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Aurora Aug 2011
The sun beams down on me.
It touches my brown hair,
and turns red.
I could feel the heat on my naked shoulders
and legs.
Sweat builds up on my forehead,
upper lip,
and chest.
Pure torture.

Drinking ice cold lemonade.
Wincing, I bite my lip,
the ice tickled my tooth.

I drink.
I sigh.

When will it end?
Mine. Thank you,
Aurora Aug 2011
People see the scars on my wrist.
People see the scars on my thighs.

You saw the scars in my heart.
Mine. Thank you.
Aurora Jun 2011
I watch as you suffer.
Let me help you
You shake your head and corner yourself.
I want to love you
Your broken sobs break me into pieces.
Let me love you
I'm unlovable
I grab your hands and kiss them.
I love you with all my being, let  me help you
I grab you and crash my lips to yours.
Your whimpers are your defeat.
You kiss back with passion.
Tongues are thrown and caressed.
**Help me
Aurora Jun 2011
You said you'd be there for me.
You promise to talk to me, to never walk out.


Where are you!
My house is a mess.
Parents arguing
dishes being broken
Little sisters whimpering and hiding,

I need you...
I reached out for your help ...

Calls are dead.
Texts never returned.
Are you hiding?

I've been there for you since day 1.
I had your back when my family bad mouthed you.
I took your hand and stayed with you.
no matter what.
I promised.

I've been selfless for you.
I was immature and naive to believe your lies and empty promises.
Whenever you needed me, I was there.
Your family had issues, I spent every penny I had, to distract you.
Your therapy sessions was always on my calender.
I did this... because I loved you.

You said you loved me?
Prove it...
Show it...


I laugh, you're nowhere.

Tears are constantly falling.
You told me those things ...
Just to ...
get ...
My hand hurts. from slapping you.
My eyes hurt. from crying over you
My stomach hurts. from throwing up
My heart hurts. from you ripping it out

Where were you when I needed you once in my life?
Out, trying to get the new game, to show it off, to your friends.

It was "More important than anything. I'm not sorry. Your family is complicated and I don't want to get involved. I just ... you looked like an easy lay... to bad you aint." - (ex, who should remain nameless)

Hope one day he reads this.
Aurora Jun 2011
I see it.
I'm covered with it.

Breathless pants are in the air as oxygen decreases.
His gun is almost smoking.
The hole in my stomach is leaking.

He said he loved me, forever and always

Voices are heard.

Everything is a blur... darkness consumes me again.

I didn't understand you doctor.
Can you speak up?
I lost my baby?

Remembering hurts.  
Shouts and whimpers.
His screams overwhelmed me.
A shot was heard.

Hospitals should burn,
I watch as they check my heart rate
I watch as they drug me
I watch as they shove the flowers on the counter.
I watch my flat stomach... flat .. empty.. stomach.
Time to go home?
I don't have a home.
My home shot me.
My home killed our baby.
My home is rotting away in jail.
Plac­ing my hand on my full round belly
I smile and watch my tears land on it.
Another set of hands land on my own.
My new home smiles and his own tears fall.
Screams fill the air.
Curses and death threats are shouted.
shrieks and cries fill the air.
Welcome to the world my baby.
Aurora May 2011
******* with a girls emotions
should be illegal.
You say "I love you"
One day
You say "We won't last long"
The next.

You kiss me
as if it's our last.
You hug me
as if the world was going to end.

Our last kiss made me breathless.
Our last kiss was the last.

No phone call.
No letter.

Am I overreacting?
Or ....?

You make me feel special.
You make me feel like an idiot.

Am I?

I come over your house.
You're alone.


You're not.

I see you kissing
that girl.

You stare at me like if I was some ghost.
I run

Next time I tell him *just stab me in the eye and then in the heart."
Aurora May 2011
The beach
The waves.
The birds.

Lying face down,
she smiles
as the sun
kisses her back

Waves crash
a male's

his eyes
are stuck
to her body.

Her dark hair
and shines
like the sun

His heart beats

Is this love at first sight?
Is this lust are first sight?

She grins,
knowing he's

She watched him
ride those waves
like if he was the
god of the ocean.

Her mouth dropped
when he would smile.
Her heart hammered
when he would look her way.

she stood up and stretched.
She watched him
watching her.

Confidence boosted,
she walked toward him.
"And that is how mommy and daddy met!" The father smiled.
His baby cooed and smacked his wrist.
Looking up, he saw his wife walking toward them.
Her hair up in a bun
The sun kissing her shoulders.
Her smile wide.

She ran to her family
And as a family,
they ran down the beach
and into the cool water.
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