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Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
Bon Fire Stories for Around My Tombstone

The bells toll to signal the end of a life characterized by failure.
A failure to reach ascendancy and win over his hero’s favor.
A failure to shake the darkness plaguing his broken soul.
A failure to break the suicidal habit that lead so many others to burn in the coal.
A failure to maintain a healthy relationship long enough to find a wife and produce an heir.
A failure who was never able to pull himself out of the pit of despair.
A failure who never achieved a decent career.
A failure who never figured out God’s plan for his life that the good lord laid out right in front of him o so clear.
A failure to rediscover himself and build himself into a proper person.
A failure who pushed everyone away and allowed and disease in him to only worsen.
He failed his entire life, from birth to burial.
A failure who drove his parents hysterical.
A miserable failure, isn’t he just terrible?
This will be a small, quiet memorial.

Only family members and a few close friends gather around this *******’ casket.
They shed a few tears, say some kind words but deep down, don’t feel bad for the rascal.
He was the black sheep of the family and not really loved by anyone anyhow.
There is an overall sense of relief that he’s gone now.

Everyone ignored his please as he cried out for help through is art.
Everyone ignored him as he walked around slowly dying of a broken heart.
Everyone ignored him even after multiple books were published describing his pain and inner turmoil.
Ignored he no longer will be as his body rots away underneath the norths cold soil.
As the bells toll to signify his end, a few close friends gather around his tombstone to say their final respects.
They understand the fallen man to have been complex.
They don’t judge him for never practicing safe ***,
or for losing his invisible war and getting ****** into a vortex.

The men and woman begin a bon fire and set up chairs.
These a sense of peace tonight in the chilly spring air.
They crack open a cooler and pass around the beer.
This is how the fallen would have wanted it, just to be clear.
They begin sharing stories of the man he used to be,
Hoping that now, from his inner pain he is free.
They share stories surrounding his dark times dating Autumn,
amazed that from his downfall there, he was able to climb back up from the bottom,
but was unable to do the same here today.
Everyone has an expiration date and his just happened to come out and play.

They share embarrassing moments he thought they had long forgotten,
and share time’s where his greatness really blossomed.
They rip on him for never using a ******
and say be belonged living in *****,
but *** wasn’t meant to be contained,
it was meant to be raw and natural, like he always explained.
The group shakes their heads at his crazy theories.
He had so many unnatural ideas he could have written a book series.
They shake their heads and laugh at the discussion of his strangeness,
always shaving his body when no man was meant to do so.
His feminine traits when he claimed to be a real man.
He lived a strange existence during his short life span.

One friend, his best one of all, takes out his books of art and begins reading them aloud to the group.
They all share their thoughts and opinions openly on what they think.
Twisted, tormented, genius, freak, he was all of them.
An outcast to many, but a hero to some.
His words are laced with venom and strike hard.
In person, you could never tell, he always had up his guard.
His friends don’t care; they are here to celebrate his life and do him one last solid.
After all, it’s the least they can do, it was a group promise.

As the group laughs, drinks and celebrates, a man watches on from a distance.
Even in death, he is still facing resistance.
His soul is charred, beaten and worn down,
but he’s not sad, his face isn’t even supporting a frown.

With the angels above him in the sky calling out to him,
and the demon’s below him reaching out for him,
he’s just happy to see his friends celebrating who he was while he was alive.
He wishes he could go give them all a high five.
Sharing campfire stories around his tombstone is how he wants to be remembered.
Drinking beer, sharing laughs all for him, it warms his soul.
Reading his art out loud, it how he wants to be remembered.
At least his death wasn’t all in vain.
2.0k · Dec 2018
The Entertainer
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Entertainer

Warmth soothes my soul on this beautiful July morning.
A stark contrast to the dream I had the previous night that was the complete opposite of charming.
A violent storm tore apart my home leaving me in shambles, perhaps it’s a warning,
because the dread left behind in the pit of my stomach is concerning.
Tomorrow is my sons 8th birthday party, I fear it will be boring.
The last thing I want is for my sons’ friends to be unimpressed and fill my son’s ears with negative talking.
It may take a few stiff drinks but I’ll do my best to be charming.
A happy, gracious host can influence the guests into returning.
For my son Austin, that enough will be rewarding.
I have a man coming over soon who will provide me with details on what services he can provide to make sure all the kids view the party as being entertaining.
I hope and pray that he’s good at performing.
This is the first birthday I’ve had to plan on my own, so I’m sure I’m in store for some learning.
I’m hesitate whether or not I should pick up my video camera and begin recording.
I may record a complete failure or an event that proves to be rewarding.
Either way the children will be roaring
with either boos or cheers.

Food wise, I plan on keeping it simple.
Pepperoni pizza and pop to keep all the kids civil.
Two piñatas filled to the brim with candy for all the kids to lust over sinful,
while I watch from a dark corner letting out a giggle.
Still I need more fun things for the kids to do so that’s where the entertainer comes in.
To get a better price I might try to sooth him over with some gin.


I answer the door to discover the middle-aged man smiling rather creepily at me.
He supports a trimmed beard along with a beer belly that sticks out rather beastly.
I have a sick feeling in my gut that something is off about him to a certain degree.
Having him makes me feel uncomfortable, I’m not sure if I trust his websites satisfaction guarantee.

He goes to speak, his breath reeking of cigarettes and alcohol.
His clothes are weathered, torn, smell something putrid and in need of a dousing of Lysol.
His eyes are bloodshot; it appears he has had a long night.
His presence here in front of my home fills my heart with fright.

He hands me his business card and tells me his name is Chester Pennyworth, entertainer.
It’s not in my nature to be a complainer,
but I wouldn’t hire this man even if he was my next-door neighbor.
I’m certainly not willing to pay the hefty fee for his retainer.

He hands me a booklet explaining all of the services he provides for children’s birthday parties.
I believe the only talent he actually contains is passing along genital ******.
I close the book as fast as he opens it and tell him I’m not interested in his services.
He snatches the book back from out of my hands laughing rather manically since I just deemed him purposeless.
I thank him for stopping by and for his time trying to be merciful,
but the frown that quickly appears on his face tells me he’s taking it personal.

I politely ask him to leave wanting to slam my front door hard behind him.
Chester then closes his eyes and begins to sing a hymn.
I forcefully ask him again to leave, he’s wasting valuable time I could be spending at the gym.
His eyes shoot open deranged; my soul instantly feels grim.
This man needs to depart from my presence now!
Him working my party, I simply disallow.

I go to push the man out of the door in an attempt to get him to leave.
He grabs my arm and squeezes my wrist hard, not the outcome I had hoped to achieve.
The forces me back into the house and with his free hand closes the front door behind him.
The outcome of this encounter for myself is starting to look grim.
He’s a large man, much stronger than I am.
Now I’m at his mercy, ****.

Now squarely in the middle of the living room, he squeezes my wrist even harder forcing me to my knees.
I look up at him as he admires down at me looking pleased.
He tells me I look good for being a middle-aged mom and am quite the **** tease.
I beg him to let me go and promise to hire him if he does so, in hopes he agrees.

With his free hand, the man drops his pants exposing he average sized ****.
He demands me to milk him dry and to end the small talk.
Hesitate, but with no other options, I slowly take all of him in my mouth.
I bob my head back and forth ******* him off while in my mind I pretend that I’m on vacation down south.
His manhood taste terrible, like he hasn’t showered in weeks.
I hold back gags as he pulls out of my mouth and slaps my cheeks.

He then shoves himself back into my mouth and I continue to ****.
I’m tempted to bite down and cause him misery but with the tight hold he has on my wrist, I’m afraid he would shatter it in retaliation, so I’m stuck.
*** starved, it doesn’t take long for his **** to fill up with cream and begin to throb in my mouth.
Excited, he moans and whispers that he’s going to keep this day as his Sabaoth.
He quickly blows his load down my throat and lets out a smile of pleasure.
It seems my mouth was quite the treasure.
I ask him if we are even and tell him I’ll let bygones be bygones.
He immediately frowns and tells me no, he’s going to put me where I belong.

He tells me to get back up to my feet and leads me into my bedroom.
He lies me on the bed, strips me naked and tells me he’s sure I have a nice womb,
but tells me my womb is not what he’s interested in.
He begins rubbing his hand over my leg commenting on my delicious smooth skin.
He licks his lips and tells me he bets I will make a tasty meal.
Panic cripples my heart as I plead with him to work with me and make a deal.
I have a young son who will be home from his friend’s house soon.
I don’t want him to walk in on us like this, I rather have in walk in on a cartoon.

The man, not caring what I have to say, climbs unto the bed and sits on my chest.
He places his right and above my left eye and tells me my son will soon be addressed.
Without warning, he slams ******* into my eye sock and rips out my left eye.
A loud piercing scream escapes from my mouth, God I want to die.

The sick, depraved lunatic smiles at me and shows me my eyeball.
I’m too busy screaming out in pain to be appalled.
He tells me the eyeball is the most delicious part of the human body and can’t wait to eat mine.
He reassures he won’t harm my son, that he will be fine.
He then sticks ******* into my right eye and rips it out as well.
The world as I know it goes black as I’m left in one terrible place to ******* dwell.

The front door of the home squeaks open as a young boy enters, the son,
freshly back from his friend’s house where he just got done having a lot of fun.
The smell of cooking food enters his nostrils pleasantly, rumbling his stomach as he is hungry.
He’s a boy whom enjoys his food even though his mother warns him eating too much will cause him to become chubby.

He drops his overnight bag on the floor and yells out, “mom I’m home!”
She doesn’t answer, she always answers!  Something is not sitting right up in Little Austin’s dome.
He walks towards the kitchen then stops immediately in his tracks.
There is a strange, unrecognizable man cooking, wearing ***** slacks.
The man turns around and smiles, “Austin you’re home!
Dinner is almost done, please take a seat next to Jerome.”

Austin sees a puppet sitting in a chair at the kitchen table and takes a seat in the chair next to him unsure of the whereabouts of his beloved mother.
He’s not sure who this man is, a stranger or possibly his long-lost father?
“Where is my mother,” he finally asks.
The man flashes Austin a warm smile that disguises his true ugly identify like a mask.

“Your mother will be here shorty, she had to run and pick up a few last-minute things for your birthday party tomorrow.
She asked me to stay here and keep an eye on dinner you know.
My name is Walter and I will be providing entertainment at your party tomorrow.
Your mother only hired me for an hour although
so, you and your friends will have to make the most of that hour.
Dinner is ready Austin, o don’t look so sour.”

The man sits a plate of meat down in front of Austin then joins him at the table to eat.
The man tells Austin to take a bite and try it, it’s delicious meat.
Austin takes a bite and discovers the meat is rich with flavor and very tasty.
He cleans his plate rather hasty.

“Good stuff isn’t it Austin,” asks the man.
“Yes, what kind of meat was it?”
“Human meat Austin.”
Austin giggles thinking it’s a joke, “No really what kind of meat was it?”

The man drops his voice to a sinister low level and repeats, “Human meat Austin,
Your mother’s meat to be straight forward.
She did make one tasty meal.

Austin, visibly shaken by this revelation feels his heart sink in his chest.
He begins violently shaking and falls to the ground quite traumatized as you guessed.
He curls up into a ball and begins whispering to himself, “it isn’t true, it isn’t true.”
He didn’t want to accept the truth but deep down he knew,
his mother’s meat was just fed to him by a lunatic.
He now needs to act to save himself and act quick.

“You want desert Austin?  This is the best part.”
The man picks Austin up, sits him back at the table and tells him to have some manners and a heart.
The man places a dish in the middle of the table then removes the lid,
exposing two eye ***** ready to be eaten, his mothers.”

Screams echo around the house as Austin loses his composure and makes a break for the front door.
The man grabs Austin and tells him he still has to see his mother one final time in all her glory and gore.
“She’s still alive,” he whispers into his ear.
“It’s the only way to keep her meat fresh.”

“No, no, no, no Austin trembles uncontrollably as the man drags him into his mother’s bedroom.
A heart wrenching, ear drum piercing, earth spin stopping scream shatters the sound barrier as the boy comes face to face with what’s left of his mother.
Two ****** holes remain of what use to be her beautiful blue eyes.
Her tongue has been removed, leaving her unable to speak.
Her legs are missing from the knees down.
Her breathing is faint; death is nigh for her.

Tears fall relentlessly from Austin’s eyes as the man handcuffs him to his mother, forcing him to spend quality time with her mangled body.

The front door of the home slowly squeaks open as Dr. James Allen Burke enters the house.
His appearance here will surly cause a rouse.
Walter is sitting in a recliner in the living room, his eyes make contact with Dr. Burke’s.
Walter has been expecting him since he himself is one of the doctors failed works.

“Good evening Doctor, it sure is lovely to see you again.
Please tell me, your walking into the den of a mad man with a solid plan.”

“Walter, what have you done now?
I was supposed to help you control your urges, that was my vow!”

“Is that why you cut into my brain time after time, to help me doctor?
Because if you ask me, experimenting on my brain means you have no honor.
You’ve tried time and time again to get my brain right but each time you failed.
It’s about time I think that the police find out about your experiments and to a cross you should be nailed.
Do you want the public to know about your current experiment with your mother?
If you want my silence, turn around, exit the house and no longer ****
with me!”

“Walter, when I discovered you fifteen years ago, the police were ready to hang you.
You were lucky I was able to convince them to allow me to help tighten your screws.
You were found near death after being poisoned by your best friend Pete,
who was found with a bullet hole in his head from a bullet that was traced back to a gun owned by you that was found next to your body lying on the street.
You threatened to ****** your ex-girlfriend.
You threatened to ****** your son.
I’ve been performing procedure after procedure on you to fix your brain,
but all my attempts over the years, I’m afraid have been in vain.”

“I guess I should have been allowed to die in peace on that street instead of being revived doctor!”

“I’m sorry I failed you Walter, but I can no longer allow you to carry on with your rampage of destruction.
The crimes you have committed under my watch are too much for my soul to bear.”

“So you are here to **** me doctor, is that it?”

Doctor Burke, unfazed by his failed experiments aggressive nature towards him, smiles and nods as a gun shoot rings out.
A bullet, shot from a gun carried by Amanda who’s now standing behind Walter, hits Walter square in the head putting an end to the failed experiments fallout.

“Thank you Amanda for helping me…”

“Thank me later Doctor, there is something you need to see this instant.”

Doctor Burke and Amanda walk into the bedroom to the horrific sight of Austin handcuffed to his mutilated mother shaking and crying uncontrollably on the floor.
Doctor Burke takes in a deep breath greatly disturbed at the sight, he can’t even begin to enjoy the fact that Walter isn’t around to cause chaos and destruction anymore.

“Doc, the Woman is somehow still alive we need to put her down.
What do we do with the child?”

Doctor Burke takes the gun from Amanda and tells her he will do what must be done.
They need to clean up their mess to avoid and cops discovering their dark ***** deeds placing them on the run.
Doctor Burke points the gun at Austin’s head and pulls the trigger placing a bullet right between his eyes.
He had no chance on growing up and living a normal life, I’m not going to lie.
He would have been traumatized for life and unable to function in the real world.
Placing a bullet in between his eyes is a mercy **** and hope now his soul can be at peace.

Doctor Burke shifts the gun over to the mother and pulls the trigger,
also placing a bullet right between the dark holes of what use to be her eyes.
He looks over at Amanda and speaks,
“Let’s clean this mess up and cover our tracks.”
2.0k · Dec 2018
The Scientist
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Scientist

“Good evening everyone, I’m your host Andrew Pittman here with my beautiful girlfriend Rachel and my new friends Nathan and Amanda and we are about to enter the house of the famous Dr. James Allen Burke.
I honestly can’t wait to meet the man and to upload this amazing video so you all can admire and take in my hard work.
If it wasn’t for you guys, my loyal viewers, I wouldn’t be doing this.
I’m a little nervous to find out what Dr. Burke is up too, but this is an opportunity I can’t afford to miss.
I will keep the tape rolling the entire time I’m in there to capture everything that happens on camera for you guys.
I’m sure viewer discretion will be advised.
We are arriving at the front door of Dr. Burke’s home now so here goes nothing!
Hopefully I don’t capture anything too disgusting.”

Nathan opens the front door and welcomes us inside the home of Dr. Burke.
Once inside, he looks into the camera, winks and gives a little smirk.
The house is rather chilly and dark,
but massive in scope, a palace for a true monarch.

All the lights are turned off as if no one is even home.
Sitting in the corner of what appears to be a living room stands a rather creepy gnome.
The house is silent; I’m convinced we would be able to hear a pin drop.
I wonder where Dr. Burke is hiding amongst this lifeless backdrop.

Nathan stops walking and looks directly into my camera.
He speaks into it saying what we are about to witness will be glamorous.
He says that we are about to head downstairs where all of the festivities are taking place,
then looks at me and says he can’t wait to see the shock on my pale face.

Nathan opens a door revealing a dark staircase with a glimmer of light at the bottom.
I’m not sure if this will lead to something amazing or a problem.
Wish I had a minute to chug a bottle
before walking into this man’s basement full throttle.

I’m not going to lie to my viewers, I’m feeling rather uneasy about this.
I grab Rachel and give her a kiss
as we begin to descend into the basement via the staircase.
We are moments away from finding out what is going on in this place.

We reach the bottom of the staircase to discover a large room full of medical equipment and other devices.
Looking at all of the equipment, I can’t imagine all of their prices.
A man is standing over a girl who’s lying unconscious on it.
A sight that is a little disturbing, I will admit.
A body covered up with a sheet lies on a table next to the girl.
Thoughts of what possibly is going on here deep in my dome begin to swirl.

“Doctor Burke, I hope you don’t mind but I have brought some new friends of mine with me to see this miraculous moment happen.
They are a little uneasy about what’s going on here but I’m sure that soon they will be clapping.”

“Doctor Burke!  You are a legend!  It’s great to meet you, my name is Andrew and this is my girlfriend Rachel, I’m here to capture this…moment on camera if you don’t mind.”

“Welcome my new friends and I don’t mind at all.
The worlds preconceived beliefs and notions on what medicine and science can achieve are about to fall!
What I have done here will change the fate of mankind forever!
The day in which we die will soon become never.”

“What do you mean?
What are you doing here?”

I notice the girl is bald and has stiches all around her head.
Did he bring her back from the dead?
What’s the deal with the body under the blanket on the other table?
This man is either a one of a kind genius or completely unstable.

“I will explain everything to you right now.
Get ready to raise your eyebrows.
This young girl here is named Sarah.
She was a nice girl but like to wear too much mascara.
Anyways, her parents contacted me awhile back asking me for my help and guidance.
You see, what they discovered dear Sarah was up too had them frightened.
It turns out that Sarah’s sister discovered her having *** with the family dog.
She confessed to her sister that she was addicted to *** and that the dog was the main character of her ****** catalogue.
She then tried to convince her sister into joining her in bed.
Her sister ran away from her with her heart filled with dread.
She reported what Sarah was doing to her parents and they immediately contacted me to help them find a way to cure her from her ****** depraved disease.
I had an operation in mind to remove that part of her brain to put an end to her sickness and thought it was going to be a breeze.
Unfortunately, I ran into complications and she ended up dying on the operating table.
I was able to keep her body and organs alive but her brain was completely disabled,
which is good news for me and my dear mother here underneath this blanket.
Thanks to this young body and our advancement in medicine and science, my mother won’t have to be buried in a casket.
You see, I learned everything I know from my mother who is even more brilliant than I am.
What we have accomplished here today is a result of years of hard work and is no scam.
My mother was 103 years old and her body had failed her, but her mind was just as sharp as ever.
So, thanks to her encouragement, we decided to embark on this endeavor.
In order to live on, I have transplanted my mother’s brain, her entire consciousness into Sarah’s body.
It took me 28 hours to complete and a large amount of coffee,
but my mother’s brain and consciousness is now inside Sarah’s body.
Sarah is no longer Sarah, rather my mother in a far younger vessel.
As soon as she wakes up, which should be any minute now, you will see the success of this first ever kind of operation for yourself.”

I’m shocked, finding it difficult to breath, as I lower my camera and shake my head.
I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.

“You look a little overwhelmed Andrew, would you like a glass of water?”

I look up as a black man appears in front of me offering me a glass of water with an emotionless stare on his face.

“This is Antonio, Nathan’s butler, he will be serving us drinks this evening.”
I take the class and thank him for the water as he turns around without saying a word and walks away.

“Now that you have a glass of water and are beginning to process all of this,
I can inform you of the whereabouts of Chris.
That is why you were in his house, am I correct?
Do discover what happened to him?”

“Ye…Yes it would be nice to find out what happened to him.”

“Antonio, bring him out here!”

Antonio reappears pushing a chair with a man tied down to it and with a cloth stuffed in his mouth to prevent him from speaking.
He can’t speak but I can tell by the verbs running through his eyes that internally he’s shrieking.
I do recognize the man right away; this is Chris Morris.
The second surprise I have discovered here in this house.

“While the police were struggling to find out what happened to the two girls that disappeared after being with Chris,
Nathan and I were busy running surveillance on him and knew that he had the two girls locked up in his house and was using them as *** slaves.
We didn’t expect the second girl Erin to fall in love with him and enjoy being his slave,
but once that happened and we felt that Ambers life was in danger due to Erin becoming jealous of her being pregnant with Chris’s child, we made our move to take out Chris and save the girls.
We subdued Chris and brought him back here, while placing an anonymous call to the police informing them of the whereabouts of the girls.
Chris is now waiting to fulfill the purpose I have in store for him here.
My mother is only the first part of this operation.
Once she awakens, she will assume my role at this wonderful station.
My brain and consciousness will then be transferred into Chris’s body so I can attain a younger vessel as well.
Then, we will leave the country to find a new place to dwell,
while everyone here thinks we are dead because our brainless bodies will be discovered.
Everyone will wonder what happened to our brains and question why they were taken out of our bodies, but the truth will never be uncovered.
My mother and I will be allowed to live in peace and will have the freedom to quietly carry out our scientific and medical breakthroughs.
Your camera will of course be destroyed right before you leave and if you refuse,
well, bad people will do bad things to you so plan on playing along.”

I put the camera down and shake my head again.

“I hate to tell you Doctor Burke but I feel this isn’t going to…”

The body of Sarah suddenly sits up from the table as her eyes slowly open.
I pick the camera back up and get closer to her to capture this ****** up moment.

With her eye lids now open, Sarah’s’ eyes are revealed to be pure black.
A wicked, evil smile appears across her face, a smile so fiendish that it could cause a mirror to crack.

“Mother can you hear me?
Mother are you there?”

The girl Sarah speaks, “Your mother is burning in the fires of hell with the girl Sarah.
It’s where you will be going very shortly Doctor Burke.
It’s time for you to pay for all of your sins.
Your death now begins!”

With lightening quick speed, the girl jumps up from the table and grabs onto Doctor Burke’s throat forcing him to the ground.
Doctor Burkes tries to call out for help but can’t get out a sound.
The girl tightens her grip as the Doctors eyes roll back into his head.
In a matter of seconds, he is dead.

A loud bang rings out as I turn and see the chair Chris is tied to tipped over and a dark shadow figure ripping out his throat with its mouth.
He too will quickly be heading south.
Nathan turns to run but is jumped on by the girl who begins to bash his face into the ground.
The screams of him crying out in agony is a sickening sound.

Antonio runs to try to save his master but the girl is quick to drop him to the ground and begins to smash his head into the floor as well.
Rachel and I are next I’m sure, our deaths you can essentially smell.

I grab Rachel by the arm and drag her behind me towards the staircase.
If we end up getting killed by this girl, we are at least giving her a chase.
I close the basement door behind us as we run up the stairs towards the main level of the house.
I whisper to Rachel that I really wanted to make her my spouse.
She tells me we are getting out of here and afterwards, I can do just that
and that she would then like to adopt a cat.

We make a break for the front door then come to a dead stop as the sight of a man standing in front of it invades our vison.
I need to figure out what to do next and make it a quick decision.
Its two on one, maybe we can run through the man and out the front door.
I briefly check him out to see what kind of confrontation we have in store.

The man is dressed in a black suite and supports a pointed goatee.
He smiles at us motioning to us to come closer to him and urges us not to flee.
His tie is red and seemingly dripping of blood.
Fear begins pouring out of me in a flood.
A snake slithers around his shoulders and neck.
On second thought, maybe we will turn around and head towards the back deck.

“My dear Andrew and Rachel, there is no need to be afraid.
You made a decision that will shortly result in the end of your lives, but there’s that price you two need to pay.
I’ll make death real easy on you two since you had nothing to do with the terrible experiments taking place here.
You’re simply going to come with me and disappear.
No mangled bodies to be found later by the police.
I’ll make sure you enjoy the rest of eternity with me in peace.
Not everyone goes through extreme torment in my domain.
I won’t even have you experience any real pain.
By the look on your faces, I can tell you’re wondering where God is.
He unfortunately doesn’t want you two to be his.
You see, the two of you never really believed in him or accepted Jesus as your savior or ask for forgiveness for all of your sins.
Plus, you documented some pretty messed up and illegal things
on your camera there and posted it for the world to see for your own personal gain.
You thought with these “wicked cool” videos, a competitive advantage in life you would obtain.
However, your misdeeds have now caught up to you, and now it’s time to put an end to your failed lives.”

We turn to run the opposite way towards the back of the house as the floor beneath us opens up and fire shoots up all around us.
We begin to fall down an endless pit of fire as I let out a cuss.
Above us from the house, Amanda looks down into the hole at us as we fall into the fires of Hell.
The last thing I see is the sight of Amanda not doing so swell
as dark figures swarm over her, consuming her body.
1.8k · Dec 2018
The Explorer
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Explorer

“Good evening everyone!  We are here outside the home of missing serial ****** and kidnapper, Chris Morris.
I’m here with my beautiful girlfriend Rachel and I’m sure being so close to Chris Morris’s house here on 21 Hoover Ln. is making her *******
tingle with excitement at the idea of the unknown we are walking into here.
A cop car has been parked outside the home for the past few hours now and has yet to disappear.
We have been waiting to venture inside just in case cops are inside doing another search,
but based on both long distance and short distance research
of the house and area, we are convinced no one is inside.
The house is dark, no movement has been detected so it’s time to decide,
go inside and explore, or bail and go home.
I’ve been salivating at the chance to explore this house and I’m pretty sure at the mouth I’m beginning to foam,
so inside we are about to go!
I’m your host Andrew Pittman and what we are about to find inside, well no one really knows.
What we discover will be caught on my camera for all of you guys to witness for yourselves.
We are going to video tape the secret room where Chris kept his victims locked up for his own sick ****** pleasure.
Whatever else we may document on this camera will be added treasure.
Here we go, on a grand endeavor,
to document and bring to you this dangerous and risky adventure.”

The cop car sitting outside the house still has me worried.
If a cop is inside combing through the building for evidence, he has not been in a hurry.
We have been parked waiting outside for a good three hours now and we can’t wait any longer.
What exactly are we walking into, well that’s the dilemma we currently ponder.
We approach the house cautiously remaining on our tip toes in order to remain silent and move undetected.
I look over to Rachel, she has to be as nervous as I am, but her face doesn’t look affected.
She’s smiling and in control of her emotions.
My face is a nervous wreck stuck in a monotone blank stare almost as if it is frozen.

We stop our approach at the front door and gather our wits for a moment.
I give Rachel a quick kiss in admiration of her determination, unbroken.
I place my hand on the door **** and hold my breath
as I turn the **** slowly opening the door, exposing a world that feels as if it’s plagued by the black death.
I was secretly hoping the door was going to be locked and we would have to find an alternate route inside or bail,
but I guess inside we go in risk of going to jail.

Once inside, we close the door behind us as quietly as possible to avoid detection if anyone is indeed inside.
I’m instantly hit in the gut with a feeling that someone has recently died.
The house is dark, very dark and quiet, too quiet.
Rachel grabs me on the shoulder, her face is excited.
She can’t believe we are actually inside the home of Chris Morris, no butterflies are swarming around in her stomach.
I, however, feel as if I’m standing on the edge of a mountain and am about to plummet.

I notice the bookcase in the living room still moved aside showing off the entrance to the hidden room.
We will explore there last as that will be the last scene my viewers are allowed to consume.
It will be the ****** of this film after all.
In the comments section below, you guys can debate that call.
Rachel moves ahead of me into the house and stops at the bedroom.
Her mouth drops nearly to the floor; her eyes fill with a sense of doom.
She looks my way beginning to shake, tears beginning to fall from her eyes.
She tells me that we have a problem and I can tell by the horror in her ****** expression that is no lie.

I make my way next to Rachel and look inside the bedroom.
What I witness more closely resembles a tomb.

With the camera still rolling, “What in God’s good name happened here?”

A naked man lies apparently dead on the ground.
A police uniform lies scattered on the floor; we may have found our cop that belongs to the patrol car out front.
A woman is handcuffed to the bed but is not moving.
If this was consensual or not, right now there’s no telling.

I approach the woman and touch her on the face to see if I get a response.
It only takes a few seconds for her to respond.
Her eyes shoot open in panic, she must have fallen asleep.
I’m not sure what we’ve stumbled upon, but whatever it is, it’s deep.

“Are, are you real?  Please tell me you’re real!’

“Yes, we are real.  What happened here?”

“That man on the floor is, or should I say, was a cop.
He pulled me over near the intersection of Bradberry and Hilltop.
He planted ******* on me and told me if I didn’t play along with his game that things wouldn’t end well for me.
He cuffed me and placed me in the back of his patrol car so I couldn’t flee,
then brought me here in order to **** me.
He snorted line after line after line of ******* off of my ***,
then as he began to **** me, he overdosed and died right there on the floor.
Honestly, I thought I was done for.
He died and I was handcuffed to this bed and no one had a clue anyone was even inside this godforsaken house.
If you don’t mind, can you find the keys for these cuffs and get me unchained from this bed?”

I agree to the request and take the keys for the cuffs off of the officer’s belt.
This is quite the unforeseen situation we’ve been dealt.
I take the cuffs off of the woman who gets up and hugs me for freeing her as Rachel looks on with a jealous stare at a half-naked woman hugging me.
I mouth towards her, “she’s just happy to be free.”

“So if you don’t mind me asking, what brought you two into this house in the first place?
I honestly had myself convinced I would never see another living face.”

“We are explorers who like to explore and document our adventures in abandoned or just down right creepy places,
and what’s the top place to hit up and explore right now?
Well…Chris Morris’s house!
So here we are to explore and document our findings.
Didn’t expect to find you and a dead cop here though.
We will cover up your identity in the film, just so you know.
O, and don’t call the cops and report this when you leave.
We will do that for you after we achieve
what we have come here to achieve.”

“Regardless of why you are here, I’m happy you guys showed up.
You just saved my life.
I won’t report this to the police, I’ll leave that for you to do.
This place does give me the creeps so that might be a cue
to not hang around here to **** long,
so do what you got to do and get the **** out!”

With that said, the woman departs leaving Rachel and I alone in the bedroom with a dead cop turned ******.
Time to find out just who this man is.
I locate the dead man’s wallet and take out his I.D. to identify just who he is for my future viewers.
Anthony Armstrong is the man’s name, what a loser.
I recognize the name.
He’s the cop that lead the searches of this house for both of the missing girls but was unable to find either of them each time.
He had everyone fooled thinking he had a heart of gold, instead it’s made out of slime.
The ****** wasn’t even able to locate the girls in this house when he executed the search warrants.
It took outside help for them to be located.
An anonymous tip lead to the location of the girls.
That must have been embarrassing.
And this Chris Morris guy is still missing!
He could be anywhere, even somewhere nearby, but he probably fled the country to avoid going to prison.

“Did you get that viewers?
This cop failed to located the two missing girls who were being held right here in this house, and was only able to finally locate them after an anonymous tip came in alerting the police to their location.
Then, when they arrived to save the girls, Chris was already gone and they have been unable to locate him ever since.
Police work at its finest, I’d say.”

Rachel and I, now tired of being in the same room as a dead corrupt cop, decide to finish up the adventure and check out the hidden room Chris used to keep the girl’s prisoner.
It would be nice to find some evidence pointing to Chris’s whereabouts so he’s finally able to face the executioner.

We exit the bedroom and make our way into the living room where the bookcase that hid the room is still moved exposing the hidden room for us just to walk into.
This is the moment we have all been waiting for, I hope you all enjoy the view.

We walk past the bookcase and enter into the hidden room,
where we are greeted with a nerving sense of gloom.
The room is even darker than the rest of the house.
Hanging on the wall is a skimpy school girl blouse.
The pervert was a teacher and I guess had a fetish for his students.
He probably brought them here to punish them for being truant.
Yeah I see it now, he would bring them here to punish them in hopes they would begin to show improvement,
but all he would do was leave them with their virginity’s ruined.

This room feels like a dungeon.
If I had to choose a way to die, I would have to go with being bludgeon.
I can’t imagine being ******* here, ***** and tortured for months on end.
This man’s actions, no one is able to defend.
The one poor girl gave birth to a baby just after being rescued from here.
That had to be one hell of an ordeal to endear.
After being ***** and abused for months on end,
she finally is rescued just to give birth to a baby that will remind her of her abuser for the rest of her life.
What a cruel ******* fate.
I hope one day she can find a good, loyal mate.

Rachel whispers into my ear…
o…I guess she is dead now…
murdered by the other girl who was kept here…
she was killed by the cops and is dead as well…
**** this adventure keeps getting darker as we go on.

Anyways, the room contains no windows as one would expect.
The one room has a table with straps and I swear it still smells of young ******* being wrecked.
*** toys still line the walls of the room.
I hope one day all of this is used as evidence in the courtroom.

The second room is just a chain attached to a wall.
The one girl reportedly spent many long hours chained up in here with nothing but a hard floor curled up in a ball.
She was drugged for her obedience or so the media has reported.
This is sickening, I wish there was some way it could all have been thwarted.
Chris really does need to be caught and forced to pay for his actions.
He needs to be punished in a merciless fashion.
I would love to have a few shots at him myself.
I would turn his final moments on the flat Earth into a brutal farewell.
This room, and house overall in general, really gives me the creeps.
I can’t imagine staying overnight here to sleep.
A constant, cold, nerve inducing chill crawls up and down my spine.
This place should be demolished and be covered by the local paper as their front-page headline.

Having enough footage between the dead police officer, cuffed to the bed, seminude girl and this godforsaken hidden room, I turn around to head back out of the room to leave.
I believe I accomplished everything I came here to achieve.
I stop in my tracks as standing in front of me at the entrance to the hidden room are a man and a woman.
The woman has a gun pointed directly at my head, wanting to pull the trigger I’m sure, to insert into my brain an life ending bullet.

The man speaks, “What are you two doing in this house?”

“We mean no harm, just came here to explore this house a little bit, to get a bird’s eye view of the set Chris Morris used to torture those poor girls.
This room is beyond disgusting and makes us want to hurl.
We found a dead cop in the bedroom and a young woman who was handcuffed to the bed who we released and has already called the police to come here, so I suggest we all make our way out of here before we get in real trouble.
Once the cops arrive and see their friend dead in that room, they won’t be in a mood to sit around with us to ******* and chuckle.”

The man motions to the woman to lower her gun.

“My name is Nathan and this is my friend Amanda.
We didn’t mean to startle you like this.
We got suspicious of the cop car that’s been parked out front for far too long and got suspicious after your car showed up and remained parked out front for an extended period of time now.
This isn’t a place for people to be hanging around anyhow.
We stumbled upon the dead cop as well so I suggest we do get moving and leave here immediately before trouble happens to stumble upon us.
I see you have a camera and like to video tape your explorations, so I have something I would like us to discuss.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Well, my good friend Dr. James Allen Burke is conducting the most groundbreaking experiment of his life right now as we speak and could use a camera man to capture the moment on tape.”

“James Allen Burke, I’ve heard of him!  Wasn’t he the world-famous brain doctor that was forced into retirement due to trying to conduct very controversial experiments and surgeries on people?”

“Yes, however his experiments have not stopped, he just moved them underground and out of the spot light.
He lives right next door to this house, as do I on the opposite side, so how about you come over with me and use your camera for some good?  I promise you the man won’t bite.
You will be recording an event that will rewrite the history books as we know them.
Too pass on this offer would be mighty dumb.
So, what do you say?
Will you come with us?”

I look over to Rachel who appears unsure of what we should do.
I smile and wink towards her also feeling uneasy about this since this offer just came out of the blue.
But if Nathan is right and I’ll be recording a massive historic event, I can’t pass that up.
Worst comes to worst, we will thank them for their time and leave if this turns out to be a bust.

“Ok we will come with you.”

“Great, let’s get moving!”
1.3k · Dec 2018
The Abuser
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Abuser

Driving down a quiet road just leaving my job at the *******,
looking forward to going home and taking a relaxing hot bath, I’m in need of a good scrub
since perverted old men enjoy putting their hands all over my assets while providing them with a lap dance.
At least I don’t have to follow a script during my dance and am allowed to freelance.
I make great money and enjoy a relaxing life that didn’t come about due to circumstance.
It happened because I wasn’t afraid to step out of my own shadow and take a chance
on myself, that I’m sure through the eyes of judging others will be wrote off as melancholy happenstance.
**** them, my life is great besides missing a bit of romance,
and besides, these same judging ******* always come to me looking for a quick cash advance.
I’m financially set with a nice house and car all at the age of twenty-three.
Kiss my ***, kiss my feet, bow down and ******* worship me!

My attention is brought back to reality as red and blue lights begin to flash behind me.
A cop is right on my ***, I guess I must have been driving a little too carefree.
I quickly pull over hoping to get a quick ticket and get on with my night.
Hopefully he’s a nice cop and not one of them rude one’s who’s always pulling people over looking to start a fight.

The officer approaches my window; taps on it to indicate he wants me to roll it down.
I quickly roll it down and force a fake smile trying hard not to frown.
The officer asks me if I know why he has pulled me over.
I tell him I assume for speeding, apologize and tell him I should have been driving a bit slower.
The officer shines his flash light into my face and tells me speeding, and I crossed the center line some little ways back.
He tells me my eyes are red and my car has an odor that smells like I’ve been smoking crack.
I tell him I’ve just got off work and I’m not on any drugs or alcohol, that my eyes are red from being over tired.
He gives me a glare that tells me my answer came off as uninspired.
He asks me where do I work since I’m getting off very late.
I tell him I work at the ******* and that my shift was supposed to end at eight,
but a girl called in sick so I had to stay to cover for her.
I’m completely sober and just tired from a long day of work I reassure.

I officer asks to see my I.D.
He looks at it quickly then asks me to step out of the vehicle.
He leads me to the back of the car and has me lean against the trunk.
He asks me one more time if I’m on drugs or drunk,
then asks if he can search my car.
I have nothing to hide so I say yes trying not to act bizarre.

The officer begins searching my car starting in the front.
This is all a little bit extreme to be blunt.
He has no reason to suspect me of any wrong doing besides driving a little bit too fast.
Whatever, I’ll just play along with his stupid game and comply with every demand he asks.

A few minutes later the cop exits my car and approaches me carrying a bag filled with a white substance.
He tells me he found a bag of ******* in my car and that I’m busted.
“*******!”  I yell, “I have never done ******* in my life, you planted that bag in my car!
Hell, the only drug I’ve ever done was some **** in the bathroom of some run-down bar.”

The cop, now angry, grabs and twists my arm turning my body around so I’m facing the trunk of my car.
He forces my head down hard onto the trunk and whispers into my ear, “you’re lucky I don’t light up a cigar,
and place it against that pretty check of yours until it’s nice and burned.
So, here’s a lesson you need to learn,
never, and I repeat never, accuse a cop of planting drugs on you.
You are in a world of **** right now and your future is not looking good,
so, if you want to get out of this with your freedom intact, play along with my game and I’ll let you out of my neighborhood.”

The cop places one of his hands on my *** and begins to feel it up.
He tells me I have a fantastic body and can get out of this mess by exploiting my goods.
“I know a quiet place we can go to where you can use your ***** holes to pay off this debt you find yourself in.
You’re in for a treat yourself, I still have my *******,
and have a nice 8-inch mass that knows how to please you like a man and not like the little boys I’m sure you’re use to *******.
So how about we go to this quiet place I know and you can start this session off with some *******.”

I tell the officer I’ll do what he wants.
I just have to keep my cool and act nonchalance.
The cop laughs and smiles and says we are going to do this his way.
He tells me finding me tonight has really made his day.
He places his cuffs on me and leads me to his patrol car,
where he places me in the back seat next to an acoustic guitar.
He tells me the place he knows is just a few minutes away,
so, it will only be a short period of time before we can begin our play.
I tell him that’s great news, because between you and I, the sooner I’m out of this situation, the better,
then I can begin my own endeavor.
I’m going to go after him for what he’s doing to me here tonight.
Abusing your power, regardless of your positon is so not right.
He has way too much confidence that he will get away with this, that leads me to believe this is not the first time he has done this.
I’m sure most, if not every night while on patrol, he pulls over a young unsuspecting girl, sets her up and forces her legs to do the splits.
They are ***** and probably too terrified to ever speak up.
Well I’m not terrified; I will have my revenge.
Go ahead set me up with a bag of *******, use that advantage to **** me, but in the end, I will be the one laughing at your trail,
as I testify against you so you are locked away forever for your heinous crimes!

The patrol car pulls up and parks in front of a dark, seemingly abandoned house.
The officer was right, it only took a few minutes, all the while he ran his mouth off about the *** I was about to experience with him while I remained as quiet as a mouse.
The officer gets out of the car and walks to the back of the car where I’m located.
He opens the door, guides me out still in cuffs and tells me not to be afraid.
I’m not afraid you *******, just upset a man of the law would do such a horrible thing to an innocent person.
I hope once exposed to the light of the world, the knowledge the world will have of your misdeeds will cause you a great burden.
I hope you suffer greatly for your perversions,
and suffer so dearly that not even the holiest of sermons
will be able to soothe your heart and end the hurting.
What you plan to do to me certainly leaves my heart burning.
One thing is certain,
contrary to what you believe, I’m not so inclined towards introversion.
And after I expose you, my actions will be viewed as a public service.

With the officer pushing me along, we make our way to the front of the house where I notice and house has been sealed off with police tape.
Wait…I know this place, it’s been on the news, the sick **** is taking me here to carry out his ****?

The officer takes out a key and opens the front door to let us in.
Once inside, I notice him supporting the largest of grins.

“I know whose house this is officer…I’m sorry I didn’t even get your name.”

“And my name you won’t get and if you think you’re so smart, then whose house is this?”

“This house belongs to Chris Morris, the man who took two young girls prisoner and ***** them repeatedly.
And you brought me to his house to carry out your own ****, do you always act so conceitedly?”

“I brought you here because the house is closed off and no one will discover us here.
It’s a good place to go to if you just want to disappear.”

“Speaking of this house, did you guys ever find Chris Morris?”

The officer walks into the kitchen intentionally ignoring my question.
He opens the refrigerator and cracks open a beer as I await his confession.
He walks up to me and stares into my eyes with a blank, soulless expression.
I’m not sure if he’s about to act calm or explode on me in a fit of aggression.
He’s staring into my soul and sipping on his beer like I’m his obsession.
This ***** sure decided on the wrong profession.
He should have gotten into **** and acted out some **** fantasies if this is his thing.
He does have a huge ego, likes to be in control and probably views himself as a king.
I wonder what he would enjoy more, pressing his lips against mine and kissing,
or by being a sick **** by placing me on my knees with my mouth open with him above me *******.

He finally speaks, “We will find Chris Morris, don’t you worry about that.”

“I don’t understand, how did you guys managed to find the two girls but lose the suspect?
You should have had someone tailing him constantly to make sure he didn’t go unchecked.”

“He wasn’t here when we discovered the girls and he hasn’t been seen since.
If you ask me, he probably fled and country and is now hanging out in some **** hole place like Port-au-Prince.
Enough of your questions, now we are going to start this session off with me snorting a line of ******* off of your ***.”

“So it was your *******?”

“Of course it’s mine, it’s my dark secret, besides taking advantage of hot young women.
Now let’s go see how good your ***** is since it is the way you make your living.”

“I’m not a prost…”

The officer slaps me and pushes me forward towards the master bedroom where I’m sure Chris had his share of fun.
How I wish I could make a break for it and run.
The officer forces me into the bedroom where he pushes me violently onto the bed.
He laughs and tells me I’m about to be bred.
He uncuffs me just long enough to turn me onto my stomach and re cuff me to the bed posts so I have no way to escape.
He pulls my leggings down and off of me and tells me my *** is in perfect shape.

He begins licking my *** checks while rubbing his fingers against my ***** before removing my thong with his teeth.
He moans softly to himself at the sight of my naked bottom and takes a deep breath.
He takes out his bag of ******* and lays out a line on my naked ***.
He at least could have provided me with some high-quality grass,
so we would both be on the same level for this encounter.
I guess he only cares about himself and having his way with my precious flower.

The officer places his nose on my *** and sniffs the line of ******* up as fast as he possibly can.
He shoots up quickly and yells “Whooooo!!!!!” Pleased that everything is going to plan.
He tells me he wants one more line so he places another on my *** and sniffs that one up as well as quickly as possible,
all the while I remain cuffed to the bed acting docile.

The officer gets behind me and begins licking my smooth ***** with his tongue.
He has to be in his mid to late 40’s, but he likes his women young.
He sticks his tongue all the way inside me and begins tongue ******* me over and over again.
He mumbles, “you taste so good I want to take you and get married to you in Spain.”

For what seems like 20 minutes he goes to town licking and tongue ******* me.
All I can think about is how I want to **** him and dispose of his body in the sea.
Now tiring of eating me, he pulls his tongue out of my ***** and puts yet another line of ******* on my ***.
This man truly has no class.
He snorts the third line just as quickly as the first two,
then climbs up onto the bed and whispers into my ear that he’s ready to turn my ***** black and blue.

The officer takes off all of his clothes then mounts me from behind.
I hope I don’t get pregnant, is all that’s going through my mind.
I’m not on birth control and he plans on finishing deep inside me.
If only there was a way to break myself free.

The officer now rock hard shoves his eight-inch **** violently inside me.
I let out a loud, pain filled moan as he lets out a laugh in glee.
He tells me I’m super tight and feel great as he begins to breed me harder and faster with each ******.
This is why police are so easy to mistrust.
They can’t follow the laws they are sworn to follow and protect.
Not all are bad but most are, I know I’m correct.

After a few minutes of increasingly violent thrusting, the officer stops ******* and tells me he’s in trouble.
Without warning, he falls off of the bed and lies motionless on the floor.
The ****** just overdosed and died on *******.
That’s what he gets for not using his brain,
however, I’m still cuffed to the bed with no way to break free.
No one is around to even hear my pleas.
Not a single living soul knows I’m trapped in this house.
No one at work will even know I’m missing until tomorrow night but will have no way of discovering my whereabouts.

I’m stuck here…
I’m stuck here…
1.3k · Dec 2018
The Mathematician
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Mathematician

“Hey Mr. Morris, I’m struggling to grasp these new math problems you have us working on.
Next week, I’m going on a family vacation and will be gone,
so, I’m wondering if you would be able to help me understand these problems after school today.
Unless you have big plans right after school, in that case, I wouldn’t want to cause you any type of delay.”

“Erin, you are my best student.
You’re getting an A in the class, never late and never truant.
I really don’t think you need my help on this.
I’m sure you will get yet another A on your next test and look back on this moment and reminisce
about the time that you lost confidence in yourself for a moment and asked for help you didn’t need.
Study a little longer and harder tonight and by tomorrow you will have it down packed, I know you agree.”

“I’m asking you for help because I want to keep my A and don’t want to slip up this late in the semester.
Look, if I wasn’t seriously having doubts about this, I wouldn’t come to you and pester.
Besides my parents, you are my biggest investor,
in believing that I am capable of becoming something greater than just a jester.”

“Fine, I’ll help you.  Are you able to come to my house tonight around six?
This study session shouldn’t take longer than an hour, as long as I stay on track and avoid talking politics.”

I smile and agree to the six-o clock meet up happy as a girl can be.
Butterflies tingle in my stomach, I’m so full of glee.
Too be honest, I don’t need his help.
I know exactly what I’m doing with the current curriculum.
My plan with Mr. Morris today involves something a little more…extracurricular.
I know what my friends will say.
I understand that they will beg and plea with me to keep my tenebrous desires at bay,
but I can no longer deny them.
Just like when you’re sick with the flu, you cannot deny the phlegm.
I’m in love with Mr. Morris.
I’m in love with him.
Tonight, I will make my move and cement my place by his side as his queen.
We can keep it a secret until I turn eighteen.
I see the way his eyes marvel at me.
He **** well knows my age might say sixteen, but I look twenty-three.
He eye ***** me every day in class.
I always flirt with him and ask him if I can get him some more water, just so I can hold onto is favorite glass.
He’s so handsome, kind and strong.
Tonight, he will introduce me to his bed where we both belong.
I’ve saved myself just for him.
I’m done with the flirting, that was just to prelim.
Tonight, we will consummate our relationship.
He is mine and I am his.

I tell my best friend Jade about my plan.
She immediately shuns me since she’s not a fan.
She tells me the last girl that went over to Mr. Morris’s house to get extra help was never seen again.
She tells me to stop thinking with my hormones and think with my brain.
I’m sixteen and he’s thirty-two.
She tells me he’s very mature and I haven’t got a clue.
She storms off after I refuse to back down from my plan.
I will show her my love for him is not a scam.

It is true that a girl he was supposed to help two years ago did go missing.
Everyone thought they ran off together after one person claimed to have seen them kissing.
It was proven he had nothing to do with her disappearance.
The police interrogated him for hours showing some real perseverance.
In the end, he was proven innocent.
No one could link him to her disappearance or to the kiss.
Kiss be true or not, tonight I want my kiss and more.
I want us in bed naked with our clothes scattered all over the floor.
I’m going to put on a thong and wear my sexiest skirt just for him.
He’s going to find out I’m not an innocent little church girl who likes to sing hymns.
I’m giving him my innocence so he can turn me into a woman.
His woman!
And he’ll be my man!
I’m putting myself out there tonight, hopefully everything goes according to plan.

I’m looking in the bathroom mirror getting myself all dolled up.
Looking my very best for tonight is my first step towards becoming Mrs. Morris and once we are together, there will be no breaking up.
Ahh, yes, my makeup is right on point!
Looking like this…so hot and fine…I’m sure I won’t disappoint.
I have on my skimpiest thong and shortest of skirts.
O god, I wonder how he is in bed.  Hopefully good enough to make me squirt.
A girl squirting looks like so much fun in the *****’s I’ve seen.
Being able to squirt would make me a unique cuisine.
Ok, I’m dolled up, looking great and ready to go,
now time to sneak out of house without my parents seeing and calling me a *****.
They would not approve of me going to see my teacher looking like this.
They would lock me in my bedroom and throw away the key down a dark abyss.

I pull up and park on the side of the road next to Mr. Morris’s home.
My nerves are starting to get to me, I hope I’m doing the right thing and my brain is in fact not short a few chromosomes.
My heart is fluttering.
My mind is wondering.
My hormones are restructuring.
My ****** is quivering.
My looks are on point and flattering.
Time to make my move and end my head and my hearts bantering.

I get out of my car and walk up to the front door.
I know I dressed provocative, I just hope I don’t come off as a desperate *****.
The sky above me is darkening as storm clouds are moving in.
A rain storm won’t dampen my mood or wipe away my grin.
I take a deep breath, hoping this goes well.
If I was a good Christian girl, I would be terrified that this night would **** me to hell.
I knock on the door and Mr. Morris is quick to answer.
He eyes me up, smiles, invites me in all while letting out a slight laughter.

“Erin, not to cross any teacher student lines, but you look incredible.
If you were 18… I would ask that for just one night if you were rentable.
Dear god…I just made a ******* joke with one of my underage students.
Let’s…forget that comment just happened and focus on your mathematics skills so you can ease your mind and not have to worry about showing improvement.
Go ahead and sit down, I’m going to grab a glass of wine would you like one?
My way of showing you I’m sorry for that ******* comment and that outside of school I can be fun.”

I make myself comfortable on the couch and spread my legs a bit,
quickly check myself in my makeup containers mirror and ensure I’m still looking good in my outfit.
Mr. Morris returns with two glasses of wine and sits down next to me.
He’s sitting right next to me, right where I want him to be.
I take a sip of the wine and thank him for the drink,
spread my legs apart a bit further hoping he notices my thong, it’s bright pink.

“So what do you need my help on Erin?
You have an hour, then I have to meet up with my ex-wife Sharon.”

“Well, Mr. Morris…”

“You can call me Chris, Erin.”

I smile, first name basis already, this is going well.
I wonder what cologne he is wearing, I sure like it’s smell.
His eyes are dreamy; I could stare into them and get lost all night.
I can feel my love for him in my heart, I know what we are about to do is right.

“Well, Chris, I lied to you earlier today.
I didn’t come here seeking help with my work, rather to play.
I understand all of my work completely, I don’t need your help with it at all.
What happens next is ultimately your call,
but I came here dressed like this hoping you would be impressed.
I want us to be intimate so I can always help you relieve your stress.
I love you and want to be with you.
If you ever feel like you’re falling apart, you can turn to me to be your glue.
We can keep this all a secret until I’m 18 and graduated.
After that, we can go public and our love will never be debated.
I’ve saved myself for you and I want you right here, right now.
Do to me everything my parents would never allow!”

“Erin…I would lose my career, face prison time if anyone ever found out.
I know you promise to keep quiet but I have my doubts.
Every teacher-student relationship eventually gets found out about.
If we did this right now, every day in class I would want to bend you over my desk and make you shout
my name out loud over and over again and have my doubts I would be able to control myself around the other students in class.
Trust me I want to, more than I want to light up some grass,
but I just don’t think it’s a good idea.
Besides, you don’t know where I’ve been so you could end up with gonorrhea.”

“You’re not going to stop this from happening.
The thought of leaving here without getting what I want is maddening.
I understand that keeping this quiet will be challenging,
but we will master the technique of balancing
our separate public life and our closed off private life together.
Come on Chris, come get me and punish me, you don’t have to be sweet and tender.”

I see the conflict in Chris’s eyes as he loses control and plants a kiss on me.
His eyes tell me he is nervous and is debating whether he should stay or flee,
however, he takes things to the next level and invades my mouth with his tongue.
He needs to look past the fact that I’m young.
I’m mature and know what I want in life.
I want Chris and to one day be his wife!

After a few minutes of hot and heavy kissing,
Chris makes the next move towards providing me with what I’ve been missing.
He moves me onto his lap and while still kissing me, begins to life my shirt up and off of me.
Everything is going just how I imaged it would be.
With my shirt, off, Chris takes off my bra and begins ******* on my *******.
I place my mouth on his ear and begin to nibble.

Just as things are about to heat up some more,
thunder cracks open the sky and nearly knocks us down to the floor.
The power in the house instantly does out and we are left in the dark.
“O well, forget the power let’s keep going,” is my remark.

Chris tells me we need to pause.
He tells me we can pick things up in a few minutes because
down in his basement he has a generator he needs to start up to get the power back on.
I look at him with a frown.
He tells me to hang on tight he will be right back.
He doesn’t want us blindly navigating his house in the black.
As Chris adventures downstairs, I decide to take a look around his living room.
He should only be gone a few minutes, I assume.
I notice and bookcase in the living room and decide to take a look at what books he likes to read.
They may tell me some more about my love before we begin to breed.
Can’t hurt to learn more about him.
I would be surprised to find a book full of hymns.
He doesn’t seem the type who would enjoy singing them.
Maybe he has a book that will teach me about investing money so I can have a steady income.
“Total Eclipse of The Sun,” what in the world is this?
It’s written by some dude I never heard of, it must ****.

I pick the book up off the shelf to take a closer look at it.
As I pick the book up, something happens that leaves me shocked, a hard fact to admit.
The book shelf begins to turn into the wall exposing a hidden room.
My heart is instantly filled with a feeling of doom.
Nerves shoot up and down my spine causing my arm hairs to stand up like static.
**** is starting to get dramatic.
My breathing begins to quicken and become fanatic.
What exactly is hidden in this room might be problematic.
Do I dare go in and take a look?  What I find may be traumatic.
Having a hidden room in your home is quite climatic.

I decade, against my better judgement, to go in and take a look around.
I walk into the room and notice an absence of sound.
I notice two rooms located towards the back of the main room.
I’m definitely no longer in my bedroom.

I go to the first room and take a look inside.
What I see inside leaves me mouth hanging open wide.
There is a table with straps attached to it,
used to tether someone down and get them to submit.
There are multiple belts, ropes, hand cuffs and *** toys.
The room appears to conceal noise.
Is this the room Chris plans to take me too?
I feel sick, maybe I should bail and tell Chris I’m coming down with the flu.

Nervously and again against my better judgement, I decide to check out the second room.
What I discover…the horrific scene I uncover…leaves me to believe I’m not leaving this house without being placed in a tomb.
I discover a young girl, nearly nine months pregnant chained up looking miserable on the hard, concrete floor.
Tears begin to fall from my eyes as fear overcomes me as to who exactly I have fallen for.
I recognized this girl, it’s the same girl who was rumored to have visited Chris then went missing two years ago.
The same girl he was cleared of having anything to do with her disappearance.
He hid her in this room where she would never be discovered and used her as a *** slave.
This man is depraved.
I ask the girl if she is ok but she doesn’t respond.
The horrors she has had to endure the past two years is beyond
my wildest imagination.
I again ask her if she is ok, this time showing real compassion.
Again, she doesn’t say a word.
She looks at me but her eyes appear to be heavily medicated.
She’s drugged and unable to even speak.
I need to get out of here before this freak…

A hand covers my mouth and a needle is stuck into my neck.
Everything around me immediately turns black.

My eyes slowly open.
I discover I have been strapped down to the table in the first room.
My body has been stripped naked.
My legs have strapped, spread apart exposing my ****** for the whole world to see.
A gag has been placed in my mouth, I’m unable to speak.
**** is really beginning to look bleak.
“I’m sorry I have to do this to you Erin.
You really are a daring girl who’s fun and caring.
However, you have discovered my dark secret.
Unfortunately for you, it appears my dark secret is about to have a sequel.
I really wanted us to have a real relationship.
I didn’t want it to come to this, I wanted us to have a real, legitimate courtship,
but you had to go snoop around the second I turned my back and found something you shouldn’t have.
Listen to me closely Erin, this will go a lot easier for you if you listen to me and behave.
I want you to answer a few questions for me ok?
Yes or no questions so shake your head to answer.
Did you tell anyone you were coming to my house tonight?”

I shake my head no.

“Did your parents know you were coming here to get help with some homework you were struggling with.”

I shake my head no.

“Did you tell any of your friends you were coming here tonight?”

I shake my head no.

“Ok good, so I have some good news for you.  I’m going to help you with a math problem right now.”

Chris pulls down his pants and exposes himself.

“We are going to find out how many times nine inches goes into you.”

Chris gives me a devilish smile as he gets on top of me and places himself next to the opening of my slit.
My eyes fill with water as tears begin to flood out of them, I’m losing it.
Chris gives me a kiss on the check then forcefully and without warning thrusts all nine inches of himself into my ****** slit.
Blood pours out of me as I go to scream out in pain but the gag won’t permit it.
He trusts back and forth over and over again going harder and harder each time.
I wanted this moment to be sublime,
instead my body begins shaking uncontrollably as pain invades and conquers.
This whole situation is ******* bonkers.
After twenty minutes of being badly abused the pain becomes to much.
My eyes close and I black out to the world around me.


“Sar­gent Armstrong what an unpleasant surprise.
What brings you by so early in the morning, did a family member of mine die?”

“I’m searching for a missing girl; name is Erin Sanders.
She’s a student of yours.
The second student of yours that has gone missing within the past two years.
Allow me to be clear.
Turn her over and this will go a lot smoother for you.
You don’t want this to turn into a moment you will live to rue.”

“Sorry Sargent, I have no idea where she could be.”

“I know she came here after school hours last night to get extra help from you.
Her best friend provided us with that clue.
She also told us that Erin was in love with you and was coming over here to sleep with you.
Since you have a thing for young girls, I’m sure she was an excellent *****.
Is she still sleeping in your bed right now?”

“Sorry Sargent but Erin isn’t here.
I will admit that I had her scheduled for some extra help last night but she never showed.
She’s my best student and I was skeptical that she actually needed help,
so, I’m not surprised to hear that she told her friend she was going to try to sleep with me,
but she must have gotten cold feet because she never showed.
Sorry I couldn’t be more help; I really do hope you find her and she’s ok.”

“We got a call from your neighbor as well who told us he saw a young girl stop over at your house last night around six.
Now Chris, your starting to look like you’re about to **** bricks.
He told us he saw the girl, who matched Erin’s description, come over dressed “provocative” and then disappear inside your house.
He told us she never came back out as of this morning.”

“Well he must be mistaken.
If she was here, wouldn’t her care still be parked here?”

“Your neighbor told us that late last night he saw a man that resembled you come out of the house and move the car the girl was driving to an unknown location.
I know she’s here Chris, so stop the charade.
If you allow me in your house, we can sort this whole thing out and it will go a lot easier for you.
It’s time for you to confess to your wrong doings, it’s long overdue.”

“You know I had nothing to do with that girls’ disappearance and was proven innocent of any wrong doing.
Keep bullying me and harassing me I might just have to contemplate suing.”

“Well if this is just some big misunderstanding, why don’t you let me in and we can sort it out quick.”

“You need a warrant to come into this house, Sargent.”

“I will have a warrant in a few minutes so don’t get to comfy Chris.
Don’t think about fleeing either, I have officers stationed all around your house in case you or the girl try anything.”

“See you soon Sargent.”

My eyes open to the sound of two men talking.
I originally heard knocking.
It sounds like the police are here looking for me,
but I’m nowhere near being freed.
The police won’t find this room if they search the house.
There’s no hope, I’m a prisoner here.
A *** slave for Chris to **** and reproduce with.
That book case should be considered a monolith
because no one is moving it to find us girls be tortured back here.
All hope is truly gone.

Tears fall from my eyes just as Chris smiles and closes the front door on the Sargent knowing even with the warrant they won’t find what they are looking for.
989 · Dec 2018
The Historian
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Historian

Rain falls steadily, wind torments the trees, thunder cracks the sky and lightening dancing paints the earth as I pull up and park outside of my boss’s home.
Tonight, is not a good night to be caught outside on a roam.
A positive note, my boss’s house has a front door made out of chrome.
His front yard is littered with creepy gnomes.

My wife gives me a look wondering why we are here and questioning my sanity.
I reassure her my boss is a good man and has a heart filled with love by Christianity.
She tells me believing in a mystical being is a form of insanity.
I tell her to stop with the blasphemy,
my boss is a good man whom has never uttered a single profanity.
My boss is better than both of us single handily.
Three months ago, he hired me into his company after a long period of unemployment and has ever since treated me like family.
He has exceeded all of my former bosses combined actually.
My wife has no need to worry, she needs to get over the delusional fantasy
she’s playing over and over again in her head callously.

I walk with my wife hand in hand up to the front door and knock.
My wife frowns at me and tells me we don’t belong on this block.
My boss invited us for dinner, we won’t be turning that down,
besides, he’s the only person I can truly call a friend in this town.
He picked me up from the ashes and filled my life with hope.
A few more days of struggle and hardship and I’m afraid you would have found me hanging from a rope.
This man saved my life in my most dire time of need.
We owe him more than we can ever pay, even if my wife may not agree.

My boss answers the door with a friendly hello and a warm smile.
I look at my wife and smile to show her she has no reason to be hostile.
***** needs to loosen up and enjoy the night,
but she’s put off by the fact that we are people of color and my boss is white.
Racist ******* she needs to get over because there is no place for it here,
or I will pierce her heart and soul with a slanders venom laced spear.

We walk inside where I immediately notice a large collection of historical artifacts.
Based on the outside, I was expecting an interior with a bit more pomp and circumstance.
Old flags and pictures line the interior.
Still, my home feels rather inferior.

“Thank you for coming tonight Antonio.
Dinner will be ready shortly.
If you don’t mind, allow me to show you a couple rooms of my beautiful home.
Outside of work, things work a little differently deep down in my dome.
I’m an history fanatic and have a large collection of historical artifacts.
My collection is so massive I often feel like I’ve gone slightly manic.
Here, follow me and I’ll give you a brief tour of a couple rooms.
I promise these rooms are fun to be in and are nothing like a tomb.”

We walk into a room where I discover it contains a large collection of American Revolutionary War artifacts.
They are many pictures hanging on the wall, each with a plague underneath it explaining some facts.
George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson,
Benjamin Franklin,
John Adams,
Thomas Hutchinson
Joseph Brant,
along with Thomas Paine and his common sense.
There are old fire arms, books, clothing and flags.
I’m sure all of these items costed a pretty little price tag.

I exit the room and walk into the next room to discover…
A **** themed room and dedication to the holocaust.
My wife walks in behind me, I can feel her heart skip a few beats.
She stares at me and gives me a glare that’s not so nice.
There is a large picture of Adolf ****** hanging on the wall.
I swallow my spit, take a deep breath as my nerves act up and fear begins to crawl
up my spinal cord.
There are many more rooms left in this house, but after this room I no longer feel a need to explore.
Multiple **** flags pollute the room.
This room is a lot to take in and consume.
My boss (Nathan Kline) has written speeches of Adolf ****** framed and hung on the wall.
I’m not sure how anyone would react to this room except with appall.

“Antonio, I see you found my **** artifact room.
The look on your face is concerning to me and I admit that this room can be a lot to consume,
but it’s not to be taken in a negative way.
I’m a history nut, both good history and the bad, what else can I say?
What the ****’s and ****** did were terrible and beyond words and this room is not to honor them.
This room is to preserve this part of our history, as bad as it is, so we learn from it and don’t make the same mistake ever again, that’s the place of my heart this room is coming from.
Listen, you guys must be starving, what do you say we go eat some delicious food and talk about some brighter topics?
Maybe you can tell me about some of your interests and hobbies and teach me about a topic in which I’m a novice.”
My wife looks at me, a fire burning in her eyes.
Once we leave here, she’s either going to rip me apart or break down and cry.
She forces a smile, grabs my arm and tells me it’s time to join our host for dinner.
She knows how to hide displeasure and fake kindness, she’s no beginner.

We follow Nathan to the dining room to discover an older gentleman already seated at the table.
He radiates a warm smile in our direction, he seems rather graceful.

“Antonio, Katrina, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to world renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. James Allen Blake.
I invited him here tonight to enjoy this wonderful feast we are about to share that’s center pieced by a one of a kind steak.
Dr. Blake and I have been friends for many years.
He knows all of my darkest secrets, all of my loves and fears.”

“Antonio, Katrina, it’s my pleasure the meet the two of you.
I am a neurosurgeon, that part is true,
but what Nathan has neglected to tell you is…I’m retired!
Just recently actually and now I’m trying to find new activities to do to fill all of my new found free time that I’ve acquired rather undesired.
This dinner is a celebration of my long career and also a celebration of making new friends,
so, cheers to the two of you and thank you for joining us here tonight.”
We shake Dr. Burke’s hand then take a seat at the table ready to eat.
I’m glad to hear we are having steak, it’s my favorite meat.
A gentleman of color walks in from out of the kitchen carrying a bottle of the finest wine.
His eyes are cold, he doesn’t smile, I wonder if he’s mentally fine.
He pours the four of us a glass of wine then departs without saying a word.
Do I bring up his demeanor with Nathan or do I defer?
**** it, I’ll ask.
I want to know why his face looks like he just got done surviving doomsday.

“Not the friendliest person is he,” I mention nodding in the direction of the man from the kitchen.

“That’s just how Robert is, it takes him awhile to warm up to new people.
Once he opens up you will realize his heart is full of love and not evil.
Besides, he is the best cook I have ever met.
I made his acquaintance during a time when he was working 60 hours a week and still struggling to pay rent.
I went out eat at this run-down restaurant over on 9th and hilltop and the food was fantastic.
Honestly, I was expecting it to taste like plastic.
I was so impressed that I asked the waitress if I could talk with the cook.
He came out, I told him how great his food was.  He thanked me then told me that no matter how hard he worked there, every day he was still broke.
I made him an offer to come cook dinner for me five nights a week and he accepted and walked out the restaurant right then and there with me.
When he walked out of that place, it was like a giant weight was lifted off of him and suddenly he was free.
He started cooking for me the very next day and has been here ever since.
He may have been taken for granted at that restaurant, but here he’s treated like a prince.
Sure, he’s a bit rough around the edges but he’s a good man.
Taking care of him like he takes care of me is my plan.
Now that we have wine, how about a toast.
Here is to my new friends Antonio and Katrina, to you Dr. Burke and to our wonderful cook…cheers!”

Katrina and I take a big sip of the wine then set the glass down.
The wine is good enough to serve to the royal crown.
Nathan and James sit their glasses down without taking a drink.
That’s strange…I begin to think.
I go to ask why they didn’t take a drink but begin to feel light headed.
Katrina looks at me frightful, eyes cold blooded.
She tells me she doesn’t feel well, stands up to go to the bathroom but collapses and falls hard to the floor.
I go to get up to help her but I’m suddenly brought down to all fours.
I crawl over to her as Nathan appears over us.
He tells us we have something to discuss.

“Antonio, Katrina, please look each other in the eyes.
Take a moment because this is your only chance to say goodbye.
You are about to pass out and when you awake…
well you will no longer be you.
Dr. Burke is going to rewire your brains to make you perfectly obedient slaves for me.
The life you know it is over, you will no longer be free.
You two won’t even recognize each other after this, you will be complete strangers who’s only objective is to serve me without question.
I’m sorry if you feel like this is oppression.
It was actually Dr. Burke’s suggestion
to rewire *******’ brains to make them slaves again.
I must admit, with Robert, it turned out to be a great plan.
With you two, I’m sure it will work just as well.
Well enjoy the last few seconds you have left to dwell.”

I look my wife in the eye and can see the terror that has overcome her.
Never in my wildest imagination did I think something like this would occur.
Nathan treated me like family, but it was all for show.
He will ultimately pay the price for his actions here tonight after he dies and Satan ***** him in the *** while playing a banjo!
I reach out my arm and hold my wife’s hand one final time
as the world around fades to black.

“James, when you are done and have them ready for me, meet me in the master bedroom with them.”

I enter the master bedroom the admire the work James has done for me.

“Pretty impressive, don’t you agree?”

Antonio and Katrina appear emotionless and cold.
They are firmly under my control.
I say hello to greet the pair.
They respond with a hello master then bow down and kiss my shoe.

“I’m very happy to have the two of you here.”

“We are here to serve you and satisfy you in every way possible master.”

“Antonio, I would like you to begin cleaning all of the toilets in the house using a toothbrush and cleaner.”
He promptly agrees and departs to do just that, “thank you Antonio I love your demeanor.
Katrina, you sure are you cute little thing.
What would you do to please your king?”

“Anything you wish sir; your happiness is all I care about.”

“That is the correct answer Katrina, now how about you get a little bit more comfortable and take your clothes off.”

Katrina immediately stirps down to nothing and stands **** in front of me.
This is the way I always want her to be…
Naked and pleasing me in my bed.
I hope she gives great head.
Don’t patronage me for this.
Washington, Jefferson and all of our forefathers had slaves and procreated with the females.
They had many children with them.
Katrina will provide me with many of my own.
She is a fine little specimen.
Nice tight body, firm ***, perky ****, she’s going to be a fun ride.

“Get in bed Katrina and start ******* yourself I’ll be right there to make love to you.
Thank you for everything you have done here James, I can’t ever express my gratitude in the appropriate way.”

“Well when the time comes for you to return the favor I will call on you.
As for now, I will leave you be with your new toy so get busy kid!”
465 · Dec 2018
The Anatomist
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Anatomist

My bed being warm is what I discover as my eyes open to the sun shine coming through my window.
A shame that I came back to reality when I did, I was having a hot dream I wanted to continue.
His soft lips serenaded my entire body head to toe.
His large member caused me to lick my lips begging for it to cover my face with his snow,
or to continue on pounding me, explode and invade my womb,
then walk me down the aisle as his wife, and with him as my groom.
But that was just a dream and I have the tool here now to satisfy my desires.
I have my own lover here who comes and satisfies my sweet innocent flower.

I take my shirt off and begin to play with my *******.
They are ultra-sensitive and get me in the mood to play with my guest.
He’s the best lover any girl could ask for and has aced all of my tests.
Every morning he comes into my room and gives me what I need, never taking a rest.

I slip my hand down into my underwear and begin to play with my moist slit.
At first I was nervous and dubious at taking him on as my lover, but over the past couple years I have commit
myself to being his ***** for him to use as he sees fit.
My love for him is wrong, but it’s a love I can’t quit.
If my parents ever found out…this love of mine they wouldn’t permit.
They would scold me and call me unfit,
probably disown me and take away my last name, Schmidt.
Judge, judge, judge, that’s all the world does, ******* hypocrites!

I begin to finger myself feverishly.
I begin to breath more quickly.
Moan after moan escapes from my vocal cords tirelessly.
I look towards my bedroom door anxiously.
Please lover, come and breed me.
Please lover, come and own me.
Please lover, come and punish me!
Please lover, come and make me yours!

The door creeks open as Duke enters the room.
He barks knowing he’s about to once again plant his seed deep in my womb.
My beautiful black lab, my ***** is his to consume.
I look forward to this moment every morning, it’s the only time our love is allowed to resume.

I toss the blankets off the bed and spread my legs for Duke to see.
Smooth young and tight, Duke is lucky I allow him to get it for free.
I whistle, Duke jumps up onto the bed.
He sniffs my slit as I nod to him to go ahead.
Stroke after stroke his tongue invades my slit as he eats me to my satisfaction.
Moan after moan of escalating intensity enters his ear to express my gratification.
I close my eyes and lose myself to his wonderful tongue action.
After a stress filled twenty-four hours of life, this is a welcomed distraction.

I push Duke’s head away from me then turn around and located his erected ****.
I immediately place it in my mouth since there’s no time for small talk.
As if a dog could talk back to me anyways.
It’s nice, no talk just foreplay.
My head bobs up and down as I take his manhood deeper and deeper down my throat.
After my killer head, I’m sure if he ever had to choose between me and a hot female dog, I would win his vote.
As pre-*** begins to drip out of his ****, I stop the head and flip over on my hands and knees with my *** up in the air.
I whistle at Duke to make him aware.
He climbs up onto me from behind and inserts himself into my soaking wet slit.
He furiously humps me and causes me to submit.
I scream his name and dig my nails into my bed.
I bit down on my pillow so my parents don’t hear, I don’t want them to stumble in and discover Duke deep inside me, my ***** lips wide spread.  
I feel Duke’s manhood swell as his seed pours out inside of me.
His sweet delicious man juice invading my womb is the only way I want our *** to be.
Finished, Duke jumps off the bed and runs out of my bedroom.
Typical man, never likes to cuddle after ***, at least he can never become my groom.

I take a deep breath and turn back around to come face to face…
with my younger sister.
She’s been watching from the entrance of my bedroom the entire time.
Shocked, a face so white and full of horror, disgusted at my crime.
Her mouth wide open, a word not said.
My heart sinks, **** I’m dead.

I approach my sister, ask her to step inside and shut the door.
Still in shock, “You...were…someone…I…adore.”

“Listen to me, what you just witnessed is actually a great and beautiful thing.
It beats sleeping around and having random flings.
No worries about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
My hormones are out of control and Duke’s **** is just so pleasing.”

“You’re ******* a Dog Sarah…a dog…this is ****** up beyond words!”

“Please don’t tell Mom and Dad Megan, they can’t find out about this ever.
If they were to find out, they would disown me forever.
I know keeping a secret this big is a huge endeavor.
I don’t want to be known as a vile transgressor.”

“Will you stop doing…what you’re doing with Duke, right now this second?”
Besides being disgusting, I would like your soul to still go to Heaven.
On the other side, during your final judgement, all of your thoughts and actions will be reckoned.
I don’t want you, in your final moments, to learn this hard lesson.
It’s not ok to fornicate with an animal.
Nothing about your logic behind it is rational.
It’s probably a sin that’s instantly damnable,
so, do the right thing, make the right decision and become admirable.”

“I need *** Megan; I’m addicted to it.”

“Use a ******* ******* or get a **** boyfriend, don’t ***** around with a ******* dog!
Do it one more time and I’ll tell Mom and Dad and they will banish your sorry *** to a synagogue.”

“Would you be willing to play around with me Megan?
I know…don’t judge me…I know, but I’m desperate.
I would love to play with you as well if you’d like.
You don’t even have to think of us as *****.
We would just be two hot sisters having some fun together so what do you say?
Will you help me satisfy my urges so I know longer drift astray?”

“You need serious help Sarah; I think I have no choice but to go to Mom and Dad with this.
I’m not sure what’s going on in that brain of yours, but something is amiss.”

With my arms shaking from my nerves getting the best of me,
I plant a kiss on Megan in hopes she will decide not to flee.
I slip my tongue into her mouth and begin to make out with her.
I look her in the eyes hoping to discover that she concurs.

Megan slowly pushes me away.
She tells me she’s straight and not ******* gay.
With a hard, right open hand, she slaps me hard across the face.
My skin instantly turns red and stings, the slap contained no grace.
Megan shakes her head in disappointment and storms out of my room.
What will happen next, only one can assume.
This poem, along with The Mathematician and This Historian are part of a short story I wrote in poetry form containing 10 poems.  The Mathematician, The Historian and The Anatomist are the first 3 poems of that story.
436 · Dec 2018
The Harvester
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Harvester

A long, overly dragged out, deep knock rattles the front door of Ambers new domain.
She knows in her gut who it is and instead of answering the door, would rather be forced to run naked through the street in pouring rain.
She goes and checks on her three-month-old son to make sure he is still asleep.
He is, however every time she looks at him, it causes her to want to weep.
He has his eyes, his nose, that ******* creep!
She struggles to sleep at night no matter how many she counts, the endless sheep.
Being away from that house hasn’t brought with it a sense of relief.
She has yet to find a proper hobby to use as a release,
to extradite from herself all the negative thoughts and energy built up from her previous reality.
She feels worn down and defeated, her self-esteem.
She feels ugly and fat, gone is her once perfect physique.
Her heart feels empty, her soul incomplete.
A healed psyche, deep inner peace are the goals she hopes to achieve,
but she’s felt that way since she was thirteen,
and back then the worst thing she had to live with was her nightmarish daydreams.

Another long, overly dragged out deep knock rattles the front door causing Amber to scream at the person causing the noise.
The person behind the door speaks, but the words are inaudible.
Amber walks up to the door and swings it open.
Standing in front of her is Erin, she thinks her eyes must be joking.
Erin is a few months pregnant herself, Amber can’t escape the feeling of hopeless.
She’s already changed addresses, but Erin has found her again through sheer devotion.

Amber goes to slam the door on Erin’s face but Erin places her hand on the door to stop it in its tracks.
Amber doesn’t want another confrontation, it will surly reach a horrible ******.
Erin is crazy and she wants nothing to do with her.
They will never be on friendly terms, that’s a fact she can assure.

“Amber, please talk to me.
All I want to do is spill my soul and set my conscious free.
I want to make things right between us and end this bad blood.
I don’t want you to feel like I got off easy while you were tortured by being beaten and dragged through the mud.
We don’t ever have to be best friends,
I just want to apologize and for you to listen so we can finally make amends.”

“I have a restraining order against you for a reason Erin.
I don’t want to talk to you or see you, I would rather fill out a hundred boring questionnaires and mail each one individually in.
I know your jealous of me for having Chris’s baby,
but trust me I wasn’t ready to become a proper lady.
I was a teenage girl when he abducted me and ***** me over and over again getting me pregnant.
I begged him to get me an abortion but he wouldn’t listen to that plea even for a second.
The child I’m now forced to raise reminds me of him every single day and I hate him for it!
I hate you as well because inside that unstable mind of yours, you are unfit
to become a mother!
You’re too young, just like me, it’s not too late for you to give up on it and eventually have another
after you meet someone in fall in love.
Who would you rather have a child with, a raven or a dove?”

“I’m sorry Chris put you in this position but that wasn’t my fault.
I was also abducted and a victim of his ****** assaults.”

“You enjoyed spending time with him!
You enjoyed his big **** inside of you!
Sure, he kept you ******* and used you as his personal ***** for a few days,
but you soon won his praise.
He allowed you to walk freely around his house, even when he wasn’t there!
I was ******* and drugged constantly, our situations don’t even compare.
Every day you could have walked out of the house and went to get help.
You did not, instead you cooked, cleaned and read his books.
You acted like his ******* wife!
You ****** him daily, slept next to him in his bed and he provided you with a decent life.
I have nothing more to say to you.
You are despicable and just thinking of you makes me want to chug brew after brew.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t leave to get us help and take down Chris, that is on me, I own that.
The truth is, I was terrified, terrified of what he would do if I tried to leave; I admit I’m no righteous diplomat.
I remained on my best behavior to stay on his good side so he would allow me the freedom to roam around his house.
It sure as hell beat being ******* in a tiny room that stunk worse than an outhouse.
I bartered with him every day to allow you some freedoms as well, but you had blown his trust so badly he always instantly refused to listen to me about it.
Believe me, we came out of the same boat, I’m not a ******* hypocrite.”

“You’re so full of ****!
I don’t believe a word you say, that’s something I just won’t permit.
I saw the way you looked at me.
Your eyes glared at me with contempt you ******* banshee!
You hated, hated, that I was carrying Chris’s baby and wanted me and my unborn child dead.
You wanted to be the only one he bred.
You loved him and wanted him all to yourself.
It’s time for us to now say our final farewell.”

“Ok, I admit that I did think I was in love with him.
I thought we would run off together and live our lives together as husband and wife under a false pseudonym.
However, I didn’t hate your nor did I want to harm you.
I really did advocate for you with Chris but he refused to believe anything I was telling him and couldn’t accept my words as being true.
I’m sorry for my actions and lack of actions in that house, I truly was scared and confused.
We are both his victims and both of us to him were nothing more than a hole to use.”

“Don’t lie to me, you still love him and you are angry that he fled the country without you.
You thought you were going to be by his side forever, attached to him like glue,
but he caught wind that the cops were coming to rescue us and ran before they did,
leaving you behind sleeping in his bed all alone.
He left you behind to raise that child all on your own.
I’m sorry I had to throw that stone
but it’s the truth and you need to hear it.
It’s best to abort that child right now and move on with your life.
Unlike me, you have the option of truly moving on from this ordeal.
Don’t worry, you will find another guy one day that makes you squeal
like his **** made you squeal every night.
With the right choices made, your future can become bright.”

“Chris would never leave me behind you *****!
He will return one day when it’s safe to do so and will reunite with me so we can live a life together that is rich,
satisfying and everlasting!
I won’t listen for another second to your negative forecasting.”

“I knew you weren’t over him Erin, so why are you really here?
Please answer quick because I’m ready for you to disappear.”

Erin, now frowning and filled with rage pushes Amber down hard to the floor.
She’s here for one reason, a reason involving gore.
She jumps on top of Amber and takes out a knife she has hidden in her boot.
This was her plan all along, take out her rival and her fruit.
She wants Chris’s baby and Chris’s love all to herself.
Some call it selfishness; she calls it determination.
Erin, now with knife in hand, stabs it into Amber’s stomach.
She smiles and begins humming
a song of victory over her rival as she cries out in pain.
She pulls the knife out as Amber yells out she’s ******* insane.
Erin gets off of Amber and begins walking deeper into the house.
“No, not my baby,” Amber cries out fearing the worst.

A few moments later, Erin returns to Amber with her son in her arms and her knife placed against his throat.
Erin begins laughing and starts to gloat.
She is moments away from eliminating the two people with ties to Chris.
Then it will be safe for him to return and plant on her a kiss,
before the run off together and live out their lives in bliss.

Erin asks Amber if there are any last words she would like to say to her son.
Amber, moaning in pain on the floor tells Erin this doesn’t need to be done.
Erin says it must be done as a knock on the front door interrupts proceedings.
Erin has no time for this, the child must begin bleeding.
Who dares interrupt her and Amber’s dealings?
Erin has a very bad feeling.

“Police open up!”
“That’s right *****, I called the police the second you knocked on my door.
It’s best to stop this charade and accept the punishment you have in store.

The front door breaks down as the police storm the house with guns drawn.
Erin stands in front of them holding the baby with the knife still pressed against his throat now showing off a massive frown.

“Put the knife down, set the child on the floor and put your hands above your head!”

Erin refuses to listen to the cops demands and begins to cut the babies throat.
If she can’t have Chris neither can Amber and the knife is the antidote.
A gun shot is heard as everything begins to move in slow motion.
Erin feels overwhelmed with emotion.

A bullet slowly exits a gun and begins moving through the air directly towards Erin.
Her knife slowly begins tearing into the flesh of the baby’s neck.
The baby lets out a loud scream as the pain created by the knife races through his body.
The bullet continues to move steadily through the air quickly approaching Erin,
who is frozen in place and unable to move.
With the knife now half way across the baby’s neck,
The bullet from the gun enters into Erin’s right eye,
tearing a hole into and through her brain,
and exits out the back of her head.
Erin drops the baby as her head is forced backwards.
She falls lifeless, backwards onto the hard floor dead.
Police rush to the aid of the baby who is still alive but badly injured.
Amber thanks the cops for the efforts as she looks up towards the heavens,
taking in her final breath as the loss of blood has become too much.
“Chris must pay for this,” is her final thought,
as the living world around her turns to black.
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
Rise of the New World Order pt. 2

A long journey in darkness has lead me to being placed…somewhere…standing still under the cover of a hood.
I hear footsteps constantly walking near me but no one is speaking; that’s probably not good.
I would rip this god forsaken hood off if I could,
but my hands remain tied behind my back and will probably remain that way in all likelihood.

I hear water dripping, indicating a possible leak in the roof of whatever building I’m currently being held in against my will.
Or maybe it’s a dead body dripping blood, now there’s a thought that down my spine sends a chill.
I’ve already witnessed these men ****.
Since the removal of our right to bear arms, things have drastically gone downhill.

My family was murdered right in front of my horror filled eyes.
All my heart and soul wanted was to also die,
but I was kept alive for being an idiot,
by openly supporting a President and his ideas that have now driven the country into oblivion.
I was too blinded by his lies to see that they were all insidious,
and was to gullible to see that they should have been taken in a nature that was serious.

My family is dead, there blood is on my hands.
I will avenge them by refusing to live in this new tyrannical land.
Mr. Supreme Leader, as you call yourself now, I am no longer a fan.
I plan on putting a dent into your wicked plans.

Riled up, I’m ready to fight a long, ****** war.
Exiled, I will no longer be to this place and democracy I will once again be restored.
Smile, no longer will I do, because what do I have to smile for?
Wild and untamed my soul wishes to become, more so than it ever has before.

My hood is suddenly removed as my eyes adjust to the bright light of the room I’m standing in.
This is where my new life is about to begin.
I look around and notice I’m standing with about 30 or so other men.
I recognize one as being my neighbor Glenn.
The rest are strangers to me and have a look of terror plastered on their faces.
We all come from different walks of life, from different religions and different races,
yet we are still the same here, terrified of what the future holds for us all.
What exactly that future is sure is a tough call.

Armed military personal surround us on all sides as a highly decorated man approaches us and stands in front of us all.
He licks his lips to moisturize them as I read his name badge, Saul.
I have a feeling nothing good is about to come out of his mouth.
I’m sure just strict orders of what we are able to do here and an end to the Sabbath.

“Welcome to your new home for the rest of your lives gentlemen.
A lot of testosterone will be built up in here with no estrogen
to counter the male hormones building up in this settlement.
I am your leader, Captain Philips, the finest specimen
of human strength and dexterity thanks to my rigorous regimen
that I execute to perfection every single day without a single ounce of gentleness.
This building is your home for the rest of your miserable lives.
A group of females’ live in the building across from here, but don’t get your hopes up because they will never be allowed to become your wives.
You will sleep in this building together.
You will shower in this building together.
You will eat in this building together.
You will keep this building clean together.
You will be responsible for growing your own food and will be provided with seeds to grow your own crops.
Maintaining your lives here will be a daily struggle so you will have no wiggle room to lose your focus and stop
fighting to survive, or you put your entire building at risk of death.
You will have to work so hard you will struggle to catch your breath.
You will be provided with cattle and pigs to use for your food supply.
It’s up to you how you use them, if you keep them alive or decide they have to die.
Outside this building are walls forty feet tall surrounding the two buildings and the land you will use to farm and survive on.
These walls are guarded with heavily armed military personal who are trained to **** from dusk to dawn.
Any attempt to escape will be met with deadly force.
Any attempt to mingle with the females in the other building will be met with deadly force.
Any attempt to step out of line and go against what you are tasked to do will be met with deadly force.
Good luck gentlemen and enjoy the rest of your lives here at Camp Ryan.”

“This is not right,” one man speaks out as he takes a few steps towards the Captain.
I suspect something bad is about to happen.

Military personal immediately run towards and tackle the man as the captain walks up to him and stands over him.
His tenure here is beginning to look very short and grim.

“You will do exactly as instructed and stepping out of line will be met with deadly force.
This type of behavior, anyone, especially myself, simply cannot endorse!
So I’m sorry but a statement needs to be made here that the rules are to be followed and never broken.
It’s against the rules to step out of line and be outspoken.”

The Captain quickly takes out of his gun and shoots the man in the head as he remains pinned on the ground.
He shoots him multiple times emptying 5 rounds.

“Let this be a lesson to the rest of you,
step out of line and you will be treated worse than the ****’s treated the Jews!
Now, I suggest you explore your new home and get to work building your new life here.
Remember to play by the rules because everyone will have more tasks to do to keep on surviving the more that people disappear.”

All the men, myself included, look around at each other with a lost look in our eyes.
I think we all feel that it would be better off if we would all just die.
Gone is our freedom the live the lives we want,
a freedom we took for granted and gave away during a witch hunt
against our right to bear arms.
We gave away our right to protect ourselves
and the government took away our lives.
The government divided us.
The media divided us.
We failed to see the powers in control of things pulling the strings to take away our freedoms and lives.
We failed to see what was really going on when all the staged mass shootings swept across America causing a mass panic and spear heading a revolt against the second amendment.
We fell for the lies and deception of the government.
We foolishly placed our trust in them and gave them the power to **** us over.
Now you see the consequences of what demanding the government to take away your constitution given rights are.
We gave away our rights, they took away our rights,
and now we are nothing more than slaves.
We may look at each other in disbelieve, but we have no one to blame but ourselves for the mess we find ourselves in.
We were baited right in and took a hard-right, right on our chin.

Heed my warning and fight to protect all of your rights granted to you by the constitution
because giving them away is never a solution
and will only lead to a future revolution
against a tyrannical government that’s ****** our souls and taking away our resolve and retribution.

The revolution begins with me for I will not live my life out here under these circumstances.
A revolution begins with someone willing to step out in front and take a chance.

I exit the building I’m being housed in to act like I’m exploring the farm land.
Sneaking up close behind the captain is my plan.
He has a grenade attached to him I want to take
and shove in the mouth of that venomous snake.

The captain is talking right outside the building as I walk out.
This is going to be easy, I have no doubt.
I walk right up behind him on my way to the farm land,
where I stop, and begin to take my stand.
I place my hand quickly on the grenade and hank it off,
holding it tight in my hand as the captain turns around to scoff.

He realizing the grenade is moments away from going off as he turns to run
as I toss it in his direction and stand still to watch the fun.
I notice military personal pointing their weapons at me as the grenade goes off.
Gun fire rips into me as I say my farewell in an epic blastoff.
Just as everything around me goes dark…
I witness the captain explode in pieces from the grenade.
A job well done and the beginning of a revolution to take back our freedoms,
as the others storm out of the building and begin to fight back.
322 · Dec 2018
The Puppet Master
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Puppet Master

Standing outside my favorite coffee shop, I light up a cigarette to massage my lungs.
My cell phone vibrates, it’s my good for nothing son.
I hit ignore with no plans of calling him back later.
Judge me all you want but I’m not the one who’s a maniacal traitor.
Possibly a cold, cruel dictator.
That’s for you to decide, the reader and commentator.
Am I a member of the elite or a low life belonging to the lowest common denominator?
The truth is, if you care to know, is I’m an innovator,
even more than God himself, the grand creator.
I even contain deep inside myself a ***** little secret.
You will learn about that when I give my next client his special treatment.

I take a hit of my cigarette and take in the view of the night.
The sky is an uncomfortable black, moonless and not a star in sight.
A slight breeze comfortably glides in-between my hair providing it with a smooth flow.
The temperature is moderate and traffic is light, a good combo.
My home is just a few blocks away so tonight should make for an enjoyable walk.
Maybe once I’m home I will call my son back and we can finally have a long needed talk.

I take another hit of my cigarette and begin walking home,
all the while thinking about how I would like to go to Paris to visit the catacombs.
It would be a fantastic vacation; one I desperately need.
Maybe I should find myself a sugar daddy who would take me in exchange for me swallowing his seed.
He can lavish me with trips and gifts.
I can use my ****** talents to keep him fulfilled and happy.
Fair trade offer I would say.
A sugar momma would do as well; I can pretend to be gay.

Two blocks away from home a feeling of dread overcomes me.
I stop walking, freeze with nerves shooting up and down my spine, not a good time for this, I really need to ***.
I feel the eyes of a man watching me from behind.
I feel that he has wicked intentions in mind.

I turn around and scan the area for anything suspicious.
I notice a well-dressed man standing next to a building smoking inauspicious.
He flashes me a toothy smile that’s rather ambitious.
He licks his lips at me probably thinking I look delicious.

Uncomfortable, I turn back around and begin walking again at a quicker pace.
I pat down my pockets hoping I’m carrying my mace.
I’m not, I hope he’s not following me, I look over my shoulder just in case.
He slowly walks behind me with his head down so I can’t see his face.

Sweat begins to drip down my face.
I need to get on my high horse and make it back to my place.
This man could be dangerous and up to no good.
I feel that he would **** or **** me if he could.

I begin to run towards my home continuing to look behind me all the way.
He continues to walk slow and ominously behind me acting like he has started a game we both have to play.
Wanting to get out of this man’s sight as quickly as possible, I hit my high gear and run up to my front door.
I unlock it quickly not wanting to find out what this man has in store.
I run inside, slam the door, lock it and drop to the floor.
If stalking me to my home was his idea of fun, well there will be no encore.

I crawl on the floor, out of sight of my windows in case he looks in, to my bathroom where I’m able to stand back up.
I move my neck back and forth, it’s acting up and very sore, I could use a good rub.
Still reeling and on edge for the man following me, I look at my phone.
Do I dial the police and make his actions known?
Or I could go back outside, confront him and show him that I do indeed carry a backbone.
It’s probably best I just leave this entire ordeal alone.

I wash my face then go into my kitchen to make myself a stiff drink.
Just one drink then into the shower I have to go, I’m beginning to stink.
I finish filling my drink then pop in a pill that’s pink.
It helps me to relax and not worry about…at least I think.

I chug my drink then slam the glass down as a hand covers my mouth.
I’m held against my will by a man lacking couth.
“Don’t fight or struggle and this will be easier on you.
The last thing I want to do is **** you and watch your pretty little face turn blue.”

I feel the man rub his bulge firmly against my ***.
If he plans on sticking it up there he better be leaving me with some free grass.
The man forces me to walk to my bedroom where he violently pushes me stomach first onto the bed.
He climbs on top of me placing his hand firmly down on my head telling me if I fight I’m dead.
With his free hand, he pulls my leggings down exposing my bare *** and thong.
He drops his trousers and underwear and begins feeling up my *** with his…massive ****.
He’s far larger than I imaged him being.
He tells me I’m going to enjoy this and I’m not disagreeing.
He feels to be at least 11 inches; please tell me I’m dreaming.
****, if he’s even half way decent he might have me screaming.

With his free hand, he begins to feel my ***** thought my thong now beginning to get soakin’ wet.
I imagine soon my face, along with his, will be covered in sweat.
“You’re ***** for my massive manhood, aren’t you?
Your wet ***** is kind of a clue.”

Unseen to him I smile, as he pulls my thong down and ****** himself into me violently and without warning.
He slides right in since my ****** is already lubricated with my juices, but his massive size causes some short term intense pain, I’m sure I’ll be sore in the morning.
With my lips spread wide and my *** up in the air, he ***** me harder and harder with each ******.
This is even better than what we previously discussed.
With all of his eleven inches deep inside of me, he stops and holds his **** in me.
He flexes his biceps, kisses me on the lips, fondles my **** then begins violently and ruthlessly ******* me again providing me with never before matched glee.
As I predicted, I begin screaming as my ***** reaches ****** and begins squirting all over him.
**** me, this is good and this is just the prelim.
Feeling me ****** and squirt causes my ****** to blow his load deep inside me.
He rolls off of me and tells me he has to ***.
I do as well and follow him to the bathroom.

I walk in and find him peeing with his massive **** hanging out freely.
Locking it down and making it mine would be my goal, ideally.
I would slither into his work and **** him discreetly.
Maybe a private show for his favorite co-worker, how hot and steamy!
We would satisfy each other completely.
But that’s not why he’s here, just for us to get freaky.
Although his eyes are mysterious and dreamy,
he was sent to me to handle at a cost that didn’t come cheaply.

I speak first, “Well that went better than I ever imaged it going.
You ****** me good, you had my face glowing.”

“When I spoke to Dr. Burke and opened up to him about my **** fetish,
I expected him to condemn me for being devilish.
I’ve ***** women in the past and was struggling to control the urge, I know I’m pathetic,
but Dr. Burke didn’t judge, he saw past my misdeeds and understood my internal wreckage.
When he set me up with you to legally act out my **** desires I was beyond thrilled.
I tell you what, you are very skilled.
You acted so panicked and afraid when I was stalking you outside.
Watching you panic and crawl to the bathroom, I busted out laughing so hard I thought I was going to die.
And that ***** of yours…the best I’ve ever had!
I think you and I could have quite the *** Olympiad.”

“I’m glad you are pleased with your experience with me.
Hopefully it helps heal your internal damage and helps set your soul free.
Dr. Burke also informed me you have a ******* fetish and want a woman to sexually dominate you.
I’m ready to help you with that fetish as well right here, right now, if that is in fact true.”

“Yes!!!!  I want a woman to dominate me, embarrass me and punish me for all of my misdeeds.
I’m all yours my *******, I’m ready to proceed.”

That’s right you poor pathetic creature, I’m the puppet master pulling all the strings here,
but before we end this session I want to once more milk the venom from out of your massive spear.
I motion to the man to follow me back into my bedroom where I order him to kneel before me.
I place a collar around his neck, strap a leash to it and tell him to close his eyes and count to three.

After three he opens his eyes to find me standing in front of him with a dagger placed softly against his neck.
I tell him his body belongs to me now and is only mine to wreck.
I tell him to bark like a mutt if he understood the rules.
He barks and barks and barks like a ******* fool.

I tell him to close his eyes once again.
I tell him he is my property when inside my domain.
I grab ahold of a leash tight and begin to choke him a bit.
It’s fun torturing this man, I will admit.
I tell my dog to lick my ***** for it needs to be served.
Treat it with love and compassion like it deserves.

He crawls up underneath my ***** and beings to lick it passionately.
I begin to let out some moans, he knows how to use his tongue adequately.
My breathing deepens, my moans louden as he eats me out ravenously.
It’s a shame we can never be together romantically.
I have a job to do unfortunately.
It does provide me with a comfortable life miraculously.

Tired of having his tongue in my *****, I move his head away from me and tell him to go lay down on the bed.
He smiles, winks and licks his lips at me knowing he just provided me with excellent head.
Once on the bed, I handcuff both of his hands to the bed posts.
He marvels at his own **** and says a few words trying to boast.
I then tie both of his ankles down to the bed so he’s completely unable to move.
He begins to laugh and asks me to give him my worst; seemingly with being tied down he approves.

I take a whip out of my closet and stand in front of the bed holding it tight.
The man again smiles and laughs and tells me to give him my worst bite.
I swing the whip and hit him in the chest with all of my might.
I repeat this over and over again until his chest no longer looks alright.
It’s torn up to shreds and bleeding badly but the man just laughs.
He tells me I’m an expert of my craft.
The sick **** actually enjoys being tortured.
“Give me a worse punishment,” he orders.

I go back to my closet and take out some clamps and place them on his ******* and *****.
He lets out a grunt filled with agony but tells me placing a clamp on his ***** was the right call.
With his **** rock hard from the excitement of being tortured, I decide it’s time to ride it one final time.
It’s a shame at the same time, he might be the best **** in all of Anaheim.

I climb onto the bed and sit on the mans ripped open chest,
then, with his full attention on me, he begins to play with and ****** my *******.  
I begin to rub my soakin’ wet slit against his **** as he begs me to get on and ride him until he erupts.
This man’s entire being is completely corrupt.
But so am I if I’m looking at it from your point of view.
It’s not my fault I get paid to provide a **** time and be a good *****
and get paid to…
well you’re about to find out.

I place a blind fold over the man and tell him I’m about to milk his giant manhood dry.
He smiles quietly praising his lord far above him in the sky.
I sit on his **** and take in all 11 inches as they slide right in my naturally lubricated slit.
It feels marvelous, that part I will admit.
I dig my nails into the man’s shoulders and begin ******* him fast and hard.
He begins squirming and moaning loudly as my ferocious ******* catches him off guard.
I lean over, bite his ear and whisper to him to scream out I’m his queen.
He screams just that and screams out I’m better than ******* a ****** teen.
He tells me he has a load built up and is about to explode.
I **** as fast and hard as I possibly can, I’m feeling I’m on banshee mode.
He lets out a loud ear piercing scream as he blows a massive load inside of me.
With sweat pouring down his face, he lets out a massive smile, his heart (and ****) full of glee.
With his *** dripping out of my slit, I lean over and remove his blindfold,
then begin licking the blood off his torn-up chest reminding him I’m still in control.

I sit up slowly and look up towards the heavens as I take out the dagger that’s been attached to my leg.
I hold the dagger high over his heart as his smile turns to a frown and he begins to beg.
I close my eyes and say a prayer to my God Osiris then look down at the man,
tell him all this time he has been a pawn in a complex plan.
He frantically tries to free his arms and legs but he isn’t going anywhere.
I tell him he has a few seconds to say one final prayer,
but that’s a lie as I immediately sink the dagger deep into his heart.
His eyes, once full of life, fade away to a gray as his soul departs
down to the fires of hell with Osiris, I’m sure.
Maybe one day I’ll run into him again during my introduction tour.

I climb off the bed with the satisfaction of a job well done.
I won’t lie, I did indeed have a lot of fun.
I locate the man’s pants and take out his wallet.
I find a family picture of him with his wife and two kids, I called it.
The sickest ***** are always married and with children.
I’m sure they never even suspected their loving husband and father was such a villain,
a smooth talking, double life leading reptilian,
and probably a descended of the original pilgrims.
They were also sick *****.
If you don’t believe me, you are blind to our own dark history.

I locate the man’s I.D. his name is Harold Jones.
Harold, what a stupid name for someone with a heart and soul made out of rocks and uncontrollable hormones.

I put the wallet away and go check my cell phone.
I have one missed call and a new voice mail from Dr. Burke.

“Amanda, it’s Doctor Burke.  I trust everything is going smoothly with our friend Harold.  Listen I have two more people I need your help with.  A concern acquaintance of mine has a daughter named Sarah he needs our help with.  She has these uncontrollable desires and needs us to put a stop to it.  I also have an experiment I’ve been working on for a couple years now that I’m afraid I have to pull the plug on and need you help doing so.  Call me when you can and we will discuss the details of each case.”

****, looks like I have a busy few days coming up.
Guess I better go load up a cup.
have a few stiff drinks to loosen myself up for this.
303 · Dec 2018
Condemned to The Guillotine
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
Condemned to The Guillotine

Condemned to the guillotine has been announced as my fate
for speaking the truth in hopes of setting everyone in the world straight.
But now it’s too late, pitch forks are rising up against me as everyone has voted to live life to its minimalist in a slave state.
I’ve been branded a traitor by my fellow primates.

Expose the world is controlled by Satan who’s manipulating your lives
and get attacked since you don’t want to give up ******* your ***** without making her your wife.
Expose that Nasa is a fraud and fakes every picture you see,
and get threatened with promises of being hung from a tree.
Exposes the world for not being round and shine a light on the fact that it’s flat,
and get assaulted with words laced with venom instead of having a friendly chitchat.
Bring the truths of the bible about Giants, Titans, Dragons and massive animals and plants to light,
get ridiculed and silenced since this information is far too much for your closed off minds to take in in one night.
Talk about the afterlife and the presence of spirits all around us,
get called crazy, insane, delusional, in need of medication because that is a topic no one wants to discuss.
The truth of the world and of our creation and history is far stranger than the false narrative that is shoved down our throats,
but everyone tunes out the lords amazing notes.

Condemned to the guillotine might be a blessing
since my life has become awfully ******* depressing.
Losing my father and seeing his dead body, there is no repressing.
Life for me has hit the brakes and I have stopped progressing.
A relationship, apartment, and job all lost.
Trying to take even one step forward comes with a tremendous cost.
A cousin now gone as well,
life has turned into a living hell.

Waking up in the morning, getting out of bed and functioning throughout the day,
is almost as difficult as burying my father on my 30th birthday.
The massive weight crushing down on me is suffocating.
When will happiness invade my heart, I’m tired of waiting.
When will positivity flood into my soul, it’s growing frustrating.
When will I find a career, I love and enjoy?  Constantly changing jobs is aggravating.
When will God use me to my full potential, I’m growing tired of waiting!
I’m tired of his plan for my life being so drawn out and calculating.

I’m always asked when will I finally write something happy,
or something full of love and sappy?
I wish I had an answer to that question.
I wish I could have a happy and positive writing session.
I’ve been given a gift that is more like a curse.
It allows me to feel the pain of the entire world, for better or worse.
Being so in tune with my spiritual self is torture.
No wonder people mistake it for a mental disorder.
I fight off demons every day,
that want to **** me, cremate me and caste my ashes out into a bay.
I know the truths of the world.
Know that so many people are already ****** to the underworld
because they have turned their backs on God,
and call the bible a giant fraud.
A book written by man to help you feel better about death.
You won’t be feeling that way after you take your final breath.
Condemn me to the guillotine all you want,
as you descend down, I’ll be above you ready to flaunt.
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
Rise of the New World Order pt. 1

Final touches are put on the polish job just applied to my now empty gun case.
Michael, my son, is worried the government officially taking away our right to bear arms has put the country in a bad place.
Revival is how I describe my hope in a government that for so long refused to do anything about its citizen’s obsession with an arms race.
Homicidal tendencies, the vast majority of the public have embraced.
Survival of our country is now guaranteed to take place.
Spinal regeneration is being observed first hand in this case.

Tonight, the President gives his state of the union, I can’t hardly wait.
Light, as bright as a thousand suns will shine over the country tonight at eight.
Fright is not something we have to feel any longer after his speech tonight, you can mark the date.
Foresight into a grand future of peace a solitude will be his key points as he begins to narrate.

Mass shootings at schools and concerts are now a thing of the past.
Class and order among the citizens will be recast.
Violence and crime will drastically decrease and become virtually zero.
Tireless work by our fearless leader will turn him into a true hero.
No one believes me when I say we are better off as a nation without guns.
Blow my hung **** they can, as a bright and prosperous future is forged for our daughters and sons.

Finished with my task and locking up the now empty case, I go to the living room to watch the President’s speech with my skeptical family.
Diminished their hope for the future is as they all stare at the TV absently.
Punished they should be, for the looks on their faces should be considered blasphemy.
Distinguished and decorated, the President I love is, the one they look upon with such amnesty.
Change is upon us and we are about to watch it live.
Deranged men are no longer able to act out on their sick desires that are so deprived!
Here we go, the President is ready to speak.
Shakespeare himself would be impressed with my documentation of this moment that will be so perfect it won’t require a single tweak.

“Good evening my fellow American slaves,
thanks to you, an unpleasant future for you and your family is coming at you in the form of relentless waves.
The second amendment has been abolished and so to the ability for you to defend yourselves.
That was just the first step to usher in a new and exciting form of government,
to usher in a world of peace without violence and war.
Order has now been established by the use of chaos.
A new world order.
A world in which you will struggle to survive under my relentless rule.
That is not all you, my fellow Americans, need to know.
My next statement will deliver and quick and permanent death blow
to the once great country known as the United States of America.
It’s a fitting punishment for all of you heretics.
At 7pm this evening, just before coming on the air,
I signed into law while fixing up my hair,
a piece of legislature that abolishes the constitution of the United States,
that abolishes the government that you have come to know,
abolishing the house of representatives and the senate
and abolishing all of the courts at the federal, state and local levels.
Instituting one supreme leader to make all decisions for the betterment of the country.
That leader being myself.
As of 7:05 pm, every citizen of the United States of America has been declared a slave of the supreme leader.
As I speak, military and police forces have organized in every city, town and village in American with orders to **** many and bring a select few into concentration camps where they will live out their lives serving me.
All the freedoms you once enjoyed, no longer exist.
Say goodbye to your loved ones since you will soon be separated, never to see each other again.
Resistance is futile and will be meant with deadly force.
I hope you enjoyed your final dinner together and had an excellent main course.”
Stunned silence echoes around the living room as my son looks at me, his eyes filled with rage.
He looks at me with his eyes burning like a beast about to become uncaged.
Without warning, he lunges at me knocking me to the ground,
then climbs on top of me placing his legs on my arms, pinning me down.
Stiff fist after stiff fist he delivers to my face.
He’s completely deranged lacking any form of grace.

“I ******* told you taking away our ability to defend ourselves would be the end of us!
I’m going to ******* ****** you for supporting a man who’s ******* treasonous
and just made us all ******* slaves to him!
You better spill your rotting soul to God and sing one last hymn
because your headlights are about to be turned off!”

A gunshot rings out as the life in my son’s eyes goes dim.
This is going to be the last I ever see of him.
His body goes limp as he falls off of me onto the floor.
Blood pours out of a single gunshot wound to the head, a sight certainly not lacking in gore.
Loud banging and shouting erupt all around the home as military personal raid the house.
Feeling defeated, I look over to my spouse
who’s knocked to the ground and shot in the head.
My heart and soul fills with dread,
yet I’d rather have things finish up here with all of us ending up dead.
Being dead is far better than living the life of a slave.
I won’t miss having to shave.
No man enjoys shaving, it’s such a pain in the ***.
Thank you, God, for allowing all of us here to pass.

My other son is shoved on the floor right in front of me and also shot in the head.
His dying eyes look towards me as I whisper to him it’s ok to die and to go ahead.
Soon I will be joining them on the other side as well.
It will be a far better place for all of us to dwell.

I’m forcefully picked up off the floor by a muscular solider who looks me dead in the eye.
What he says to me comes as a complete surprise.

“You have been chosen by the Supreme Leader to live out your life in service of him as a sign of gratitude for your generous support of him during his campaign to abolish the second amendment.
With our family now dead, I urge you not to seek out any form of vengeance,
as it will be meant with deadly force resulting in your death.
If you wish to air your grievances against us, save your breath
as we are heading out now so get ready to move.”
Without time to process the events suddenly unfolding,
a bag is placed over my head as my eyes begin to feel swollen.
My hands are tied behind my back and I’m forced out of the house and placed into the back seat of a vehicle.
I can’t believe all that is happening, it’s all so unbelievable.
273 · Dec 2018
The Phantom
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Phantom

When it first happened, she didn’t know what to think.
Being ******* and *****, well she enjoyed the kink.
She was frightened at first but struggled to remain scared because deep down, she still contained love for him.
Sure, he was secretly a monster and currently her situation looked rather grim,
but with her now in his life permanently, he didn’t need the other ***** he kept prisoner in the other room.
She could become his wife and him, her handsome groom.
He’s just misunderstood, but she insisted she understood.
A *** addict with no one to love and using some ***** to fill the void inside of them.
Her love for him and young tight hole will do him a lot of good.
You may think she’s young and dumb,
but she knows what her heart wants
and it wants him, her love and saint, Chris Morris.

The first couple days in captivity, he would take turns having his way with both of his prisoners,
always keeping an eye open for any unwanted visitors.
Erin quickly lost the fear she had of being held prisoner and used for *** and began fully enjoying each and every ****** experience she had with her love.
He was her everything, her mighty king and peaceful dove.
She quickly began begging Chris to make love to her every time he came into her holding cell.
She wanted him all to herself, from his massive **** down to his unique body smell.

She viewed the girl in the other cell as her rival for Chris’s love and attention.
When her neighbor wasn’t drugged, they would stare at each other through their cells with elephant thick tension.
She was due to give birth in a matter of weeks and jealousy ran through Erin’s blood.
****** of both mother and baby ran through her mind daily like a flash flood.
SHE wanted to have Chris’s babies, she wanted to be his wife, lover and sole baby maker.
She wanted to eliminate the second player.

Every day, Erin would plead with Chris to free her from her cell and allow her to roam free around the house.
She promised to never leave his side and be his loyal spouse.
She never fought him when being ***** to show her love and obedience to him.
She would tell him of her dreams of them going to the beach together, stripping down to nothing and going for a long swim.
She told him she wanted to be wrapped in his arms at night snuggling tight with him.
She wanted to be intertwined with him, wrapping together all of their limbs.
Chris, shocked that Erin wasn’t afraid of him and wanted to love him so badly,
quickly fell in love with her madly.
After just a few days of being held in captivity, he released Erin and gave her the freedom to roam around the house as she pleased.
She had orders to keep the curtains on the windows closed at all times.
She was allowed to eat what she wanted and drink all the wine.
She had to hide whenever there was a knock on the door.
She had to help out around the house and do chores.
She wasn’t allowed to go outside since no one was allowed to see her there.
Clothing was optional for her to wear.
She usually ran around wearing nothing but a thong.
Would join her love in his daily hitting of his ****.
She would cook, clean and please her man every day.
She was happy, content and had no intentions of getting away.
Every day she would bring food to Amber to keep her fed.
Amber hated her for running around freely and constantly fornicating in Chris’s bed.
Erin would smile and attempt to reassure her that she was only acting this way in order to find a way for the two of them to escape.
She would tell Amber she was secretly recording Chris to **** him in a trial by presenting the audiotape.
Amber never believed the lies constantly coming out of her mouth.
She saw the way Erin lusted after Chris,
the way she paraded around the house nearly naked like a whorish miss.
She could see it in her eyes, the distain she had for her for carrying her loves child.
She saw right through her fake devilish smile.
On the bright side, Chris started to leave her alone with Erin constantly begging for his ****.
Every time she was around him, she would stare at his crotch and gawk.
So pathetic she thought, this young girl filled with such lust for such a freak.
She has the opportunity to escape at any time during any day of the week,
but ****** it all away to live her secret life with Chris.
She believes being with him is such a wonderful bliss.

A couple weeks later, a pregnancy test it taken exposing a terrible truth.
The young teen Erin is pregnant, destroying what’s left of her youth.
She stares at the test with the widest, happiest smile ever seen.
She thrilled to be giving her king a prince and to take her place as his true queen.
She can’t wait to tell her love of this great news.
She is certain he will be excited and share her same views.

Her enjoyment turns to better coldness as she thinks of the soon to be born child being carried by Amber.
A plot to ******, she begins to construct out of her anger.
She must be the one to have his child, not her.
She will talk to Chris about killing Amber, she’s certain he will concur.
She believes her life with Chris will last forever uninterrupted.
Little does she know, her seemingly unstoppable momentum is about to be obstructed.
The police were unable to find the girls hiding in the house when they conducted their raid,
but they are not the only ones attempted to administer aid.

Outside, lurking in the shadows, two sets of eyes have been keeping an eye on the girls and the ****** Chris.
These eyes see Erin becoming unstable and understand her behavior they cannot dismiss.
They must act quickly to snag their man and save the innocent girls suffering at his hands.
Tonight, is the night they take their stand.

As Erin’s eye lids begin to feel heavy and she drifts off the sleep…
a knock on the front door startles the devilish creep.
Unsure of who could be knocking at his front door at this time of night,
Chris slowly makes his way to the front door while turning off all of the lights.

He collects himself and slowly opens the front door.
With all of the lights off, he gives off the illusion that he is ready to snore.
The door opens showing Chris what stands on the other side.
In front of him stands a man whose seemingly full of pride.

“Hey, sorry to bother you at this hour, but I’m wondering if I can borrow your phone.
I locked myself out of my house, the fault is all my own.
My name is Nathan; I live right next door in that house there.
It will only take a minute I swear.
I just need to call someone to come let me in, then I’ll be out of your hair.
If it helps at all, I can pay you a fare.”

“Sorry, I’m unable to help at the moment, my phone is down for some reason and I’m waiting for the company to come fix it.”

“Strange, I wonder if anyone else is having phone issues around here?”

“I wouldn’t know man, now have a good night.”

As Chris goes to shut the door on Nathan’s face…
a needle enters into his neck from behind.
His eyes instantly close as he falls to the ground sound asleep.
The phantoms plan will soon be complete.

“You knocked out the girl too, right?”

“Yes, she is sound asleep as well,
now let’s get him out of here and contact the police to come take care of the girls.”
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
A Deplorable Action and Internal Regret

Thunder cracks open the dark gray skyline, unleashing its contents onto the quiet, flat plane below.
Lightening dances around the sky putting on a dazzling show.
A man sits alone in a dark, quiet house firmly holding a cold, unforgiving pistol,
unfazed by the increasingly violent weather outside his broken front window that’s being presented to him as a symbol
to signify that the end has arrived.
His heart beat is fading and soon it will become impossible to revive.
He stares blankly at his computer screen horrified.
With his heart shattered and his soul destroyed, the numb barley living carcass he has turned into is responsible for a crime far worse than genocide.
Putting a bullet in between his eyes right now is more than justified.
He caused this…he is the mastermind.

One dot remains active on his computer screen.
He closes his eyes fighting back tears, consequences this severe were not foreseen.
Twelve billion dots use to be present on his computer screen, that’s twelve…billion…dots.
Far too many, or so the global elite had thought.
A global population of twelve Billion had all been microchipped to track their whereabouts at all times.
He should have known better, he saw the warning signs,
but now it’s too late and a population of twelve billion people on a dying, decaying world is down to one.
Him, the lone survivor, a fate he wouldn’t wish upon anyone.
He is the last surviving human on the flat plane known as Earth.
Extinction is on the horizon, there will be no rebirth.

It’s his fault that mankind has reached extinction.
He went along with the plan given to him by his boss’s, the global elite, and helped carry out their mission
of reducing the world population by seventy-five percent to save the dying world and its resources.
They paid him handsomely for his service.
They instructed him to create a fast spreading, deadly disease to fulfill their plan.
He knew what he was doing was wrong, knew the plan was flawed and wasn’t ever a fan,
but turning away from it would have gotten him murdered.
Now he wishes he had.

He was instructed to create a cure that would be released once the population decrease hit its mark.
He thought he had the formula nailed down and had hit it out of the ballpark.
But he was wrong, his formula was flawed
and did nothing to stop the spread of the disease.

Second by second, dots dropped off his computer screen.
He watched the dots disappear all the way from twelve million down to the teens,
to now just one, him.
Death calls his name but what awaits him on the other side is rather grim.
Eternal damnation in hell fire.
The blood of twelve billion on his hands is not something the father is going to look kindly upon after he expires.

He was paid ninety-three million for his disease.
Money he burned after the plan went to ****.
What good is money now anyways when you’re the only one left?
He can’t even donate some of it to an invited quest.
The extinction of the human species is on his hands.
Isn’t that kind of fate just grand?

He takes a deep breath, sits back in his chair and places his gun in his mouth.
He doesn’t want to die, but it’s time to face his maker and send his soul down to the very deep south.
He closes his eyes tight fighting back the nerves of what he’s about to do.
Even after death, the day he created his disease will be a day he forever rues.
He asks God for forgiveness, truly sorry for what he has done, but not expecting forgiveness to be granted.
He will be greeted with harsh criticism and quickly reprimanded.
He takes one last deep breath, places his finger on the trigger and gets ready to pull…
…as a knock on the front door interrupts the proceedings.

A knock?
At the front door?
How is that possible?
Thoughts of confusion rush through his head.

He stands up from his chair and walks slowly to the front door.
He places his hand on the ****, then in his mind counts to four.
He slowly turns the **** and opens to door revealing…
nothing on the other side.

He walks outside looking around by finds no one in the area.
It’s probably just him becoming a victim of hysteria,
or the weather playing a trick on his mind.
Who is he kidding, he is the only one left of all mankind.

He turns around and steps back inside the house where he instantly stops.
Sweat begins to pour down his face as he feels his jaw drop.
Standing in front of him is a young child holding out his gun.
Shocked, he’s unsure if he should stay and chat or take off and run.

The child smiles, “you left your gun behind sir, I wish to return it to you.
You are going to need it very soon.”

“Who are you?
Where did you come from?
Are there others like you still alive?”

“Come sit down in your chair and all shall be revealed.
My mission here is not to conceal,
but to open your eyes to what you must do.”

The man takes a seat back in his chair unsure of what to make of the boy.

“Who are you with?
How are you still alive?”

“I’m not alive…and neither are they.”

The man looks around the room as suddenly he is surrounded by hundreds of children, both boys and girls.
Their skin is pale.
Their eyes gray and lifeless.
They all chant barely above a whisper something he can’t make out.
He looks back at the original boy still smiling in front of him.
Now may be the time for him to start singing some hymns.

“We are part of the twelve Billion lives you have taken with your selfish actions.
Granted we are a small fraction
of all the souls you stole and robbed of life,
but this gets the point across that it’s time for you to come face to face with a knife.
In this case your gun.
We were sent here by our father to ensure you do what must be done,
for he awaits your soul and can’t wait to meet you.”

“Just who is your father?”

“Lucifer, why?  Did you think God was going to come for you?”

The man breaks down, tears falling from his eyes,
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!
I…I…I…was forced into making the virus!
They would have killed me if I didn’t do what they wanted!”

“At least you would have gone to Heaven and saved twelve Billion lives,
but now it’s too late for that,
so, take the gun, place it in your mouth and pull the trigger now.
The human species survival is no longer allowed.”
The man, crying hysterically, places the gun into his mouth.
He asks God one last time for forgiveness but accepts the fact that he is about to head south.
He pulls the trigger, a bullet rips through his brain, exits out of his skull and comes to rest in the wall behind him.
The light of the world begins to dim
as darkness creeps in corrupting his soul.

The final dot on the computer screen in front of him flashes three times
then disappears as the final man dies out.
The extinction of mankind is now complete.
153 · Dec 2018
The Artist
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018
The Artist

A papercut to the finger, a few words are born.
Words that sting your soul and draw your attention in more so than ****.
Words of love?  No more like words of scorn.
The day I die shall be a day you all will mourn.

A razor blade cut across the wrist, a few lines emerge.
From my heart, the darkness must be purged.
Attacking with crippling pain, it leaves my soul scourged.
Driven apart, the heart and soul must once again merge.
Regain myself and prove to all that once again I am in charge.
**** all who get in the way of my search
of discovering my true place on this plane known as Earth.
Leave me the **** alone and go back to worshiping the ****** Mary in your precious Catholic church.

A shot gun blast to the ******* head, blood pours down my ******* face
covering my entire face in red, my fate I come to embrace.
Blood flows into my mouth, I like its taste.
It’s laced with venom, so to you it would taste like toxic waste.

I take off my shirt as blood flows over my chest painting it red.
May this be my look on the day I finally wed.
Blood continues to pour out of my cracked open skull so I remove my pants as well.
Blood flows all over me covering me head to toe, isn’t that just swell?

I gaze upon myself in a mirror and marvel at my inner beauty.
Before I fade away and die, I have one last duty.
Completely covered in my own twisted blood feels right,
so here I go spilling it all out for you here tonight.

I take out a special pen and lie down on white paper.
This is my destiny you will read about in the local newspaper.
With blood soaking my pen, poem after poem spills out of my head.
These are words to inspire, not words to fill your heart with dread.
This is where my inspiration comes from.
This is me laughing as you nervously **** your thumb.
The words that spill out of my heart and soul are rich with meaning.
I’m tired of living with this ***** who’s so demeaning.
No one believes in a single word I say.
No one believes I can rediscover myself and build myself back up.
No one understands the pain I feel on a daily ******* basis,
that I bleed out in these twisted ******* poems.

I’m lost and spiraling out of control.
When the **** will I ever escape from this ruthless black hole?
These words I write, this art I create, is the legacy I will leave behind for all to find.
I am struggling and hope you reach out to help me instead of turning a blind eye
because I want you to appreciate my work before I die,
instead of gaining fame after death for all the wrong reasons.

I plan on rising up from these ashes like I have done before,
otherwise, I will fail and become another one of Satan’s ******.
151 · Dec 2018
Tyler Zempel Dec 2018

As my heart struggles to continue beating,
it’s time for me to open up and write a poem that I’ve been contemplating
to express the despair that plagues me every second of the day from the deep internal pain I feel that’s constantly repeating.
There are reasons that the words used in my poetry are my heart and soul constantly bleeding.
I feel my words are a cry for help and I’m constantly screaming,
because I fear, but slowly growing accepting, that one day soon I will no longer be breathing.
It may be the only way for I to begin healing,
since everything else I try fails and keeps my life from proceeding.
The only time I’m happy is when I’m dreaming,
even when I’m being attacked by the demons I’m constantly writing of and speaking.
Life is a lot less painful when I’m sleeping.
I’m not trying so hard to discover the answers I’m constantly seeking,
to stop my mind from constantly shrieking.
My words are not meant to be misleading
and I hope that you find them intriguing,
because one day I will no longer be around, now that is worth believing,
and all my work left behind will be yours to digest slowly through eating.

I don’t believe that I have ever felt true happiness before.
I want to feel it, even just once every day more and more.
I’ve felt moments of happiness but nothing sustained for long.
I’m not being over dramatic and my words are certainly not wrong.
A crushing darkness has been caste over me my entire life.
It’s the main reason I will never be able to find a wife.
I’ve always felt odd and out of place.
Every day has been a struggle even though I don’t show it on my face.
I feel that no one has truly understood me.
No one can imagine the pain I feel every second of the day and to what degree.
I feel like a loser and a failure in life.
It’s probably why I’m considering ending my life with a knife.
A shocking statement to make but one that is true.
Unfortunately, no one will ever care, not even when in the face I’m blue.

I’ve looked up and admired my father my entire life,
the same way I’ve looked up to and admired my mother, his wife.
He learned to play the guitar and played in many bands throughout the years.
He was quiet and humble and never showed any fear.
He faced many difficulties and overcame all of them while making it look easy.
He always kept himself busy.
While working a full-time job, he still found the time to play in a band and lead a church.
He was the president of the congregation and lead the last pastor search.
That same pastor was the one who did his funeral.
His sermon was heart felt, beautiful and suitable.
Pastors from all over the area showed up for the funeral.
Besides them, a lot of people showed up in general.
He lost a career that he liked and had for many years.
That was a stinging loss that brought to his eyes a few tears,
but he bounced back and attained a new career that he loved up until he day of his death.
He was at that job when he took his final breath.
He lived a full life and accomplished so many great things.
He’s up in Heaven now being treated like a king.
If only I could live up to his legacy and standards he set.
Maybe then, true happiness would be the award I would get.

This is why I feel like a failure.
This is why I’m losing God’s favor.
My heroes in life set the bar high for me to live up to.
I never can and that’s why I hope God strikes me down with a severe case of the flu.
All I’ve accomplished is jumping around from job to job every couple years, unhappy with every one of them.
I haven’t even learned how to play the guitar or even learn how to drum.
I graduated with a nice degree that hasn’t provided me with anything of substance.
I need to set a new course for my life but I have no idea how to make any adjustments.
Every step forward is instantly met with five steps back.
No wonder I feel like I’m beginning to crack.
I’ve written a lot of poetry and stories that no one gives a **** about.
So much for writing ever being my big break out.
I’m better off becoming an alcoholic and constantly blacking out.
At least I can drown out all of my pain and self-doubt.
I’ve done some moderate traveling and seen some cool things that doesn’t impress anyone.
I’ve gone too far too many concerts and found them to be fun,
but once again, no one is impressed.
Everyone looks at the bands I go to see and judges to music I listen to and assumes that’s why up in my head I’m such a mess.
I haven’t done anything big or exciting with my life.
Probably never will at the rate this is going.

Since my father died, my heart has struggled to beat.
My soul is shattered and far from being complete.
My will to live is on life support.
One of the only persons in life who believed in me set sail without me and left me stranded at the port.
I’m reading books to deal with grief,
but grief is hard to deal with when I’m struggling with my faith.
I pray to God every day to help me,
but I feel he may have forsaken me.
I look to him for guidance but my prayers go unanswered.
My soul cries out to him because it is badly battered.
When will life start to go my way?
Probably when my body is turned to clay.
Death seems to be the only way for me to discovered true happiness.
Hopefully God will forgive me for all of my naughtiness.

Loneliness is becoming an issue I’m struggling to treat.
Overcoming it will be quite the feat.
I lost my partner in crime of five years.
It’s a move that has provided me with many cheers and many tears.
Many of my fondest memories in life are with her by my side.
I’m afraid to admit that I miss her since that would hurt my pride,
but I’m not one known to lie.
I will cherish the great times we shared together until the day I die.
We went to Chicago together for a three-day music festival.
We had a blast remaining sober unlike many who had to turn to chemicals.
We drove to Miami together and went on a cruise.
The drive down alone was worth the trip and was far from a snooze.
Stopping in Chattanooga to see Ruby Falls,
was one great call.
Traveling to Key West and the Bahamas on a beautiful ship,
are memories that will last a life time and will always be with me even when the world is falling apart around me and I’m losing my grip.
Taking a road trip to Key West, Cocoa Beach and Orlando this year to end our relationship was the perfect way to end things.
It was hard saying goodbye to you, it really pulled my heart strings.
Having this perfect trip right at the end ending things in peace.
May our friendship survive and never cease.
I raised your daughter as my own for five years.
She still views me as her father and always will, that is clear.
Raising her as my own is my single proudest accomplishment in life.
I can go to my grave knowing I gave her my heart and soul as I did to you, even know it didn’t work out and I was unable to make you my wife.
I know my family is proud of me for the job I did as a father,
and continue to do despite the face I no longer live with her and her mother.
Living alone has been difficult on me.
It’s not how I imaged things would be.
I only have a few close friends and hope to make a few more.
I’m tired of feeling like just breathing every day is such a ******* chore.
I’m not sure what life still has in store,
but hopefully one day I will meet another great woman I can fall for.

I’ve never believed in mental illness.
Always thought the truth behind depression as something much more vicious.
I always thought that the cause of depression was more on the spiritual side,
not having God in your life when you are on a down slide.
Now I think I may be going crazy.
My thoughts are chaotic and I’m starting to get lazy.
My mind races every day and always thinks the worst of every situation.
I’m never happy with life and think I’ll be better killing myself off and facing damnation.
Can’t find a career to be happy with.
Can’t find a relationship to be happy with.
Can’t seem to find a quality job in life.
Can’t seem to do anything right.
I feel like an outcast destined to be alone.
I just wish one person would pick up their phone,
give me a call to see how the **** I’m doing.
Inside of me a storm is brewing.
I’m afraid it will be on display for you all soon for your own public viewing.
I really do hope that soon I will begin improving.
I just want to be happy and satisfied with life.
Please God don’t let me fall victim to the knife.

— The End —