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Aug 2014 · 2.1k
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
I stand and watch everything from out of the windowpane. I see trees, streets, cars peoples feet but where am I here watching everything from the windowpane. When its sunny im happy but I wish I was out there enjoying the sun for good fun when its raining im sad because of all this water ruining playtime so Im mad. Big toys little girls and boys at least will occupy me until I leave this house and continue to watch it all from the windowpane.
This originated from a child crying when his parent leaves for work or to even sit out alone for a brief second but other things made me turn this poem around.
Aug 2014 · 828
Identity Crisis
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
What is our identity? They say it is what or who a person or thing  is Well for many of us thats our names For others its the adjectives people us to describe us For additional others plus myself sometimes it was our accolades
To more people it is their looks I mean appearance Furthermore some of us dont have an identity of our own so instead we ususe material things as our identity in order to replace and create an identity, however it is a false one
However, there will come a time when we all will be alone "just us" alone No awards no trophies no house no car no fancy clothes jewelry or makeup.
Instead we would all be alone with ourselves thoughts and feelings wondering "Who am I?" Because they lost all the things they thought made up their "identity" which leads to how do I "reinvent" myself next If I have nothing left the answer is you cant invent anything else to reinvent yourself with so all you can do is reinvent I mean prioritize your mind and heart
Aug 2014 · 431
2014 Men
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
When I was young, I used to watch across the wall As men walked up and down the street Wino men old men Young men sharp as cheddar. See them Men are always going somewhere. They knew I was there eighteen and nineteen years old and thirsty for them. Under my pupil, they would pause. Their shoulders high like thr height of a mountain top, Blazer tails slapping over Those behinds, Men.

One day they hold you in the snug of your arms gentle as if you were the last crisp dollar in the world. Then they tighten up just a little The first squeeze is nice A quick hug Soft hug soft into your defenselessness. A little more, the hurt begins, Wrench out a smile that slides around a fear. When the air dissapears Your mind pops explodibg fiercely Like the sound of a gun shot. Shattered it is your juice that runs down their legs. Staining their shoes when the earth rights itself again, And taste tries to return to the tongue Your body has slammed shut Forever no keys exist.

Then my pupils draws upon their style. There just beyond the sway of curtains, men walk. Knowing something going someplace But this time I will simply stand and watch.
This is a modern parody, I reapeat a Modern parody, I thought about months ago.
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
Someone you laugh with in any moment of joy
Someone who always makes playtime better than playing alone
Someone you may playfight and wrestle with
Someone you'll always have to catch and throw ***** with in any sport
Football, basketball, baseball all these sports are never meant to be played alone
Even though one can always toss and throw the ball to one self
It will never be the same without another face to throw it to in the yard
No matter the weather, my days are always better seeing you, playing with you, running with you, laughing with you, joking with you but more importantly keeping the love I have for you in my heart no matter where you are
I'll miss you my brother, my friend because even though your gone my love for you will never end
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
What makes a lovely lady or a bad Bh as people claim?
Is it that she can twerk Bend it over or "Bust it down" Is it cuz she's ratchet (Hudson brothers/Funky Dineva voice) or How her "humps" (Black eyed peas) or As some say "******* sit right..A
so phat perhaps" But what if her figure shows she has no A* at all

Next before I say whats in her head...Let me break down the outsid.  First, can and if her hair can she get some natural love for that. Two for whatever weave or extensions she has can we please extend our knowledge to get to know the higher insides of someone before we seek their lower one's

If she has no or short hair at all can people stop short coming her or give her no respect or decent courtesy at all (ALL Right) Here's the inside part we as females been socialized to have the greatest appearance but unfortunately due to emotional instability and many incapabilities we or some of us Us have no sense of confidence or Endearance

With all this said I go back to that title of this piece Based off a sing called "That thing"
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
2014, a year where 90s and late 80s babies are happy hyper turnt up not turnt down are swaggerific vs Brillitelegerent. Everyday we live is a commercial Just because we see many commercials Young fly and flashy is what we all want to be but what about those that just want to be "young wild and free"

Free to speak, free to act, free to stand, free to move, free to sing, free to dance, free to read, free to eat and more importantly free to choose how and what we want things to be like Females: I see we got swag of soul urban sophisticated finesse then theres those of us who are preps that are chic may be geeks. Lastly the girls that love to twerk alot plus cover themselves in thick make up and hair dye or is it a weave or a bob (Bob)

They say we sweet cuz we got that "bubblegum" question is what is your flavor something like K Michelle? Nicki Minaj? Rihanna? Miley Cyrus? In that case so do we all skirts and crop tops and bikinis and short shorts or is it galaxy leggings or perhaps jeggings.

Fellas they say you are pimps and players dons and brothas that be like "Forget the haters" they say you are cool with swagger as Kesha said something like that Nick Jagger. Urban dominance, fitteds and suits glasses and high fades what about those high grades Yasssss my brotha ooh I cant forget about those gorgeous dread heads now Ayeeee

Alright I mentioned alot about the guys but which are you...chris brown? Drake? That boy Meek milli or Justin Beiber well whichever it is Ladies and Gentlemen Just remember your place and Destination our Generation peace

— The End —