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  Jul 2017 ayee
I wonder what I look like inside your eyes
He ignores me,
But I like him
He does nothing,
And yet
I fall for him
There are many things that I want to say to you
I don't know how
I have a hopeless crush on someone
I have no chance with
  Jul 2017 ayee
She was in love with some one who made her happy
But constantly hurt her unknowingly

                                           *The question of 'when' always brought up
                                                                ­  on the cruelest game of nature
                                                                ­                                        Waiting,
                ­                           To sit idle for the inevitable was the torture
                                                     And I didn't want to wait in patience,
                                                                ­         for the pain to seep inside
                                                          ­                                  Love was great,
                                                          ­                                          It was nice,
                                                           ­                 But nothing lasts forever
                                         Though he never asked for forever from her,
                                                            ­            Only time and the present

*Looking down at her phone,
She began to type a short response,
A lie
She typed with a heavy heart, "I'm fine"
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