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Auroleus Aug 2012
I stare in the mirror and what stares back?
An apoplectic apparition wishin' he could concentrate,
But wishin's only fishin' with a shoe string and a roll of tape.
Paranoia resonates, the social pressures shower down,
Gleaming rays of expectation force a smile upon my frown.
The neverending battle wages on between myself and I,
Then there's me and him and her and them and us~
So what's the fuss?  You paid a hefty fee to ride with us
Upon the crazy bus.  
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
What's the matter, too much pride?
Untie your demons, let us fly.

The knot has come undone.
Next time I'll have to use the gun.
But without us you'll be no fun!
That might be true...
Here's what I'll do.
I'll take these drugs to silence you
When I'm within the public view.
Then at night I'll let you out,
This rhyme scheme is getting kind of boring.
Auroleus Aug 2012
Millions of tiny could-bes
Swim upstream in hope
That they might someday
Grow up to release
Their brothers and sisters
All over your face
In a gooey, sticky mess
That makes it on the internet
So that millions of other
Tiny could-bes
Can be freed from their
Bulging testicular prisons.
Auroleus Aug 2012
Toxic ads live-streamed through your wires and the airwaves
As though it's perfectly legal to pump out poisonous gasses
Straight into the public domain.
With democracy comes hypocrisy;
Biological warfare declared on
Innocent civilians whose vote matters,
And that's all that matters.
They reassure you with charming grins
While their eyes tell tales of all their sins.
The noise does not stop as they pay fortunes for
Propaganda time.
Hate spewing, gut-wrenching, fist clenching games
Held for the purpose of heading a nation in the right direction.
It's a shame that the game takes a toll on the soul,
No one stays the same when faced with the poll.
Enter the maze innocent, eyes a-glaze
Then when it spits you out
All that remains is a name.
Auroleus Aug 2012
Color me yellow,
Oh dear, not yellow!  
Oh how I hate that hue...
So bright and fantastic,
Stretched nerves like elastic,
Oh how I hate that hue...

Color me pink,
Oh dear, yes! pink!
And laugh at me through the day!
Bent over the sink,
Submerged in pink,
And laugh at me through the day!

Color me green,
Oh dear, oh my,
The color will get you high.
The birds sing a chorus
As I dance in the forest,
The color will get you high!

Color me red,
Oh dear, NOT RED!
There's a bull with his horns over there!
I hope and I pray
That he don't come my way,
There's a bull with his ******* horns right the **** over there!!!!

Color me clear,
Oh dear, yes!  clear!
Translucent as if not there!
I'll remove all my clothes,
Because nobody knows
I'm translucent  as if not there!

Color me queer
Oh dear, oh dear.
What have I been doing here?
I've wasted my time
Creating this rhyme,
What the **** am I doing here?
Auroleus Aug 2012
Purchased at a drug store,
The cheap doll takes her first breath
As you remove her shiny afterbirth.
Her eyes are closed -
And they stay closed -
So that she doesn't have to
Endure your
Stupid grin.
Auroleus Aug 2012
I had *** with your mother last night.  
She was a hairy, sweaty mess.
I took her down to the corner bar
And bought her a couple pints.
That's all she needed.
After a couple hours
I was down her throat.
Your mother is a real freak.
I wanted to create a romantic atmosphere
But she insisted that we just **** in the dirt
Like animals.
We behaved like primitive heathens
Lusting in a prehistoric heat.
Teeth gnashing, hair pulling, sweat beading;
It was like all the civilities had been shed
And we were acting without the aide of a
Cerebral cortex.
In the morning, you strayed silently
From your room and sat down at the
Kitchen table.
Auroleus Aug 2012
smiling briefly as the strangers come and go
through my field of vision.
why do i smile?
i don't think i give a ****- i?
part of me must...
must care about my image;
must care about how others view me.
perhaps i just wish that for once
someone would
smile back...
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