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Nov 2014 · 659
Aya Baker Nov 2014
i will have entered my eighteenth year
knowing that
it will be my fourth year of sorrow.
there is a riptide coming for me
and i can see it from the pier.
this poem will have so many periods
in the hopes that it will be a flimsy defence against the churning
obsidian mass that is coming,
advancing like a predator.
everything is different from before;
there is a dewy mist that settles on my arms.
oh, my poor arms, uncovered
and riddled with goosebumps,
not even a cardigan.
tell me how i can stop this despair from getting me.
did i mean to say getting to me?
stop this despair, stop this-
i am so tired, but there are no seats on the pier.
Nov 2014 · 917
officer, it's a crime scene
Aya Baker Nov 2014
my insides unfurl
and the dripping mess that follows-
i touch up, with just a li’l bit of saline solution
and oh, isn’t it
like you wanted me to be all along
like i could never be all along
it’s a dusty kind of pink,
lilac or lavender,
i was never good at colours, i just knew their names
enough so i could spin them into my poems
(the ones you hated because they were so full of
run-on sentences and pain
there was my texas twang and my
desecration of all things religious
to make the metaphor fit)
i needed colour, more life than i could afford
it was the dowry you never accepted.
i’m so sorry.
i keep reliving the past,
what once had been
what could have been
Nov 2014 · 550
Aya Baker Nov 2014
i feel the skin sloughing off my bones;
knobby, they are.
my skin feels ephemeral, more now
than it has ever been.
i am losing weight like
i am losing you.
my hands wither before me:
all my years they served
the purpose of creating art as best as i could
but now they look like dead roses.
my ribs puncture my skin like throns.
my husk is decaying,
dredging up memories of the youth i never had.
could it possibly be that i don't want to die?
Nov 2014 · 405
Aya Baker Nov 2014
i could drown myself
- find solace in the underworld
of sirens and the ironic clarity the sea
has been known to provide, for all that
it has murky waters-
but my demons know how to swim.
they'd hoist me up
to ensure precious lungfuls of air
would be rammed down my throat.
survival is subtle ******.
i am immortalized in the moment
before the surface tension breaks.
I've seen the "I'd drown my demons, but they know how to swim" far too much lately, and in my annoyance, did a revisitation of it.
Nov 2014 · 469
we have fun at parties
Aya Baker Nov 2014
my lungs are put through the shredder:
such a harsh word.
all I am trying to do
is to make confetti.
Nov 2014 · 457
My Mother Scares Me
Aya Baker Nov 2014
i feel you weave fear in me:
a sharp pinprick, an unsettling feeling,
then the thread enters.
sow it such that the two fabrics
become indiscernible from each other;
they are part of the whole now.
they are whole now.
only snip when this occurs.
you wouldn't want a messy piece left dangling on your lap.
that would be awfully clumsy of you.
Oct 2014 · 592
shrieking shack
Aya Baker Oct 2014
i do not trust my mind anymore
the sockets of my eyes
contain a thousand burning suns
and the voicebox in my throat
traps white noise
but the cranium i possess
is merely a container
of pandora's worst nightmare
Oct 2014 · 422
Aya Baker Oct 2014
there are fire drills in my school
we practice evacuation routes
to prepare for the threat
of a burning, raging fire
but what about
the similar, all-consuming, scorching
blaze in my mind
is there a way out for me?
Wrote a series of poems all entitled Protocol. This is one of the few.
Aug 2014 · 455
i kill you, and
Aya Baker Aug 2014
copper tang in my mouth when you walk by
knee acting up just before you call
you're a regular thunderstorm
and my body, as always,
is attuned to yours

if i ******* on these sheets
will you just melt away?
will I be left with just your bones
to cradle and cry into-
tears hitting the husk
of what you used to occupy?

that's what you are
an army couldn't fight you off
so how am I supposed
to save myself

I've forgotten

that I can't


your ghost is a phantom menace.
your memories haunt my thoughts and the wisp that follows it around, trails after it-
the scent of death;
the touch of a broken promise.
Aug 2014 · 468
always; whenever
Aya Baker Aug 2014
I am used to
the folds of the fire
burning hot on my skin,
the light it gives
a mockery of the darkness
I surround myself in.

I am used to
covering myself up
in the tidal waves of my sadness-
these tsunamis are my solace,
the way I drown is my comfort.

I am used to
how it feels like
being alone and sad and alone and sad;
these two words so simple,
so relatable
but not by you.

You are not used to
the black holes that form your sanctuary,
as much four walls as any room is
stars are not distant pinpricks
you restrain yourself from reaching for.

You are not used to.
Jul 2014 · 382
god's riddle
Aya Baker Jul 2014
i wish
there were ways
you could let yourself out;
slip little bits of your soul
back into the wold
free it from your vessel,
your prison,
let it no longer anchor you.
the cracks in my skin:
be the gateway to
my end.

you will be buffeted by the winds
you will sail far over the seas,
skimming its surfaces;
the hot winds in the desert might parch you.
and you will have lived
as long as you think you did.
In beta.
Jul 2014 · 345
Aya Baker Jul 2014
there is a time in the night
when your breath catches
and it doesn't actually let go.
your marrow retreats a little further into your bones, it seems,
and there is a feeling of age
one can never express.
you are seventeen years,
but when each year is compounded
by all things horrific
the stars glow a little dimmer,
the clock's ticking a little louder.
Jul 2014 · 497
little sinner
Aya Baker Jul 2014
she ran home with her sins;
down the steps
and round the flower beds-
careful not to trample them-
and through the back door.
it was freshly painted, that door.
she went into the house
where it all began:
the sins, she means.
she hopes you understand.
there is too much in this world
that she cannot allow
so she tucks each jewel
back into the crevices of
each brick
that her house was built of.
that was where
her mother's screams
and her dad's belt
and the blades in the night
and the empty bowls of soup were;
she kept them
in each jewel
in each brick
deep down.
home was where the heart was,
after all.
Jul 2014 · 394
title (optional)
Aya Baker Jul 2014
i'm not angry anymore:
not fully.
the exhaustion has seeped through my bones,
and it's stuck in my marrow
and i'm sad and tired now.
this is just something to say
i love you
and i'm sorry
and i'm sorry i don't actually feel any of these things
because i can't
these statements are one of logic.
Jun 2014 · 676
practicing suicide
Aya Baker Jun 2014
it is 9pm, so
i stride briskly to the bathroom
and brush my teeth.
the fibres are getting worn.
rinse, and gurgle, and rinse
routine. i can live on
this repeat
one, two, three
strokes along my gum, then my teeth.
top row, bottom row, left side, right side,
inner top row, inner bottom row, inner left side, inner right side.
i rummage in the cabinets once i am done
at precisely five minutes past
for the blades and the medicinal alcohol.
dip, swab, cut.
routine. i can live on
this repeat
one, two, three
strokes on my person.
right forearm, left forearm, right thigh, left thigh.
the ballerina practices her pirouette
as i do with my suicide.
it is routine.
i can live.
May 2014 · 289
Aya Baker May 2014
i love you*,
she wrote
in the secret of her palm
to remind herself.
Apr 2014 · 645
Aya Baker Apr 2014
the rain falling in sheets down the windows
they form the perfect setting for a horror movie
not those Western kinds, mind-
give me Japanese ghouls peering into the bus' windows that I sit across from,
give me Malaysian banshees crawling on the roof of the bus.
Lord, give me a gruesome death, one that I have to fight for:
give me some spirit, some passion that will rise within me and consume me wholly, this need to live:
the fire that does not exist now.
The rain continues on pouring.
Apr 2014 · 550
Aya Baker Apr 2014
i have always had
an unparalleled fascination
for the human body.
human anatomy to me, it seems
draws me in
like a moth to a candle.
it mesmerizes me,
to see drawings of phalanges and metacarpal bones,
all covered
like a secret lover
by smooth, knitted skin.
romeo, where art thou?
tracing pictures of the aorta and veins and arteries, i hope-
the sensual twists and turns of a capillary should fill the page.
let me bask in deltoid and trapezius muscles,
make my way to the clavicle.
let the beauty of the fragility and the strength of bodies,
divine and heaven-sent,
engross me for the decades to come:
to admire and enchant and enthral;
to hold spellbound and captivate and always intrigue me.
Bodies are beautiful, simply because of the way they *are*. And if you self-identify as ugly, then hey, you're still the diggity bomb! But I genuinely do love how bodies /are/ and I think everybody should, too.
Aya Baker Mar 2014
I crush dead leaves under my feet.
The satisfying crackle-hiss reminds me
Of when your bones crunched into a million pieces,
Marrow collapsing under the disbelief that a pretty little thing like me could have denied you.
You have been panting after me like a dog in heat for a year. Do not think I wouldn't notice.
I will use the feminine wiles at my disposal, all of them ammunition against boys like you, with your doe eyes and quickly hidden smirks.
I hear you in the locker room. A mass of hooting, crowing creatures that shout out at the slightest dichotomy between what you think is normal and what is normal.
You think I don't see Paul, who comes home bruised every day because his heart is too big for one gender?
I walk past the locker room and recoil, because you reek of privilege and body odour. I hear you talk about the man, Laverne ***, who was on your television last night. Disgusting, you say, like your opinion should matter. I close my eyes tightly and hope your idiocy is not contagious.
Bang, bang, bang. That is the roar of gunfire as I smile sweetly at you with lips you deem to red, as you call me a ***** and ****. A million slurs wouldn't do you a single favour, darling.
You remind me of the time that you paid for my meal and I blow radioactive gas in your direction as I laugh in your face. The thud of bomb shells fall behind us. I sharpen my nails into claws and strike.
Once upon a time I would have thought you handsome and sweet and popular, qualities we are taught to fall in love with regardless of flaws. If you hadn't been handsome anyway the illustrious promise of being safely heterosexual was always reminded of. Now boys like you I leave behind in the dust for girls like me. We laugh at your antics as we dye our hair colours the Church would have disapproved of. We don't care, anyway, our kisses are the salvation we were never conditioned to believe in.
Warnings for misgendering, transphobia, homophobia, Nice Guy Syndrome (?), white cishet man privilege (??)
I've only just realized that I wrote this on the same day my best friend told me about the boys in the back of her lecture, who were objectifying a fellow schoolmate into a *** object. So this is for all the women who have been degraded to something you are less than worthy of.
Aya Baker Mar 2014
you are not in love with me,  i want to yell,
you are in love with a fictional caricature.
the one i present, the one i script perfectly so you see no flaws
i hide my bad habits in the quirk of my brow,
falsely innocent when i shrug and say uncle,
so that you'll laugh and back down.
you'll forget about this, partially distracted and looking away,
and in that time you gaze off into the distance i will hide:
the lies i tell my mother about our relationship
the gumdrops i used to take from the sweet shop down the road
the breath that is stolen from my lungs when i cry silently at night.
i rush to bury these things in the knapsack i carry (stuffed full as it always is),
a literal weight on my shoulders.
you look back at me too soon.
i raise my brow.
Aya Baker Mar 2014
i'd never seen anger like that. it was a living, breathing thing. it was tangible,
a separate entity from the tiny woman that towered before me.
it lashed out.
i fell.
its claws and screams left its mark on me;
my skin stings, my ears are ringing.
i would hunch into myself if i could, if it would mean everything would stop.
but my mother is determined to beat the gay out of me.
if i cry enough tears perhaps it will dilute my being into a single heterosexual figure,
another easily labeled and conforming thing,
a printed, approved statistic on sterile paper.
TW for homophobia.
Jan 2014 · 577
Aya Baker Jan 2014
she was pale-limbed and spread so perfectly like a story waiting to happen:
reminiscent of a butterfly dead in its cocoon that may have had
hope breathed onto it like life, full and bursting
but then reality dragged it down, stuck its wings together
as it thrashed and thrashed
and never really experienced the world the way it was supposed to.

the police officer that had found her thought it was a tragedy,
but the doctor performing the autopsy simply looked upon her corpse
as another matchstick in his matchbox.
there was no difference, between this dead girl and the next, to him:
it was all a matter of perspective.
Jan 2014 · 351
>> to : you <<
Aya Baker Jan 2014
And when our journey has ended,

And the dreams can begin,

Know this, my friend, my sweet;

That this is how it always is.

Endings are sometimes (though rarely) better than you think.
30DPC again, I apologize for the spam. This time it's a five-line poem to the last person I texted.
Jan 2014 · 562
Aya Baker Jan 2014
The curve of her shoulder blade were the same valleys in her eyes:

Long summer days drawn out by even longer sunsets.

I can still hear her laugh, feel the tickle of grass where she sat beside me:

His was a memory long gone.

She kisses me on the mouth, once, twice:

Her breath brushes my cheek. “Don’t worry,”

She chides, as she always does, though she knows this is of no help at all, nor am I to take her seriously:

I will heal in my own time.

My hands drift across her upper torso- what beauty, how pliant;

I try to admire every bit of her, as he did not do to me.

She bites her lip, knows it will not be long before I have to go:

Since that autumn two moons ago, I bid my farewells early.

Since that autumn two moons ago, I curl up in bed feeling lonely.

Since that autumn two moons ago, when his teeth clacked against mine and his hands were the apocalypse I could never dare to fight;

For 30DPC, I was to flip to page 8 of the nearest book, then use the first ten full words in the poem. The book that was nearest was John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. The words taken are, curves, beside, his, mouth, upper, lip, was, long, and, since, teeth. Trigger warnings for non-consensual ***/****.
Jan 2014 · 420
Aya Baker Jan 2014
Kiss her eyelids,

My son: Learn to cherish her

Like she much deserves.
Another 30DPC. This time I was told to write a haiku about anything.
Jan 2014 · 991
When life gives you lemons,
Aya Baker Jan 2014
Burst and explode and simmer on my palate:

They tell you you’re undesirable, not like the others,

So spit in their faces, blind them so.
Trying out a 30 Day Poetry Challenge and I was instructed to write a three-line poem about lemons without ever using the words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, ****, juicy, peel, and sour. So this is what I came up with.
Jan 2014 · 387
Lovely Bones
Aya Baker Jan 2014
Your hand under mine-
your palm carefully laid out on my knee,
so gingerly, so fragile-
the heat that blossoms from it is wonderful.
I don't love you, not yet.
But I love the way your bones feel under my palm,
knitted white
under stretched skin.
And I love your hand, larger than mine,
over my knee, not quite sure whether you want it to stay yet;
not quite sure whether you want to stay yet.

I may love you just yet.
Dec 2013 · 556
Aya Baker Dec 2013
there are two girls on the rooftop
and on the horizon before them, the sun bows down
it will not touch them with its rays.
it dares not.

i always wanted to be a killer, the first girl says,
head turned to look over her shoulder,
all that blood, ha ha ha ha.
oh? the second girl raises her eyebrows.
i wanted to be a doctor.
imagine, all that flesh and skin and bone. crunch crunch.
the first girl giggles. i'm a regular da vinci,  she announces,
then drags her fingers through the air.
i'd paint with all the gorgeous humanity i took. take.
the second girl reclines. it's more fun, giving it, then taking it away.

the two girls have the same shadow.
Aya Baker Dec 2013
i wanted to write a poem titled 'it's okay; we all go to hell anyway'
because i realized we are
sinning and staining
what a sham humanity, oh, what a sham you've become
do you think you fool anybody?
do you think you fool God?
lies and chemicals and alcohol
and writhing bodies and ink and blood
humanity, how you bleed
how you've desecrated yourself
depressed person like me: we see the world as it is
we call you out on it
we know you are going to hell; the thought burns with us every second
(a farce)
so we write poems and you call us eccentric and we discuss how different and much better we are than you
same old game, same old game
- tried and tested throughout the ages
not a different species, but we might as well be,
the way you treat us,
the way we treat you.
down, down, on our last round
Unintended ****-shaming in this poem. No intention of offending anyone with this.
Dec 2013 · 847
Oral Report
Aya Baker Dec 2013
To use a pop culture reference, I am an onion.

Peeling back my layers and layers of layers will only make you cry- and in the end, what are you left with, really? What are you looking for? You've peeled back all of these layers and you'll find nothing. (All that effort gone to waste. Tut tut tut.)

Nothing of use, or worth, anyway.

Is this self-defense then? Do the tears an onion coax out of you as you  skin it and peel back its layers serve as a form of self-defense? One last bid, one last effort to try and stop you from baring it naked? A defense mechanism of nature's finest ingenuity?

Let's count the ways I need therapy.

Let's start with the demons that slither across your bed and grapple with your ears before sliding in your brain in the black of the night.

Let's not.
Dec 2013 · 578
Aya Baker Dec 2013
she drinks coffee like it is her float in the sea she drowns in, chugs it like it'll buoy her better or let her use less effort in keeping alive

(her legs are kicking anyway, mouth screaming defiant at the sea in spitfuls of salt water, and her eyes are blurred angry sore red, brows hooked like an eagle's staring down prey)

-and she should fit in with the insomniacs, whose one associated item are styrofoam coffee cups of mom-and-pop diners and the accompanying coffee rings on formica table tops (as if all insomniacs are the same and if they were they would only have one token, but we'll pretend this is an amateur author's first novel) but she's not quite them and she's not quite one of the living, either-

         silly goose, silly me

the insomniacs are one of the living.

are they?
Nov 2013 · 533
Aya Baker Nov 2013
i starve myself
in hopes that the hydrochloric acid in my stomach
will eventually erode away my insides
till I am naught but an empty shell;
hollow, like
how my heart feels these days,
It should be noted that my writing poems is worrying because it seems to be tied to my depression.
Nov 2013 · 317
Aya Baker Nov 2013
She took her eyes out
Because she had seen too much.
But that didn't stop either,
So she took her brain out
Because even when everything was dark
It wasn't.

They called her crazy and put her in an asylum.
Might revise this later.
Nov 2013 · 624
Monsters in the Closet
Aya Baker Nov 2013
It is the only place I feel safe
When sometimes my room feels too open:
I hide away in my closet
(And perhaps a joke can be made out of that
And perhaps it already has,
But it doesn't matter, anyway-
I've already told those who wouldn't hurt me.)
Recovering in the dark,
Where the monsters are familiar
And this small space originally deemed claustrophobic
Settles me,
My shoulders bracketed by the door and the back
The only hug I'll seem to get.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Aya Baker Nov 2013
My mama don't hit me no more
But that don't mean she can't cut me down
To the bone like she used to;
Words axe-sharp to whittle away
All the illusions I had created for myself
Those of security and confidence and self-worth-
Glances flitting over me
Like I'm not even there,
Like I'm not even worth looking at.
Oct 2013 · 833
Not In Use : A Sign
Aya Baker Oct 2013
It seems that
The only thing that warms me now
Is the scalding water
Of my showerhead.

My bones are all my sad endings and lost loves and destroyed galaxies soldified.

No hero's smile or requited love or photogenic nebula
Will ever do it for me.
Not any more, at least.

The muscle in my chest has rotten away to reveal cobwebs and a chill;
Even before the heart had gone to waste it had already been out of use
For a long time.
The veins and arteries once filled with life are now static,
Little tubes that serve no function.

My palms open and close-
Or, I think they do.
If my heart is gone, how have I lived on?
I assess the state of my chest cavity.

I have not.
I am but a tangle of thoughts in my consciousness left to stew in limbo,
A fitting punishment of corporeal suffering
For the body that once held
Oct 2013 · 970
Aya Baker Oct 2013
We are a collection
Of mixed half-things;

i.  B i t s and b o b s that don't belong anywhere
But beside each other-
       that bent plastic spoon curled
                                                               u         d   that stub of a candle

Spine t w i s t e d like an aged ballerina,
Curled protectively over the red, red (red! like the blood that simmers under your skin) candle

ii. songs from different ERAS
One song from the 80s with their razzle and dazzle and neon lights,
                                                                    their advertisements in CAPITALS and exclamation marks
and; another song from today, one of those "hipster" ones as
the kids these days like to call them;
                sorrow spill-
                    ing out of them
                        like melting ice- cr
                                  eams on stairs

No one thought they would fit together
Until a mix,
A playlist on 8tracks was made.

iii.  abandoned              sets
                                                     on a lonely playground
on a lonely park.

Swinging in t
                                   (but not quite)
                                   (but that's okay)
Oct 2013 · 7.4k
Small town, slow town
Aya Baker Oct 2013
My mother grew up in a small town
and she married in a small town
and she lived in a small town
and she passed away here.
And our neighbours came with their casseroles
And the florist gave my family her best violets
And there was a discount on the casket.

My sister grew up in a small town
and she married in a small town
and she lived in a small town
And she works at the high school as an English teacher.
And she takes her kids to the park every Saturday,
And her car never uses more than a liter a month
And there is always a booth for her family at Sal's Diner.

My brother grew up in a small town
and he never did marry
but he never did leave.
So now he lives in this small town.
And he only ever takes his job as a deputy seriously
And every Sunday he tends to his geraniums,
And there is never any mail in his mailbox
And his coffee order has always been the same.

I grew up in a small town
and nothing ever changed
and so I left.
And I will never manage to travel to all the bus stops
And my barista never ever remembers my face
And the librarian is stern, always, instead of friendly
And there is never ever a dull moment
In this little world I've created in my big town.
I love Singapore, I do, but I feel trapped here. You could liken it to a small town, I guess.
Oct 2013 · 445
Lunar Cycles
Aya Baker Oct 2013
Perhaps when the moon
And waxes again
I will be myself
Starved out and skinny at first;
Then whole again.
Aya Baker Oct 2013
Your lips catch onto mine
And I fall hook, line, and sinker.
The friction your hips create, sliding across mine,
Imitate the drag of my lungs
When you first declared your love for me.
I kiss the freckles on your hipbone;
Orion's little constellation.
You guide my mouth to where it needs to be
Even though I don't know what I am doing,
Even though this is my first time.
You taste like musk and salt.
And when your eyes reopen,
You pull me up and kiss my forehead.
This was actually a challenge by a friend, to write about ***- I wanted to use French, because things always sound better in another language!
Oct 2013 · 504
Too Old and Too Wise
Aya Baker Oct 2013
"tell me about the end of the world," the time traveller asked.

"a blessing," the stars decided.

"tell me about the end of mankind," the time traveller asked.

"peaceful," the stars conferred.

"tell me about the end of humanity," the time traveller asked.

"like a scab finally peeled," the stars nodded in agreement.

they had lived too long.
Aya Baker Oct 2013
i colour in the white spaces of my drawings
the pen nib goes deeper and deeper
and on the other side of the paper, there's a mark.

the colour- originally an indigo blue-
becomes dark as the night
the colour is rich and singular;
it feels like the sea.
i wish it were.
my wishes don't come true.

maybe if i continue colouring over the same lines
again and again
the space will finally be filled.
Aya Baker Oct 2013
I've gotten tired of staring at the back of my eyelids
In inky darkness,
There still are shadows that flit about and
Draw my mind's attention.
I have many voices in my head
All overlapping and overwhelming each other;
Choruses of a song heard earlier that day
Or a monologue of my own maudlin thoughts
Or  a daydream of my wildest fantasies concocted
Or tomorrow's to-do list.
Loud, and
All at once.
It makes me go half out of  my mind, sometimes.
I find it difficult to sleep.
Had a particularly rough night, and it inspired this. Went against every fiber of my being to write this, to continue faking sleep, but I wrote this down anyway. A poet's curse, I think.
Sep 2013 · 752
Aya Baker Sep 2013
Sixteen, and already she feels so tired
A weariness that settles in her bones like no other;
And they too- the bones- they ache.
Shadows under her eyes
Like the ones that reside in Hades' domain-
Wicked and taunting and cruel and
That don't seem to disappear.
Her gaze is vacant, attention slipping
Always casting about, from the
Styrofoam coffee cup to the newly parked car in the lot
To the aging sign advertising an open auto shop
- 24 hours a day, and the unlit neon bulbs
Look as ancient as
Her grandmother's wedding ring.
She sighs,
Takes a sip of coffee,
Then closes her eyes.
The vinyl seat cover under her is cool to the touch.
Sep 2013 · 750
Aya Baker Sep 2013
Quiet, quiet.

The night is dark outside and so is your soul.

There is little we can do about that, I'm sorry, they say oh so solemnly,

hands folded together close to their body

like they are protecting themselves

from me.

Shock treatments and pills couldn't do me good

Nothing could go against the

impenetrable exterior my mind

had formed.

The brambles my self-hate had created

were so intricately tangled

nothing could sidestep nor cut through them.
Just a filler while I delete Undiscovered, Version 2 and find a new poem in my phone memos (ha) to replace this with. Ignore this, tally-**!
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Aya Baker Sep 2013
lovely little girl

looking out from under her lashes

big bright world, she doesn't know what to do with it

newly released into the world with little more

than a whisper on her lips, a blessing tucked in the corner of her mouth

and the words that appear in the sand

of the beach she stands upon for the first time

"you will be magnificent"
Sep 2013 · 786
Aya Baker Sep 2013
it is a rainy day

and the pavement slick with water

and her heels go down clicking

click click click

and they are red and she tries

to show that she is powerful

and important

and that she matters

in this city of people who are all the same

blonde and asian and street

snapbacks and briefcases and tattoos

coffee and tea and mineral waters

but she isn’t

and she is still just

One of my older poems. Hard to escape from writing yourself into your works, isn't it?
Sep 2013 · 492
One in the rain
Aya Baker Sep 2013
the wind is raging



and the trees are shaking

battering against the windows

and i can feel their pain

they beg to differ.

and the droplets stream down my windowpane

like a fairytale-esque music video

like my cries in the night

how lonely, is it, to be a tree?
Aya Baker Sep 2013
Once a boy loved me, you know?
I've lived a good life.
It was a sad one, but a good one.
Sep 2013 · 623
Aya Baker Sep 2013
"How are you?"

"I am fine."

"How are you?"

"I am fine."

"How are you?"

And it goes on and on and on,
This courteous game no one invests in
Half-glances sliding over you
Catalouging your state briefly before
Moving onto something else

The unspoken rules of this game dictate
That you keep to routine.
How are yous and I am fines,
Never change
Never stop.
Never, ever, change.

It does not matter
If these are not truths
It does not matter
If you feel like your skin is bursting
And your head is exploding
And your heart is shrieking
And your blood is singing.

They must ask How are yous
And you must say, I am fines

"I am-"


I am not.

I am not fine you want to scream and shout You have not been fine since last year the year you discovered that you don’t matter you are only worth the As in your report book. The teacher’s assessment of you is unfair yet true and you are never anything less than troubled. Red becomes the colour you see behind your eyelids in the dark and in the day When the red stands out and even if it doesn’t because that’s all. You. Can. Think. About. It is the colour under the skin of your thighs when you slap too hard It is the colour that spills over the skin of your forearms where you hide the cuts under sleeves You are falling falling a dizzy mess No one but you will taint this metaphorical white dress. You dig in your work. You solve math problem after math problem and buy new highlighters to line the pages of your Biology textbook and you pay attention in History class even though your friend elbows you in the ribs to get your attention to show off her latest doodle. But still red redred red red red redred dred ered red red is all you can think about, you don’t like the colour but now you just might. it keeps you sane. After class when no one paid attention and everyone disrupted it you ran to the bathroom to create more so. You tell your friends and they look at you sadly but forget later. It takes you months of not eating properly and starving yourself of sentiment before you realize you are too young to be jaded. Other, better friends (though it is no fault of your older ones) pull you through. You learn to like simple things again. You throw yourself in articles and articles of the feminist movement and watch that new TV show and make more friends that loosen you up and make you laugh and dance. You take pictures and create memories again. You live a little more again. You are making progress.

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