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376 · Mar 2014
In the Sea of the Night
Aurora Mar 2014
The stars twinkle.
The moon glows.

Our bare feet touching the rich soil as we make our way,
into the Night.
Holding hands, there's only US.

Our bareness laid out for mother natures taking.
Barely breathing, we make peace with the world.

In the Sea of the Night, as we make our way deeper into the world,
we walk among the wicked and the strange.
Among the poor and the rich.
Among the hollow and gluttony.

With our hands clasped tight,
our love bare
our feet bare
our emotions bare
our bodies bare...

We walk into the sea of the night,
with true love,
as our guiding light.
Mine. Thank you.
370 · Aug 2014
Aurora Aug 2014
His laugh is contagious
His smile is beautiful
His voice caresses her
His touch electrifies her.

He is what she wasnt looking for
370 · Sep 2013
Aurora Sep 2013
If I would have known I was going to be this much trouble,
I would have crawled back into my moms womb.

If I knew I was going to be this much trouble,
I would never want to learn to talk

If I knew I was going to be this much trouble,
I would have never learned how to walk.

If I knew I was going to be a mistake,
I would have stopped swimming and drown.

I'm a kid, that still doesn't know what to do.

My age screams responsibilities
My eyes whisper I'm trying

But in the end of it all

In the eyes of everyone
356 · Jun 2014
I wish...
Aurora Jun 2014
As I lay here in bed,
I wish for many things.
But one major.
Is to not give a ****.

I try my best to be nonchalant
but deep down, I'm as sensitive as a pregnant woman about her weight.

Giving a ****... takes too much energy.
Energy I could be using for something else,
like sleeping, or eating or sleeping.

Feelings get hurt and emotions get mixed
and by the end of the night,
I'm just a pile of ****.
Because I care too much.

Not showing it is easy.
I laugh it off and continue my business.
But inside,
I'm a bawling mess.

**** me and my emotions.

Sorry for the inappropriate language,
but there's going to be those moments where those words fall out of your mouth faster than snapping your fingers.

Giving a **** is a curse.
Giving a **** is the worst.
I just wish, that i can give that crown to someone else.

Let them give a ****.

... ****, I've said **** a shitload of times... Ha... well...
I'll learn to not care.
Practice makes perfect?
****... I don't even believe in that.
I need a smoke.
Maybe 2 smokes...
or 3...

You judging?
Well HA! I don't give a SH*T
330 · Sep 2013
What's next?
Aurora Sep 2013
She first tried death.
Dying was the only way to go.
But death had other plans...

She tried running away second.
She would live life  trouble free
She would be happy
She would be free

Is that so bad to want?
To be happy

But they brought her back.

She will never be good enough for them.
She will never be a success for them.

So then why do they continue to bring her back.

She wants to be happy.
She wants to be free.

Someone please let her go.
Cut the strings.
Release her.

But no.

They cling to her.
They hold on tight,
Their claws mark her.

She's their property.
She has no name.
She has no life.
She has nothing.

Back to the cage.
Where he belongs.
327 · Jun 2014
Aurora Jun 2014
Running past the gloomy forest
I run from...
My family

Running without looking back.
Energy and adrenaline pumping through my body.

Looking up I look up at the darkness
Closing my eyes I continue my way,
trying to find the light.
The positive.
The rainbows.

I run,
my feet bleeding
my ankles worn down
my heart pounding
my head dizzy
my resolution, strong.

Keep going

Sweat clouds my vision,
but wait...
What is that?

My feet carry me on as i sigh with happiness.
There is a light in the end of the tunnel.

Closing my eyes,
I say goodbye to the bad,
A smile covers my face and i cant take it off.

Fresh air surrounds me
The light burns my face,
but with pleasure I accept it.

I stop running,
Open my eyes,
and see the sun.
The flowers.
The love,
from friends,
and loved ones.

I take a step forward, but they run to me,
accepting, welcoming.

Closing my eyes for one more time,
I sigh.

*I am home.
Mine. Thank you.
304 · Oct 2014
Lost & Found
Aurora Oct 2014
Her soul was stuck in the lost and found.
her body wondered around,
searching for something, but she didn't know what!

She lived her life at home stuck in a never ending time warp.
Walking down the halls, she looked down,
searching for something, but she didn't know what!

Her friends made her laugh and would bring a small ounce of life and hope into her,
she thought she found it,
it wasn't it.

Her home life would consist if a never ending punishment.
a routine so grey and bland, not the worlds salt, pepper, or seasoning would bring it life.

She searched under rocks and pebbles and came up with nothing.
She settled for less...

He walked among the halls searching,  his hand carrying something precious
but he didn't know to whom it belonged.
His family weighed him down and tired him to the floor,
only looking to the floor
he searched unknowingly.
Moving from state to state, he searched and failed.
Giving up, he held his precious founding in his heart.

Looking down she walked towards her job
Looking down he walked towards his job
Slowly she put her costume on.
Slowly he put his uniform on.
Forcefully smiling, she waved at the little kids and worked.
Forcefully smiling, he helped costumers and worked.

She noticed him and her heart knew.
He noticed her and his heart knew.

My name is...
My name is...

7 days... he gave her his founding...
7 days... she found who had her soul...
the love they have is rare and alien.
but to them, its perfect and limitless.

They were lost,
but they found,
that in each other, they give life, love, and happiness.
mine. Thank you.
291 · Aug 2014
Aurora Aug 2014
I am free.
The shackles have been removed
I can dance freely now
I can sing freely now
I can be me.

with my hands in the air, I feel the wind all over my body.
whispering their sweet nothings.

I am free.
Positive light runs through my core
my being
my veins
my heart
With a warm smile, friends gather me up and swallow me in the embrace.

I close my eyes and remember the demons,
my demons,
my family.

theyre gone
you're gone
you're free

No more lies,
just truths.
No more dark,
just light.
No more negative
just positive.

No hate... just love.
From the people that have been with me,
through the ugly and the bad.

Unlimited love.

His love
Her love
Their love.

Love makes her world go round.
Goodbye family.

*I am Free
Mine. Thank you
287 · Jan 2017
Aurora Jan 2017
He is my one.
He is thee one.
I never thought that would ever happen.
I watch him slumber,
How his eyes are moving rapidly under his lid.
How he breathes in deeply and exhales.
The way he needs to be touching a part of my body.
My beautiful husband.
I didnt need him and he didnt need me, but yet, we found each other in the worst place.
I breathe in his love like its my oxygyn.
Sunshine grows within me knowing how it feels to be truly loved.
I cant think of any other human being i could have been with. The way i catch him watching me, the way he comes to look for me when he needs me, like if he lost his toy.
He is now a part of me, forever and always.
I am a part of him, forever and always.
260 · Apr 2014
Aurora Apr 2014
Dreading the closeness
I pulled and pulled away.
Never wanting to give in.
His warmth over powered my cold,
curling away, too shy to ask him to stay,
he covers me without warning.
I arch my back,
fighting the light,
fighting with all my might,
to go back to my empty cave.
Going back to the normal.
Going back to who i am.

My walls are breaking.
The cave is crumbling.
The emptiness is filled.
His warmth covers my warmth.
His love covers my love.
No more fighting.
No more resisting.
No more rejecting.
No more cold.
No more empty.

Only Love.
Only him

— The End —