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Dec 2012 · 503
Autumn Phoenix Dec 2012
This pain I feel~
seeps into the very marrow of my soul~
eroding and decaying~
all that I am~
I linger in a gangrenous state~
dying yet un-dead.
Nov 2012 · 494
Autumn Phoenix Nov 2012
What is this suffocating film~
that clings to my life~
choking out my passion~
shrinking my desires~
down, to weak after thoughts~
ah, yes~ memories.
Nov 2012 · 555
Autumn Phoenix Nov 2012
While you cry for her return~
from another's arms, I cry for you and me.
What fools we are~to love ones that have hurt us~
and miss used our hearts so shamelessly.
Jan 2012 · 516
The Vessel
Autumn Phoenix Jan 2012
She poured her love~hopes~dreams
into the vessel of his heart
Only to see them fall at his feet
a hole in the vessel
saw them spill through.
May 2011 · 685
The Web
Autumn Phoenix May 2011
The Web

Beads of dew capture the light
on a thread so fine.
True silk spun with delicate detail
the web so strong in creation.
The web a design built to hold fast its catch.
Sparkles with morning dew in spirals of beauty.
This web built with intended design
is a thing of strength and purpose.
Winds blown from the north, winds blown from the south
have destroyed this fragile wonder.
I’ve seen this web before at its best.
Busy little spider repair your work
or lose your next catch.
Your never ending duty you must not shirk.
Mar 2011 · 558
Autumn Phoenix Mar 2011
Red, yellow or white
Orange, pink and crimson
Spicy scented delicate petals
Early blooms of springtime fashion.

— The End —