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Jul 2016 · 501
My Zing
Ayla Garcia Jul 2016
everybody always told me 16 was to young to feel true love.

but how is it to young when you my father were in love with the mother of your son when you where only 17
you tell me not ot do things but I know you did them so why decide to be a narcissistic ******* and not let me live and make my own mistakes
you try to hide me away from the world by locking my self up in a small room but that's not who  am I am a small and beautiful bat who needs to find her perfect match

I have found my match but you lock me away like an animal but what you don't know is the more you try to hide me the more he loves me. My Zing hes mine and he loves me for me and for my creative mind not for my body like every guy you would prefer me to be with

you cant lock away my love and throw away the key I thrive in solitude and as soon ad you let me free I'm going to sowar higher then any women you have ever been with youll see me with the greats I'm going down in history just me and my Zing
Dec 2015 · 331
Ayla Garcia Dec 2015
Why is it that whenever times seem to be going good you always seem to show up.?
  Missing you hurts and runs my life it makes me hurt it makes me want to cry
Why is it that whenever I think I'm happy you come around and make me miserable
  I'm tired
Why do you continuously tear me down when I start climbing back up the ladder to success
  I'm done.!
Aug 2015 · 362
The final moment
Ayla Garcia Aug 2015
I've always known my life will be cut short.
I've dreamed of my demise.
I'm waiting.

When that moment comes I will be at peace.
When that moment comes I will still be young.
When that moment comes you'll be waiting.

Once I'm welcomed into heaven you'll be waiting.
Jun 2015 · 325
little bro
Ayla Garcia Jun 2015
Hey I guess im your sister now
hey I hope I make you laugh
Hey why do we fight and say such awful words?

Hey I know you think you hate me
Hey I know your not a baby anymore
Hey I know I love you baby bro

Hey today you turn 15
Hey today you climb another step on lifes endless stairs
Hey I love you brat even though we fight I still love you

Hey just know im here when you need me.
Hey just know I love you and ill fight for you
Hey just kniw im here to mmake you smile
      I love you bro have a happy birthday
Jun 2015 · 326
unknown love
Ayla Garcia Jun 2015
I through the word Love around like its meaningless, because to me it is.
      I don't remember what real love feels like.
      I see it in my aunts eyes when she looks at her children, but I don't feel it.
      So I don't know when to say it and when not to.
      No one here shows me love.
      I feel like a burden to there everyday lives.
      I stay in my room so I don't annoy them.
      I keep my mouth shut  so I don't annoy them.
      I don't talk back I keep to my self, but still I am a burden to him and his presous son.
     I can't do anything right anymore.
Jun 2015 · 603
Like him.
Ayla Garcia Jun 2015
Why don't you love me like you do him?
Why can't you see how much I'm trying to make you love me?
Daddy why can't you see me like you see him?
Daddy why don't you love me like you do your son?
Is there something wrong with me?
When did your love leave?
Daddy I love you.
Daddy I'm leaving today to fight for our country,
Daddy if I die know I love you more than anything in the world.
Daddy when I'm gone don't cry.
Daddy my love never left.
Jun 2015 · 254
Do you mean it?
Ayla Garcia Jun 2015
Sometimes I wonder what boys feel when there in love?
Do they get butterflies when she brushes by them in the halls?
Are you really what's on there mind or is it your body that is?
Do they anxiously await your reply after a simple "Hey." is sent your way?
When you come to mind do they smile?
When you say "I Love You" what do they think?
When they say it back do they mean it?
Or are you just some toy they can play with in till they *** bored with you?
Are our hearts just a game to them?
Are we all just some pawn they can play with?
Sometimes I wonder why no guy has truly loved me. Then I realize I don't need a guy to make me happy. I'm a diamond in the rough and going to take a lot more than telling me you love me to make my shine go away.

— The End —