The moon looks like a creation of great artists,
lovers walk slightly in the old pavements of the city,
they kiss as it was the last time- in the streets of the city without a lake,
they melt in each-others hugs,
sharing intrigues, beautiful full of love conversations,
they make love in the grass which is fighting with the sun to keep its sprightliness
they get lost in the warmth of the summer
they get affected by the sweet dizziness of the summer sun
they free themselves in the dance of love under the moonlight,
the moon that tonight looks like a gold medallion without a dark side,
fondly they touch each others bodies and get dissolved
they decide to lose their identities and get only named with a name - Love
they don't even care about the rumors, noises, reality,
they tear off every kind of world, and fly like beautiful winged butterflies in their own world.
there in the space built with walls of feelings and joy,
forgetting about the lonesome ones.
In the moonlight, lovers reach the sky,
They give life to love...
While us,
Are still seeking for the dark side of the night's medallion.