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astronaut Apr 2016
I forgot how Dylan Thomas taught me not to go gentle into that good night.
Few months ago I decided not to speak of, or in any way get involved in, the political life of this wretched state.
But the mere word "state" is a solid evidence of its impermanence.
This can not go by unnoticed.
This will not go by unnoticed.
We are not afraid of your guns, your prisons, your knives, your tasers, and your combat boots.
We have the internet, our voices, our pens, our brushes, and our cameras. And when you rob us of it all we will still have one another and our will to fight.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
الثورة مستمرة
Thomas Egypt Dylan
  Apr 2016 astronaut
Prabhu Iyer
When the winds got to the depths
they came alive, them embers
that I let smoulder
deep in the sacral chambers
bathed I returned in grace
but not before

I shouted out into the well
a fiery hymn
a flaming rant
empty now my soul
drenched in the echoes
each more tormenting
than before

this is how you lose it
this is how
astronaut Dec 2015
I'm a writer, love...
I survive on wine, moonlight,
and burning heartbreaks.
Don't worry, I'm fine.
If anything, this is another thank you.
astronaut Aug 2015
I'm sorry I left...
But dear, I loved you so much,
you smelled like my death.
astronaut Jul 2015
_________________ Space
Between the time my flesh tastes our sheets and the time I drift into sleep is space; full, and in-finite.
I'm afraid I'll get lost on the journey one night.

_________________ Space
I stretch one last time elongating myself; even though I know that between every two atoms in my body is space; full, and in-finite.
I'm afraid my atoms will break free from one another one night.

_________________ Space
I yawn, and I hear it echo a sound wave going long and past the horizon making space for another yawn; full, and in-finite.
I'm afraid the wavelength will find its way to your end of the bed one night.

I'm afraid that if it does there will be, between us, no_________________
astronaut Jun 2015
beautiful; blue hair,
ripped jeans, and a shirt that says
****** the goverment
I closed my eyes and I saw her
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