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541 · Aug 2013
gift of a break
awkward Sam Aug 2013
I tagged along with you today
trying to be useful
to be there for you
nurse you..comfort you..clean your wounds
go with to the doctor
help to call your work..make us black tea
help you take a ***..bring a hot bottle
and painkillers to ease your pain
lift you on the pillows..straighten your bedclothes
try make you comfy

try to arrange a van
then you shut me up
when I try to speak
just to make a suggestion
of help
why, I don't know

then you mention that
if we had break
from each other
who would you have turned to
in your hour of need
this is all I am to you

now you push me into a corner
tease with a cruel joke
all at my expense
I ask you: don't repeat
and yet you taunt
that you will not be shut up
and you repeat the cruel joke
knowing how hard it is
for me

you know something?
when I nursed your wounds this morning
I took care not to hurt you
let it sting too much
despite the medic's words
of aggressive treatment

you did not take that same care
just now
you touch an old wound
you know it hurts
and yet
you persist in taunting
and pulling off an ugly effort

thanks so much
for fuckall!



******* for hurtin me so
your deliberate taunts hurt
more than you know

and who is still here?

— The End —