Reality is like two sides
Of a coin,
One side is all experience,
Sound, motion, time and drama.
The other side can only be
experienced in stillness, emptiness
And timelessness.
One side is physical, classical, painful
Newton, Einstein, Bohr and Dirac.
The other side is quantum, random...timeless.
Heisenberg, Feynman and Witten.
Nagarjuna and Candarkirti
The two truths
The two truths.
Samsara and Nirvana
Two sides of the same coin
Illusion and Enlightenment
Two sides of the same coin
Electricity and Magnetism
Two sides of the same coin
Matter and Energy
Two sides of the same coin
Personal and Impersonal
Two sides of the same coin
Mind and Body
Two sides of the same coin
Be still and watch,
This magical dream of duality
And illusion.
Never born and Never die
The two truths.