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angela 5d
God, you shaped me from dirt—what cursed land did you mold me from? My skin, fractured like drought-stricken clay, as if the earth beneath me was parched before I even took form. veins tangled like dead vines, shriveled and torn by the ravenous drumbeat of my famished heart. My ribs are weak, barely a frail lattice trying to cage the creature that claws from within. My mind is a hive of hollowed-out spaces, every crevice filled with stale air thickened by sins. My mouth spills filth, my tongue too dull to sever the fangs that blasphemously pierce the heavens and draw the blood of the divine.

I've cried enough to flood the ground that bore me, as if the salt in my tears could cleanse the rot, But I was built too impenetrable. The flood never sinks, only rises. Thus, I am submerged—not in deliverance, but in the inexorable, asphyxiating gravity of my own being. My tears offer no sustenance; no floral exultations arise from this desolation, no renewal springs forth from the ceaseless deluge of my sorrow.

Yet perhaps the gravest torment lies in the stillness—an abominable, immutable stasis. I am neither ruin nor vestige destined to disintegrate. Instead, I am suspended—calcified—a monument to futility, ensnared in an unending liminality. Neither fully alive to blossom, nor wholly dead to dissolve. A timeless artifact of defeat, impervious to the passage of time, immune to the reach of hope or the salve of transformation. A relic entombed in its own despair, obstinately unbroken, yet too vacant, too barren, to ever know the grace of restoration.
angela 5d
His eyes, infinite and unfathomable, cradle entire galaxies, black holes spinning in his midnight pupils.
Nebulae swirl within their depths, a cosmic enigma unraveling with each glance.
His veins thrum with stardust. It surges like primordial rivers, braided from the dawn of creation.
He is every atom, a shard of stars long lost to the void. Tears, molten and burning like the heart of a comet, trace their path down his face. They shoot from his eyes like meteor showers, trails of white-hot light searing his skin, tearing through the atmosphere of his despair, scorching everything they touch.

He doesn't just burst; he supernovas, expanding violently, all that he was—energy, light, life—ejecting in every direction as he collapses inward, like the death throes of a star too proud to fade quietly.

This celestial being, once so perfect, so transcendent, has fallen.
His fall not a quiet descent but a cosmic collapse, his soul once glowing with ethereal beauty now tainted, corrupted, like a nebula poisoned, like silver left too long to oxidize, darkness devouring every brilliant crevice of his existence.

— The End —