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Away From Time Dec 2010
My friend just took the world's biggest ****.
I really hope he didn't miss.
If he did it'll smell really bad.
And I will be very very mad.
Cause as I go to take a poo,
I'm certain the stench will make me ***** too.
Away From Time Nov 2010
Today I ****** Up My Life.
I Will Never Have A Wife.
She Found My Box Of Secrets.
And Now They're Just Regrets.
Maybe It's For The Best.
I Don't Have To Hide The Rest.
Yeah, This Is Good, We'll Just Fight.
And Everything Will Be Alright.
Away From Time Dec 2010
Do you remember when we first met,
It is a time I will never forget.
You walked past the door, I laid my head to the bed
And together our cheeks turned bright red.
It went on from there and it's been a great time,
And I would never sell you for less than a dime.
Cause everything you do is so super.
I know neither of us will be left in stupor.
Away From Time Jan 2011
If it means seeing you

Did you know you're half way across the world
Baby, tonight I really want my girl
I miss all the things that we do
And everything that makes you cute

Would someone please get my baby?
It's been too long, it's been too hard, and now I'm ready to give up
If it means seeing you

As every other couple on earth cuddles
We're left alone with ourselves just to mumble
To no one about how we miss us
I think I might catch the next bus

How am I supposed to dance when the slow song plays
There's no choice for me but to miss you
And I've been doing that since day one what else is there to do
I'll wait for you to wait for me
I'll wait for you to wait for me
I'll wait for you to wait for me

Would someone please get my baby?
It's been too long, it's been too hard, and now I'm ready to give up
If it means seeing you tonight

Would someone please get my baby?
It's been too long, it's been too hard, and now I'm ready to give up
If it means seeing you tonight
Away From Time Dec 2010
She like's to sleep in late
And yells at me when I wake her up
I feel no guilt, it's 11 o'clock
You're being a *****, get over it
Look at yourself, at what you've become
Where the old one that I love
Not this monster who rips me apart
Who stands above me and stares me down
This beast who has no care for me
Whether I'm upset or hurt
As long it comes out on top
Even if my love for her is now at the bottom
But does she even think about that
No because she's "better" than me
But she's not.
When all is said and done, I will still stand
For every time she attacks me, I grow
She'll be left alone and stranded
I will prosper with my Father who loves me
He will always be my guiding light
She's lost in the dark, I've tried to save her
But she wants to remain in the dark
With all of the evil in the world.
She would be blinded if she came into the light
And run straight back to the blackness
I feel sorry for her
I still love her and always will
But She's a lost cause now I think
Away From Time Nov 2010
I couldn't control myself
There are times where I'm just taken over
No one could explain, it was like I had gone covert
And then I come back out
Alone. Broken. Alone. Hurt. Alone. Sorry.
Now I know what he was talking about, I mean Corey
Maybe I am being a ***** by not telling you
But it really is because I love you. Please listen,
if you ever do find out, don't start looking for boys to be kissing
Cause that'll make you no better than me.
And you are so much better than me, but I will still fight.
Some would be to scared and rather than fight would take flight.
Not I though. My love for you overpowers that want to flee.
Cause I know for my life to be good, it's only you that I need.
Away From Time Nov 2010
I wonder,
When the wind blows, where does it go?
Our minds cannot comprehend such things.
New outlooks on life are brought on
Due to heartbreaking events.
Everyone always asks why.
Reasons are needed for everything.
Why not just accept it?
Here's why, people are afraid of faith.
Yet I do not, because I know the risk is always worth it.
Away From Time Nov 2010
2:51 AM
The Grandfather's confused
He goes off before anyone can even react
As his voice echoes through the halls and staircases
A lone light is on
In a room of 5, only one light is lit
The scratching of pen to paper is hiding behind the light
The hand which holds the pen quivers, leaving a shaky trail
On the paper lays a picture
In any other lighting it would have been horrible
Yet at that angle, and with the dim light
It was a magnificent piece, burning into my memory
I cannot forget such a piece
For it is for myself only
No other eyes will ever see that dormitory Mona Lisa
As is any great piece of work.
Away From Time Dec 2010
Exhausted and tired
But my brain is hard wired
I can't find an escape from you
You're in control
A menacing black hole
I can't find an escape from you
Once it starts
It's hard to be apart
I can't find an escape from you
You are the key
And I am no longer free
I can't find an escape from you
All day long
I want you to be gone
I can't find an escape from you
I've thrown you away
But you're here to stay
I can't find an escape from you
Consuming my time
As consistent as a rhyme
I can't find an escape from you
I am not alone
A poor people zone
I can't find an escape from you
All of the others
My sisters and brothers
We must find an escape from you
Away From Time Dec 2010
Many say that 12 months is a long time
It goes by quick with you on my mind
A few arguments (say 11?) have gone by
We started gossip in the public eye
10 fingers perfectly fill in empty spaces
You taught me a few funny faces
Symphony #9 was never our kind of song
Twilight with a dash of vanilla, we couldn't go wrong
Losing most of our 8 hours of sleep
Due to conversations and questions that were deep
Spending 7 classes daydreaming of you being so prim
That non-class I spent walking by you in gym
At 6 months we made ourselves pretty for Grad
It’s just on of the hundreds of good times we've had
5 names that I call you more than once
I think meeting you must've been a bunce
The last time I felt your warmth was 4 months ago
Yet I rejoice that soon I will see you and leave this snow
I've got more that 3, so hold onto my sweater girl
I smile wide when I get your letters girl
The 2 of us make a super adorable couple
It seems my heart's size has doubled
1 year together, it’s quite a feat
My love for you is complete
Away From Time Nov 2010
The day that stars fall to the sky
That is when my love will finally die
And it will rise above all that is below
For you to see and I will bestow
Something that you've never seen
A thing that people find to be mean
They hide it, they run from it
They don't want to show it
They don't want you to know they're ******
But all I want is for you to know who I am
So that we can find each other's hearts
And have a completely fresh start.

— The End —