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I sat at the Delphi Oracle drinking whiskey at the shrine
Tossing a coins into sacred waters counting back the time
The thirteenth hour had come upon us, not a one knew what to do
So I drank up my whiskey, with sacred water chasers and determined to think it through
The Cherub she was silent, but the eagle wouldn’t hush
He was arguing with the owls, and the Elves were in a rush
The Faeries opted out, as Faeries tend to do
And I , I sat alone, where I determined to think it through
Midnight had come upon me, the thirteenth hour delaying arrival
I implored of You Your intentions, I begged the Elves for a revival
But Elves are cunning with wisdom, and they refused to get in line
So I took corner shots with lolli pops drinking whiskey at the shrine

I sat at the Delphi Oracle challenging rainbows to remain untold
I engraved my name near by the scribes, I challenged the wisdom of the old
The rainbows they were not playing, my challenge had been declined
So I smoked a cigarette nearby the sacred stone, drinking whiskey at the shrine
I can’t conclude inside my head, why you so feverishly wished me dead
Or why without hesitation you threw down your bullets & picked up my cross instead
To stab me with my own beliefs, seems a hateful thing to do
Yet drop by drop my blood was spilt as I was determining to think it through
Never mind the Elves are speaking, and the Faeries have heard my cries
The Owl took a vow of silence, ******* because the eagles lied
And me I’m skipping stones, just waiting for this breath to end
Return me now to my Home, but this time don’t send me back again
It’s not the sinners and the thieves, whose company I cannot keep
Its the hour glass believers who pray with you by day and then **** you while you sleep
The sacred tribe of we have been saved, walk this way to be redeemed
However they warn, redemption is only for those whom they deem clean
The ones who claim salvation is upon us, all the while giving me each of these scars
Taking my life with my very own cross, displaying belief bumper stickers on their cars
As long as you have that I guess, then I’m sure you’ll be ok
After all you all meet in your cute little groups to bow your heads and Pray
Yet you have not a clue pertaining to the world, or about you what God would say
But I’ll gather all my broken, you grab your crochet and we’ll meet up on judgement day

For now I’m sipping whisky, drinking resurrection at the shrine
Me and the Oracle of Delphi are riddling away the time
Till the thirteenth hour comes upon us, and at last this midnight will pass
My entire life story begins to unfold through the view of broken glass
I’m taking the Faeries with me, the Elves they’re coming too
They have hidden the Owl, while the eagle can’t fly so he’s determined to think it all through
Upon the night when the stars have parted, and moon rises upon northern skies
I’ll exit due North finding out my conclusion which will no doubt be your demise
I’ll leave the rest of the story untold, because you cannot handle what’s about to unfold
I’ve colored the rainbow in shades gone grey and erased all the words of the old
I may be the neon play dough centerpiece but you my friends were the mold
And my hearts in tact even with jaded edges
It’s you whose soul is sold, to the highest bidder or so I was told
I seem to have run out of whiskey, I left my glass right next to the shrine
Along with things never given to me as well as my stolen time
I did not however leave my rhyme, I’ll leave none of me for you to find
Let the coroner call it death by suffocation, I was choked by the words you thought kind
The Faeries are all now beckoning, the Angels have taken their place
I’ll exit due north upon this unyielding hour, no longer will I occupy this unforgiving space
Perhaps you may remember me one day, become enchanted by the way I used to play
Remember maybe the smell of my hair, or perhaps some of the words that I now say
Just don’t place a stone upon me, and please do not mark the spot
Don’t eternalize me into one single space, marking a place where I am not
Engrave no words into a stone, do not place flowers on a non existent grave
Memorialize me with all these words I once said and the truth I always gave
Plus there’s that glass I left at the shrine, so the burial is then complete
The waters themselves will wash the whiskey away while the Angels and I now sleep
….. While in Heaven my soul He does keep.
Aug 2014 · 392
Come What May
The trees shaded from the sun, the acts that could not be undone
Heaven turned its head, while all the Angels were playing dead
What sin has come upon us, what truths can we not bare
What foot prints erased their own steps, which put me here while you are there
You see I believe that love is stupid, at least that's what I used to say
Till he put his arms around me, that fateful October day
Love and marriage and foolish games, not for a girl like me
I am the dreamer from the darkest corners, the Poet from the defying sea
So what now has come upon me, had taken me by surprise
You see I left his heart in ruins, burning in the ashes of our lies
His love had taken me by force, but of the most gentle of all winds
Each and every time he claimed my body, I begged to be claimed again
Until the day Heaven turned its head, while the clouds made way for this hateful storm
While the eulogy was read, not a soul on earth didn't mourn
All except the Angels, buts that's because they still believed
That though time itself had broken, he'd find his way back to me
His words came to me in whispers, telling me tales of Come What May
He held tighter as I released, saying there was something he'd forgotten to say
Winds have shifted in my soul, called in to question my every belief
Though I've traveled many miles, he still holds every piece of me
My laughter was left behind, my sleep still sleeps in his bed
I forgot my dreams upon our door step, my heart along the path we once tread
My smile in the night, the night we counted stars
And inside him I left my soul, my every pain, and all our scars
The moon seems to be telling secrets, while Jupiter is telling lies
Venus is seeking revenge, attempting to realign our skies
I have sought the whole thing out, merely a victim in his dangerous game
I am the homicide no one noticed, the dead body that no one will claim
Though I declared I thought love foolish! Yet in this tragedy I play the main part
Its my soul come unraveled, it is my existence being taken apart
Alas, the dam has broken, and the tides have come rushing in
Seeking out their vengeance, proclaiming redemption for your sin
The sin Heaven refused to watch, while the Angels they all played dead
One by one they rose again with every word he now has said
If love is indeed so foolish, then I have become his fool
My body becomes his landscape, my heart still his to rule
Rule wisely though I warn! Don't make light of these directions
I will not die twice, or drown yet again in the raging flood of misconceptions
Love is a fools game. Not meant for the witty and wise
Why then is the only place I call home found when I look in his eyes
I hate the Faery tales we tell, I hate every song that we all always sing
I detest of the veils, and the flowers and such, I despise the feel of a ring
And yet and yet...and thus and truth sits idly by
While he still is my every raindrop, his love still every star in my sky
And yet and yet...and thus and thus... I think this may be bigger than I can perceive
God cast me in the role of his Poet, and he cast him in the role of my sea
Only by God do seas ever part, what He's joined can not be undone
The moon has no claim in his place in the night, the light determines not the rise of the sun
I had soaked my heart in bleach, taken toxin to erase memories
I pulled the shades to the light of the moon, I threw oil into your seas
Just leave me with my broken heart! Alas these words I screamed
They echoed back my own sound from the depths of his heart, my refusal to his ring
I cursed the day in October, removed its place from within my year
I pretended to never think once of him, I denied myself every tear
Until.... There was something he'd forgotten to say
Words I must hear Come What May
All at once I'd forgotten my story, all at once I went back to that day
A day within October, not as erased as I may have once thought
The Angels had all awoken, the planets they all had fought
You can not take away the light of the moon, thus morning would come too soon
Should the kingdom of hearts fall to the ground, we would all come to our ruin
I'm foolishly his fool, as his pain seeks only for me
We are in fact the undoing of time... I the Poet and he my Sea

— The End —