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Dec 2013 · 1.0k
What can I say,
Ayura Dec 2013
What can I say,
I love the attention of temptation.
because I am the one holding the apple
granting the answers you seek.

Because I am curious to what bodies feel like
especially my own, made new by new hands.

This poison goes down with the sweetest burn,
hot and heavy, slowly dissolving
its always in the eyes.

And the drugs never work, quite the way you want them too.
With a numb throat I hold my words for ransom

We never quite reach out toward each other,
and never know why. There is only glimpses and smiles, and hearts quickening for a brief longing
that lasts til dawn
like spell, or perhaps a curse.

But we aren't in a fairy tail
and I'm too busy chasing my dreams
and befriending my nightmares,
to chase you.

Tic-Tok sweety
I'm running with the wind.
Dec 2013 · 540
Ayura Dec 2013
Its the blue-gray shades of a downcast winter
for nothing in particular

Empty pin drops and silent rain
in a off white room.

Ghosts that everyone can see
but just pretend aren't there.

Faded out rugs
in faded out memories

Missing someone
who was never there to begin with

realizing you are all there is
then realizing its okay.
Dec 2013 · 451
Cold Snap
Ayura Dec 2013
So you finally came
back from where you were hiding.

Where was it?

Was in the far away cracks of the mountain, so deep.
With the caves of ice and diamond.
Where nothing that breathes can live?

Was it in the far away seas?
In the spaces between the dark waves.
And light eyes staring?

Have you come back to see if your cold can numb my heart?
to leave it dormant and hollow?

To push your lips against mine and fill me with a dead ice.

No, not this time.
When you left I carried your ice with me, wanting to keep you close.
But you stayed away to long, and nothing lived inside.

I wanted to see the lilies again, the iris's.
Hear the bird song breaking through my dreams.

So I found a sun, and he showed me how to make fire.
Red Fire
Blue Fire
White Fire

Your ice didn't disappear, it just changed
Broke open into water.
and flooded the thirsty valleys.

The vibrant colors are back.
And the birdsong that breaks through my dreams
Dec 2013 · 372
Remember Part 1
Ayura Dec 2013
Remember when you run,
you fly

when you fight,
you have claws

and you scream with a thousand voices
when you finally roar.

Remember that the mountains are forever,
and will carry your secrets to the bottom of the ocean
and back again.
Dec 2013 · 2.3k
Ayura Dec 2013
Bind the pieces with sun dipped silk
fill the cracks of my heart
with gold
until the veins branch like broken trees
with sturdy roots

They will need to dig in deep
for there is
wind in my body.

the birds fly away from the storm
and sing

  don't forget
you have to fight just as hard to let go
as you do
     to hold on

— The End —