The strapping young boys
Will play with their toys
And cause harm to er'one around.
They'll make lots of noise,
Colluded with poise,
Among them not a soul to be found.
It wasn't too long
Before they were turned on
To firm over in Illinois,
Where collusion has proven
A blooming conclusion
For all whom they choose to employ.
"Is this an illusion?"
Said one in confusion.
"I'm successful and happy and paid.
"I'm a millionaire
With brilliant hair,
And a beautiful dame of a maid!"
"Pardon my intrusion,
You've chosen profusion
O'er doing the world some good.
"Prepare for seclusion-
A lonely conclusion
Is knocking beneath your hood."
Please note that there is no lesson to be learned here. Greed and power does not **** a person to a lonely demise... no matter how many of us would like to wish that upon those who have it. The world is not fair, nor does it care.