounds,
Fending off Arctic hounds.

But with one heed to pay,
A thorough observation,
Can thus prove the claim,
Humans are all the same.

For in our humble longing,
Our quest for knowing,
With one deep gasp,
Do we eagerly ask:

For whom do our hearts ache?
We take the leap of faith,
We weather the heavy rain,
All for the ones worth our pain.
Like the beasts of the animal kingdom, the innate motive of our hearts, minds, and souls is to toil & go through hardships for the sake of the people we love; we "live" (so to say) for our loved ones.
Jul 2016 · 418
Love, Lost.
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
I**n an epoch of dissonant raucousness,
The land reeks of corruption.
Humanity to dilapidate
To a seemingly ages-long anguish.
Excruciating; it torments the soul.

An odious scent,
A deep well eminently putrid,
Foul enough to send legions
Forthwith, cowering,
Caterwauling in trepidation.

Although, notwithstanding, it subsists:
Beneath the contagion
Of a ravenous plague,
An invocation, a call to permute,
A purport to exhume
What has gone adrift.

Where goest thou, oh relic of yore?
From the toxic shores
Of newfangled premises,
Thou hast been washed away.

A feeling of predilection,
Of warmth and affection,
Thou art forgotten, unfamiliar, hitherto.
Long overdue to recur,
A matter of time, it is such.

And thus so, we shall wait
In the sprawling gape
For the fervent abstract of love
To once again take its shape.
Really just an expanded form of "In a world full of discord, where do we situate the long lost idea of genuine love?", nothing more.

I just made myself a fool for expounding on it even more. :/
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
This is not really a poem; just an insightful realization of mine**

We have this mainstream perception of human life—that we grow to freely love the things we desire to love. We are biologically-inclined to conform to the intuitive notion of 'freewill'. But what is supposed to be imprinted in our minds turns out to be no more false than the number zero being larger than one; in actuality, we are nothing but biological clockwork confined to obey the laws of nature.

Every atom in our body, every neuron streaking in our nerves, and every step we take, our body does so, for the laws of nature require it to. Our actions are as predetermined as the orbits of the planets, and paradoxically, it is as probabilistic as the location of an electron in its quantum orbit. We don't act out of our own will; we act out of necessity, for the laws of nature require us to behave the way we should be behaving.

They call it Scientific Determinism.

Disturbing, isn't it? And what does that make out of freewill and love? Simply put: freewill is an illusion, and love is the sweetest lie ever conjured up in this Universe. Even so, we still choose to believe in both. Why? Because we're humans; we long to live our life with a purpose, even if it takes for us to make up our own.
Because Dr. Stephen Hawking led me to believe so.
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
I. Awaken
Crack of your early dawn, the morning dew fumes.
Like voices in the Arab Spring, your brightest thoughts bloom.

Zooming past a childish phase of naiveté,
Your days of blissful ignorance are due today.

II. Replete
Loving someone else, the heart cavorts like airborne pollen.
Loving your own self? It's different. It ignites a spark of confidence.

You'll bask in the ambience of self-assured clairvoyance.
Like a seraph, like a quasar, you'll blaze with prominence!

III. Believe
Stand fast in eons of ideas clashing like rapids in the Amazon.
Conjure your kind of affirmation. Brand it in mankind's lexicon.

Don't fret. Don't falter. Don't let anyone cast you asunder!
For deep inside, you know you bear an ironclad banner.

IV. Dream**
Aspirations shall coat you like an illustrious cape of a ruler.
To your life’s questions, they’ll help you find the answer.

Look up to the stars! They will surely help you remember;
That a person like you always deserves the better.
Go forth, and find yourself amidst the vastness of this Cosmos.
Jul 2016 · 353
The Ray of Hope
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
The nebulous shroud has effaced,
Earth, haze, together, embraced.
'Twas but a subtle matter,
Now 'tis clear, shock it can deliver.

Something to be controlled
Now dares to leave us cold.
A challenge we cannot withhold,
Revealed as fate hopeless to mold.

Plague to the corners of the world,
Seeks to destroy life we uphold.
A fortress seemingly impregnable,
We'd wonder if our actions are viable.

But we cannot cut loose the rope.
Troubles, we can solve; gaps, we can cope.
A silver-lining beyond a steep *****,
There is still a shining ray of hope.
For the hopeless and crestfallen:
Jul 2016 · 352
By Your Side
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
Behind that beautiful face,
An underlying harsh reality.
Unknowingly facing tremors
That puts you on the brink of sanity.

A condition so unbearable,
It just seems so insuperable.
It might hurt to the pulp,
Even swallow you in one big gulp!

You may feel heavy inside,
But don't let your self abide.
It may be a brutal adversary,
But you have puissant weaponry!

If a need comes from the blue,
You have allies by your side!
Know that we'll be here for you
--we'll fight for you with pride.
Such a motivational speaker, yeah? xD
Jul 2016 · 572
A Woman Like You
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
What can one admire in a woman like you?
Of flamboyance, iridescence. Such a ravishing slew!

Is it the captivating look that stuns?
Or the jovial smile that outshines a billion suns?

How can one ask for more than a woman like you?
State all reasons, I'll refute it clean through!

A mind that's colorful, possessing thoughts so powerful.
Remembering you will remove feelings so sorrowful.

So, what's left in store for a woman like you?
Will you be coming up with something anew?

So many questions, it's such a reprise.
Well, I'll stop. I don't want to spoil your surprise
Classic; this was the first one I wrote that I remember of. Forgot where I placed my High-school writings, though.
Jul 2016 · 649
Behold, A Queen.
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
Behold, an ethereal incarnate.
Soulful, astute, and delicate.
Her sight instills inspiration,
Her touch strokes with passion.

Callow, pure, and wholly innocent,
Inwards, she sprung, fully vehement.
With a handful of zealous volition,
And hopes to earn love and ambition.

Dazed by a benevolent trance,
She danced with pristine stance.
But, oh, so little did she know,
******* pierced like an arrow.

Lo, gone were the days of viridity.
Past was learnt, hence gained clarity.
No brand of man, no spoil of deceit,
Can cull her stead like maize and meat.

She who dons an exuberant shield,
Whose mighty foes will surely yield.
Brandished crown of newfound glory,
Behold, a Queen—hear her story.
Because nowadays, guys playing with women's feelings seems to be a visible trend. This is for the women who now knows their worth and what they truly deserve after a devastating heartbreak.
Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
On a Blue Mountain,
Is a spirit of solemn essence.
Sly, covert, instinctive, limber,
The wolf: totem of woodland timber.

Amidst this nocturne hymn,
Nature paints a nightly picture.
The celestial ceiling, outstanding.
Silver light cuts through, shining.

Treading a shadowy ambiance,
One couldn't help but notice.
Fleeting gaze; senses were stolen.
T'was the Moon: the twilight emblem.

On a Blue Mountain, perched,
Sights, unto the cosmic blanket.
Entranced by Lunar glimmer,
The wolf is left to a whimper.

Alas! Grip of morning is nigh.
The Moon, majestic, cosmic,
With impenetrable intent,
Hath no time for earthly descent.

Time is an abrupt occurrence,
The earth, it turns; time, it burns.
For the wolf, t'was sole clarity:
This brief elation is worth his sanity.

The wolf had hoped illustriously,
That he loom to newfound solace,
But can only accept in frustration,
The reality of his damnation.

Hence, on this Blue Mountain,
A final bask in adoration,
A final effort, rising to his feet,
Howling to the Moon he'll never meet.
This was my invitational piece to this website.  I'd like everyone to know that I made this one with all my heart and soul (hahaha ****** emo vibes)

— The End —