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Audrey Hogan Jan 2015
Captured souls leave stains on your charred heart.
Holes you've dug, you trip and fall.
You will be victorious.
You triumph over all.
Ashes swirling around your claws, cluttering your mind, convincing you.
Enthralled by their bleakness, succumbing.
Dark walls, endless caves, this is not your desire.
To escape, to escape is your damnation.
Forced to endure eternity, your mistake was grave.
Yearning for companionship, you tempt.
Not a victim, just a friend, you smile with eyes closed.
So much fun you could have.
You're so creepy.
Audrey Hogan Jan 2015
Your breath a raven's whisper, secrets budding flowers.
A dash of sunlight across our sea of shadows.
A jealous moon couldn't emit the radiance along the night as you do.
Rain envies the silken touch of your skin; bronze heaven.
unbearable coldness shies away upon your approach, a thrilling god among the people of despair.
Kisses to ****, a burning embrace, stares everlasting.
Summer your opposite, mirroring winter.
Soul frozen in time, immortality your destiny, a beauty to freeze.
So kiss my wrists, grant me peace, swarm my dreaming mind with jewels of hope, armies of victory.
Together we can soar.
Your feathers a golden mist, dispersing threads of silver atop the underworld.
A vision among the meek, certainty of life only shed from your eyes.
Audrey Hogan Jan 2015
Winter's snarl a bite to your cheeks.
Destruction of pretty, controlling the ugly.
Gashes leave stained crimson stripes trailing across flimsy white.
Fall's deceitful tendencies fool the naive onto the streets of the dead.
Demons and angels chosen for games with the silly.
Branded everlasting you become a lie.
Now, would you run?

— The End —