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AuthorJulieCox Jul 2014
Perhaps you will never know the depth of feeling I have for you.
I have love you since the beginning of time.
You came into my life as my soul friend invisible in human forms but you are felt ever so tenderly in every breath I take and in every word my mind conceived.
All of me desire  all of you each moment in time.
I hunger for your caress and soft whisper of love in my ears...shivering in all your soulful touch.
I want to sleep with you by the river under the moonlight and wake up with you in the morning with the sunshine in our faces.
Your name is written in my heart and even the death of my mortal body can never fade it.
I am yours heart and soul and if heaven shall permit,we shall be confine in each other's arm touching each other tenderly till the end of our time.
Jan 2012 · 1.0k
If You Are My Friend
AuthorJulieCox Jan 2012
If you are my friend,
Will you be my blue sky?

If you are my friend,
Will you be my silver lining?

If you are my friend,
Will you be my guiding light?

If you are my friend,
Will you walk in the darkness with me?

If you do all of these and expect nothing from me...

Then you are my friend in Jesus and half of my heart
belongs to you till eternity.
Nov 2011 · 1.8k
Fifteen Keys To Life
AuthorJulieCox Nov 2011
1) Believe in God. Everything happens for a reason. What sometimes breaks us makes us stronger, and in the end your strength will be unbreakable under any circumstances.

2) You can rise above your trials and tribulations. You will find your strength. The light of a brighter future can be seen through even the smallest hole.

3) Believe in yourself so others may also believe in you, and of course so they might begin to believe in themselves.

4) Dare to dream! Your dreams are your shining stars. If you believe, your star will guide you which way to go. Dreams are your future discovered, so always act on your dreams.

5) Love your parents, and be grateful under any circumstances for all they have done for you. They gave you life, and you are here for a reason—maybe even a divine reason.

6) Have a sense of responsibility for yourself and society. Be not a burden but a proud, patriotic citizen of your country.

7) Be an instrument of change for the benefit of yourself and others. If you help yourself and become successful, then you can help others with your generosity.

8) Promote peace, love, and charity. God will measure your good works one day.

9) Promote the love of nature and the environment. Your future children and the children of your children will remember and benefit from your sensibilities.

10) Prosperity is not only material wealth. Generosity of kindness and compassion to others also enrich our souls.

11)Give until it hurts. You will be rewarded to the same  measure as you give.

12) Make sacrifices for the good of others and not for self interest and/ or glorification.

13) Be a bridge over troubled waters. Lend a hand to someone having difficult times.

14) The sun always shines the brightest after heavy storm. Whatever you think is your worst problem, somebody else has it worse than you do. You will always see the light is brighter after going through the darkness.

15) Heaven metaphorically can be a parallel realm on earth just as well. You can find it when you find the ways needed to make other people happy. Heaven can thus be found in people’s smiles of gratitude aimed back at your simple kindness shown toward them.
Though terrible things happen,survival is possible for those who continue to live despite the darkest of days.
I suffered through many dark times,from intense poverty in the Philippines to ****,pregnancy from the ****.and leukemia-all by the age of twenty four but I'm able to see the light even through the smallest hole.
I was able to fight my way past my difficult circumstances and found success,happiness,and redemption.
The fruit of my patience and perseverance can be read in my book " I Ordered My Future Yesterday."

— The End —