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Feb 2014 · 339
auburnfox Feb 2014
Hands are funny things
They reminds us of our past
Each individual scar
But the veins which keep us breathing
Can also tell our future
Feb 2014 · 3.0k
melancholic mind.
auburnfox Feb 2014
her lucid mind clouded as
she felt nostalgic over the
memories. In her hand, a
cigarette blazed. Whilst she
spoke she exhaled the smoke
of which kept her sane.
Feb 2014 · 478
auburnfox Feb 2014
My demons whisper cold words to me
As they hold my hand in fear I'll forget them
Their lips permanently engraved
Dear as remembered kisses after death
Feb 2014 · 456
The record spins
auburnfox Feb 2014
the record spins.
a glass shatters,
nothing matters.
he stumbles to bed,
to wake next morning
and flood his system
with painkillers.
- ben
Feb 2014 · 427
auburnfox Feb 2014
The ground was cold for it had frozen,
under the chill in the air
and the wind blowing my hair.
The trees bore no leaves;
their twisting branches
waving to the icy river
which stood close by.
I lit a fire and watched
the flames nurture
winter's cold heart.
- ben
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
auburnfox Feb 2014
I am tired of seeing your face
Splattered against the wall of my brain
My cigarette stained hands yearn for your touch
As I pray that I will not see another sunrise

— The End —