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The undeveloped human strives after the finite for the sake of his own profit.

The thinker strives after the infinite for the sake of his freedom.

The Knowing One returns to the finite for the sake of his infinite love."

Written by Lama Govinda (1977)
One instant is eternity;
Eternity is the now.
When you see through this one instant, you see through the one who sees.

One instant is eternity
By Wu Men (Hui-K'ai)
If the bar-girl does not falter,
The beer will flow on and on.
This maiden is my refuge
And this place my haven.

Written by the 6th Dalai Lama (1683-1706)
Who Says my poems are poems?
My poems are not poems.
After you know my poems are not poems,
Then we can begin to discuss poetry!

Written by the great Zen Master Ryokan
Written by the great Zen Master Ryokan
Wordless Heart Sutra

No meaning,
Words. An ape grasps for meaning.

A spider in a web of
desire, greed and emptiness.

Words useless words,
Empty contracts.

Words, poetry *******. A fake drunkard
masking as Picasso.
Words, cackling meaningless

Blah, Blah, Blah.
Fingers pointing at the

Rising...waves of feeling...
music, painting...sculpture,
g­olden noble silence.

The one hears...
But silence.

An atom in the universe,
matter with curiosity.

Void in form
When, just as they are,
White dewdrops gather
On scarlet maple leaves
Regard the scarlet beads!

Form in Void
The tree is stripped,
All Colour, fragrance gone,
Yet already on the bough,
Uncaring spring.

Ikkyu laughs!
A love note to Ikkyu

my death? Who was it anyway
always where he was
never no
not once ever
seeing himself an eyeball speaks.

This is one of my favorite poems written by the Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
This is one of my favorite poems written by the Zen Master Ikkyu Sojun
A warm fluid envelopes
       A beautiful dark...empty...calm.

Bursting...pain of light.
                         pain of sound...
Pain excruciating pain!

suddenly, a fog like mist,
no pain..
                       sweet wonder.

Smelly forms of light and dark.

Who am I...
No name
              no mind.

A body...becomes an I.

— The End —