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Sep 2018 · 126
From here on out
Annika Sep 2018
I'm in suspense, floating with no sense of anything, it feels weird yet but I can't get rid of it and gnaws on my insides without fail. I can't stop it and can't just run,  it follows me wherever I go. I start seeing my life and what has been, the good and the regrets. Every time I touch, smell even so much as glance at something, no matter how insignificant it sparks a stream of memories so long it seems infinite. I see hope tinged with despair. I see sadness in amongst joy. It feels like I'm dying yet I'm still here. What happens from here on out I don't know, and it terrifies me.
It feels like I'm dying yet I'm still here.
Oct 2017 · 308
Annika Oct 2017
Everything I see around me changes.
From the clouds, the trees, the grass.
But why do we need to change aren't we good the way we are?

I'm not talking about all the bad stuff, but the good things
The things we'd want to stay forever.
Like good weather,
Fun times,
Your best friend,
Who'd want these things to end?
Comment below on what you want to stay the same forever and never change.
Oct 2017 · 150
Annika Oct 2017
Why do we hurt one another?
Why do we hurt this world of ours?
Is it because we need to or because we want to?
Is it because we like to see destruction, chaos and hurt?
I'll never know the answers but one thing I know for sure,
We all can all make a difference.
No matter where you are.
Oct 2017 · 572
Best Friend
Annika Oct 2017
Red is love,
All those laughs and hugs.
All those times when time went too fast,
When all we wanted to do was make it last.
It's those long summer days,
And those lovely birthdays.
That now feel so worthless without you.
Oh, I wish I could turn back the clock,
And just make time stop so that you could come back to me.
Red is the pain that bleeds,
When our love is stripped away from us.
It's always sad when you lose someone but its worse when they're your best friend.
Oct 2017 · 169
Impossible Goals
Annika Oct 2017
We live by rules and regulations
That tell us our goals are impossible, ludicrous and crazy, that we shouldn't even try
That the world we're living in, the Earth we're on right now is harsh, disgusting and that it doesn't even deserve respect

But I know a that it is beautiful and wonderful
With rolling hills, valleys, lakes & streams
A place with deserts, mountains, forests and much, much more
And on this world are people
Everyone of them kind at heart
Everyone of them with a goal they'd like achieve 'one day'

But because of our rules, we come to believe they're impossible, and give up even trying.

So if you're reading this know that whatever wacky, fun or adventurous thing you want to do but can't
Just do, because who's going to stop you?
Hope you're inspired to go after your goals!

— The End —