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Nov 2016 · 715
Atana Regaila Nov 2016
I'm stressed out
It's obvious to tell
Everything comes crashing down
And it feels like hell
My friends tell me it's nothing
They tell me to stay positive
But it's not that easy
Especially when you're stressed out
If you've felt the same
You would know how it feels
Fake smiles and little hand movements
But no voice to tell
So if you ever feel stressed
And need a hug or two
Just know that there are other people who Are going through the same stress as you
School stresses me out ;0;
Feb 2016 · 277
Atana Regaila Feb 2016
I write a poem
But I still need more
I want to let my emotions out
But I still need more
I want to tell everyone
But I still need more

I'm not satisfied
I need more
It's annoying
But I still need More

I want to write more
Tell you all more
Feb 2016 · 249
Atana Regaila Feb 2016
My mind's confused
I'm confused
Everything is confusing
Where has the time gone

I'm still confused
I'm confused writing this
That's why it's a poem
A confused poem
I'm so confused what
Feb 2016 · 855
Dj Khaled Valentines
Atana Regaila Feb 2016
Roses are red
But they're all gone
another one

Roses are red
They feel like silk
Bæ got hit
He need some milk

Violets are blue
Oh wait, I forgot roses
Pfft whatever
The memes ohhh godddd
Jun 2015 · 420
Atana Regaila Jun 2015
When is this going to stop?,
When is this going to end?,
When is this poem going to make sense?,

When are we going to stop using this word?,
When is it going to get out of date?,
When is it going to be late?,

When is when going to die?,
When is when going to lie?,
When am I going to stop asking weird questions?,

:/ I dunno about this one
Jun 2015 · 330
Atana Regaila Jun 2015
We use the word like incorrectly,
Like... if you get what I mean,
I thought it was supposed to tell us what we like, not just a word to say when we can't think of anything,

Do you like get what I mean,
We're using words incorrectly but sometimes we're just so used to saying like whenever we want,

But sometimes I just like feel like I need it there.
Just a silly little poem :p
Jun 2015 · 298
Atana Regaila Jun 2015
Things, a word we use for... well stuff really,
It's that word that we use when we can't think of things,
Teachers say it's a horrible word like stuff and that we should never use it,
But sometimes we can't think of things so we use stuff to help,
I think it's a very useful word to help with things actually
What do you think of the word things?

— The End —