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Jan 2013 · 1.8k
freedom of a Fool
A faith we fancy is that freedom is fabricated and forged for us by our forefathers who fought and forced their foes to forfeit their feud. They fended fiercely and defended fearlessly a fictionalized fact, freedom, filtered with fire and flame. A few fell to be famed fellows of the future while a fraction of the fraternity are farewelled faceless.

All those frigid flashback brought-forth what we framed and fantasized as freewill and forbade freaks to falsify our fascination.

It all falters as we fathom that freedom didn't fade ,but w/o a fons-et-ergo, a foolish fairytale foretold for us to falsely follow a formula for the foremen to fortify the fake façade of freedom while we flounder and they float.

And if we flush and fracture their folderol, we are flagged as flagitious, frauds and fellons.
For the feasibility of freedom is a mere ****** Fuckery to **** us.
Sep 2012 · 1.7k
Maiden of a fallen Archangel
She smiles like a cat in a garden
A stare to the eye, keeps me flyin'
Sweet voice like a fairy singin'
Soft touch of her hands, How I wished this would never end
With the glimpse of her face, worth a thousand roses
Warm look like the divine ghost is

Just the way she spread her wings and fly
Takes my heart with her up and high
Makes me wild, Free, like a falcon in the sky
Yet, All this things happen within a blink of an eye
But every single second is a memory of a moment I'll cherish
In my heart, this memories will never vanish

How lucky is the knight that comes with a golden armor
He sings a song, melody of a victor
With swords and shield, meant to be a saviour
He grabbed the lovely maiden and showed romance more
They rode up the hill with artificially fragrant love
But I just watched, a gold coated cage, entered by a pure dove.

While I sit alone in this sorrowful grassland
With no one else, just the sun as a friend
She came back with a bleeding hand
And told me, crying, "He's not my man"
I turned back with a confused head
"Yes! He is", I jealously said

"No, He's not" with tears on her eye
"You're the one" she gave a reply
My heartbeat raced, it could make me die
Yet, I answered her with an outright but a bitter lie
"He is your man, He is your knight"
"I'll just be your moon, watching you at night"

Her tears touched the ground and so as her knees
The demons were happy, they were having a feast
I lifted her up and tried to deafeat the beast
with nothing but love as an armor and passion as fist
The word we spoke were like the summer wind hushing
I heard nothing, She bled and I watched her dying

It was too late for me, for everything
The wound of her soul just can't stop bleeding
All those love can't just turn to nothing
All those scenes left me alone and crying
I kissed her for the first time and that would've meant goodbye
Kissed her and whispered, I'll meet you soon, after I die

The bleeding stopped and her pale dry lips turned red
"True love, true love, true love" she silently said
"I felt true love only when I was dead"
She continued "I know it's you, in your heart I read"
Again, her wings turned white and bright
As we headed to the light through the sunshine of the night

As she held me with her love so warm
She embraced me with her loving arm
Those are the times when I felt away from harm
When I looked down, I saw where we came from, that old farm
I saw a couple, DEAD! Next to each other
I saw two lifeless body, but together forever
Apr 2012 · 712
A Night of a Fool
There’s a drum set in my room. Just beside my bed.
I have 4 pairs of sticks; one has a broken head.
The cat is roaming around, finding a place to sleep.
He plays around with my blanket. Needling it with his feet.
A bottle of beer, half empty, half full.
Another half drank bottle of wine, a commodity of a fool.
A ***** ashtray in the table and a cigarette between my fingers.
Just right between my pinky and the ring, where it putridly lingers.

No one’s playing the drums, yet the silence is deafening
The broken stick head is still on the ground, where it fell from breaking.
The cat now quietly resting, just licked his nose after yawning.
His name is Sae, the syllable I say in a high pitch when I call him.
The beer is now quarter full, around hundred fifty milliliters
It’s 750 if full, but empty when touched by drinkers
The ashtray, dozen of butts, ***** of ashes
The loneliness, the silence, an evidence, a witness.

It’s just another night of my life, my joy, my agony
They said young life was fun, not for me.
I have no job, I have no partner, I have no money.
And just to make it worse, my father was taken away from me.
Now, I’m alone, though I still have family.
One from my father, another from my mother and a brother younger than me.

I’m not complaining about anything, I love my life and I live it too.
A philosophy of mine, ‘if you love love, love has got to love you.’
Even if love loves me, fate has other plan planned for me.
An invisible web of thread hidden from me.
Though it would be easier if I knew where I should go.
And not think of excuses and impromptu responses once the troubles grow.

I see the Sae staring at me, his eyes mildly close, but looking at me.
He wants to sleep but still waiting for me.
If only it was that easy, that one can sleep and forget everything.
A beer and a cigarette and every problem would be nothing.

A potion, a smoke couldn’t change anything, nothing at all.
But helps you forget the times fate made you crawl.
It would only give music for a silent night but noise for the trouble.
Lets you sleep, but wake up in the morning with the trouble doubled.

Fate, oh fate. If beer, smoke, music and Sae could only convince you.
That I’m young and senseless, would you make it easier for a fool.

If only the silence bear music, the beer give solutions,
the smoke give predictions, and Sae tell me that in fate, there’s no absolutions.
Jan 2012 · 607
And that is how...
There's this boy that didn't know
Which is the right path to go
He just went wherever the wind blows
Knocking on full shut doors

There's this girl in the city
I would say she's pretty pretty
She loves playing with her dolly
Everything in her life was just jolly

This Boy, no matter what path he chose
is unsure for his guts always opposed
But wherever he points his nose
is the direction of his toes

While the girl in the city was happy
With her friends and her family
Everyday was like a party
Her pockets always full of candy

No one knew what fate would bring for this two
Neither fate knew nothing too

So, the boy went on wherever the river flows
Wherever the autumn leaf goes
He went to the direction of the winter snow
And just went whichever path fate shows

The little girl is now a lady,
And yes, she's still pretty
But now it's a pity
She's starting to feel lonely

The boy is getting older as his confusion starts to grow
But ALAS! He found a place that always glow
The city, where life is fast but love is slow
He thought "I'll be here if this is what fate bestowed"

Now, on the city street was the pretty lady
All eyes on her, some went crazy
She walked quite unsteady
If she knew what fate would bring, she would be ready

The sun rose from the east and the wind blew west
The boy was tired and was looking for rest
He sat down and relaxed his chest
When a lady passed by, He came from being stressed to impressed
The lady saw him sitting on the sidewalk
The boy was stunned, too stunned to talk
With his rugged shirt, he felt bit of electric shock
When the lady looked at her...

                      and tripped on a rock

He couldn't stop laughing, he started crying
The lady got up and next thing the guy saw was a high heeled shoe approaching
And that is how the boy lost his sight of seeing
Now, he couldn't literally know where he is going

The End.
Bravely Burn Barbaric Books of Belief Belonging to Bad Bigots to Become the Bearer of the Bright-less Broken Banners of Both and Between Bruised and Betrayed Beleaguered Borders to Begin Benevolence Before the Beings Below Be Benumbed and go Berserk for Bloodshed .
Boldly Bestow the Blessing of Brotherhood to the Blind and Brutal Blood Beasts and the Bound Brethren of Brazen Ballads.
For a Bare Bundle of Burnt Books can Barricade a Braced Battalion of Bayonets, Block Beyond Billions of Battle Blades, Buffer a Bunch of Big Booming Bullets, Backfire Boorish Ballistae of Bribery and Bury the Barmy *******'s Baleful Brusque Breathes that Brings Back the Bedeviled Beacon of Blame.
Jan 2011 · 737
Another night, another beer for the lonely
Cigarette in my left, Night is chilly
If only, I could take you with me
Candle lit, white roses and a glass of chablis

Another stick of Winston, another puff for the restless
A pack on my pocket, Song would be pointless
If only you could take me out of this mess
All will be good, things will get better, we'll have the best

Another poem, Another worthless message
You in my mind, I'm just another page
If only you and me could be in Cupid's stage
I won't mind, be it in cell or in a cage
Jan 2011 · 4.3k
Innocence is beauty, Innocence is rare;
Innocence is a wonderful thing to share.
Innocence is graceful, Innocence is elegant;
Innocence is the enchanting music the angels chant.

Innocence is what makes an adult from a child,
Innocence is where we came from before going wild.
Innocence is carefree and is not confined;
Innocence is sin-free, heart, body and mind.

Innocence is not ignorance nor naive,
Innocence is true and shouldn't be deceived.
Innocence is honesty, pure and white.
Innocence is unstained, the light of the night.

Innocence is worthless once it is gone,
Innocence is a gift given by One to one.
Innocence is cared for and cherished,
Innocence once given will fade away and perish.

Innocence is a treasure indescribable by literature,
Innocence is a word out of art and science, past or future.
Innocence is love, or so we thought before;
When innocence was with someone we don't even know anymore...
Jan 2011 · 918
You make me happy, ecstatic, high.
But you don't know it, Neither do I, Why?
You've seen me, I look at you, Cry.
Talked to you, "Hello", No reply-Bye.

You inspire me, sing songs, write.
You're unaware, Looking left, I'm on your right.
I hear music when I look at you, Notes, Melody;
I look at you-Love, You look at me-Nobody.

I want to tell you how I feel, In-love, Scared.
Give you my heart, take yours, Love, Shared.
Make you feel wanted, Protected, Cared,
Warm, Loved, paired.

But then...
You make me lifeless, Breathless, Dead.
I've already shown you, more or less, said.
But you don't see it, still unfelt, hidden.
Or you just ignore it, leave me, broken
Hey baby, are you still up, I wanna tell something
There's this feeling, keep on coming, I wanna let go and stop pretending
You see, I love being around, with ya by my side
When we dine, then we roll and we ride
But I don't see the warmth of your smile no more
Not feelin same love I've been having before
I'm not sendin ya out of the door
It's just you're my star no more
When I'm all alone and you call on my phone
I answer it but am not talkin on my own
You see, I'm doing this for us not to get a lotta hurt
You a fine lady, I don't want ya to get hurt
I may love you, that's why I want you to have the best
That's not me, I'm just a guy like the rest
Not as rich as bill, Not as pretty like Apollo
I don't wear a suit, just an old sweaty polo

I don't see us living together tomorrow
I wanna see you happy though even if it'll bring me sorrow
To break ya heart is not my intention
To let ya go is a **** hard decision
You're a **** good girl, that's hard to forget
Leavin ya is the ****, i will soon regret
But honey, it's not workin out, I know you know it
I'm not happy no more, I hope you saw it
You've taught me how to love and how to show it
Hope I made ya happy for never again will I do it
Baby girl, forgive me for what I'm doin
Ain't doin' this for nothin', you'll know tomorrow morning
And I don't want to say goodbye, Don't want any tears from ya eye
Never again will you cry, Just think that the blame is all mine
This is a tough time for me, ***
Forgive me for what I've done

Tomorrow morning, you won't see me lying in this bed
I'm going away, to somewhere high and quiet instead
Though I'll be leaving, don't go on believing
In ya mem'ry, In ya heart, Hope I'll be living.
Sep 2010 · 598
It's Time (A Confession)
I've been looking for perfection, beauty, elegance,
I thought I had it all; love, passion and romance.
But my confidence runs out whenever I see her
I start to shake, to fear, to stutter
Now, I'm forced to choose between two roads
To dream that I'm his prince or to face that I'm just a toad
To go on dreaming of her with me in a perfect garden
Or to just forget her, face reality, and keep my heart broken

I've entrusted my chances to fate
Never stepped up to ask her for a date
But now, all I'm waiting is for a chance, though a million to one
A chance to talk to her, do what should've been done
A chance for her to know me, feel me, or at least talk to me
A chance for me to show her, give her the love I'll set free

I've been playing safe for far too long
Thinking stakes were too high if I played my hand wrong
But nothing ever happened bluffing
Staying silent, looking at her, pretending
I've been putting it in codes she won't even notice
But I know, I'll be the happiest man, if in a way, she reads this

**Silence, Play-safe, Fear-ENOUGH!
It's time to face it all and take that road no matter how rough
Last time I checked, I had nothing else to lose
Venus, Oh my beautiful Venus
I offer you my everything, my all
And Everything I will have, my life, my soul.
When I see a star falling, I wish to hold your hand,
Rest my heart, and trust you won't break it.
For You're the one I want to be with even after forever ends.
I offer you my Love, please take it.

Oh, Love...
Love, Oh, Love...
When will you be taken?
When would you be touched by this maiden?
So fragile, easily broken;
Yet have been turned over after being given.

Hopeless Romantic, when will you learn.
That Passion and Feeling, is to be earned.
Stop putting everything into fate and coincidences,
It's time to do things your way and face the consequences.

To her, to Love, To me...

Sharpen thy arrow, Cupid;
In Venus' heart, shall it be seeded.
Lay it gently, softer than the clouds.
Vow to me that only onto her heart shall this be allowed.
If ever her heart have already been taken,
All left to be done is for that arrow be broken.
Jul 2010 · 2.3k
When you're bored and have nothing to do,
Everyone's busy except the only you.
Don't be afraid, you have nothing to fear,
Just sit down and grab a beer.

If you're ****** and all you have is anger.
Be careful, 'cos it a letter away from danger.
And if taking it to someone will make you a queer,
Just relax and grab a beer

There are times when you feel so lonely.
Problems come again and again slowly.
Don't feel bad, not now, my dear,
Just sit down and have a beer.

When you're sad, down and sorry,
Just chill - you have nothing to worry.
Think that the end of the road is near,
So, just relax and grab a beer.

Beer won't make you cry, Beer won't leave you
Beer don't get pregnant, Beer can pleasure you
Beer can make your life better,
Beer's a good way to save water.

Sometimes in life, trouble knocks on your door,
Remember that troubles are what solution's for.
Today might be blurry but tomorrow's gonna be clear,
So, just sit down and have a beer.
Jun 2010 · 3.4k
A Day in McDonalds
"Good morning, sir" Said the cashier,
"Can I get your order?"
The man took his wallet out and said
"Yes, I would like a large coke, large fries and a double cheeseburger"

The cashier punched in his order
Took large cup and filled it with soft drink
The machine showed the total amount
and the man put the cash on the table within a blink

Everything went smooth so far
as the man took his food and went to a table
Now it was a lady's turn, as she was next in line
I had a good day, and this was the point where it went unstable

The cashier asked her in a polite manner
"Good morning ma'am. Can I take your order"
I was in great shocked with the lady's answer.
"Yes, uhmmm... I'll have an uhmmmm... hmmmm...
a friieeesss... a coke... uhmmm...
wait! I'll have Sprite instead... aaaannddd...
a cheeseburger..."

And she smiled but before the cashier could register the order
"On second thought, I'll have a Big Mac instead"
At first I kept my cool, breathe... breathe
I was still alright then, still having a chill head

When It was time to pay up, she looked at the machine
It was 27 bucks and a 60 cents, it was written in blue
She took her bag, put it in the table
And started searching for her wallet, I hope she finds her brain too

I tapped her in the shoulder gently in the shoulder and said:


I left and bought some take out from other place instead.
You gave me hope and light the darkness
From the magic of a simple look you posses
Sweet voice that makes me wonder
Why seeing you a day makes it better

You've never knew what I felt for you
You've never seen what I can do
You've always left and gone your way
That's why you never knew what I had to say

I'll hold on until you'll know
What I feel and how to show
The love that's healing me
A simple smile that feels so sweet

'Coz I don't know, on how to tell
a feeling to someone you don't know so well
If there's a chance for me and you
I'll wait and wait...
I'll wait you through...
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
Rose Garden
All troubled and all alone
Taking this road so unknown
No lights, So dark and Lonely
Then I close my eyes, It's you I see

Take me to your Rosary
Bring me to our sanctuary

Though I'm alone, traveling this road
That from this, I feel my head will explode
I know that at the end of this journey
You'll be there, Smiling, waiting for me

Sail the sea, and climb the mountains
In the desert, You'll be my fountain
La fuente de mi amor
Vivid feeling, I won't ask for more
I will come with you if you take me
And fly away to your 'Rosary'
Jun 2010 · 710
Not You
I loved you, there's no need for me to tell it again
but we went apart, now you're just a friend
Though life goes on and on and
I never really wanted this to end

It's just I don't want you, please not you
the girl that got away

Holding hands, Warm hugs, stolen kisses
But to think of it now breaks me into pieces
I might not be the best, not the one your heart wishes
Now I do know the real meaning of miss is

It's just I don't want you, please not you
the girl that got away

We had our fun, hard to think it's over
Drunk on love, we both woke up sober
But when I lay at night, I do remember
The nights we had, winter, summer, January to December

It's just I don't want you, please not you
the girl that got away

I just don't want you to be the girl that got away
I don't want to ask you again to stay
I want to see just another day
That "I Love You" is not for me to say
Jun 2010 · 579
Pessi-Mystic Feeling
Sweet Romance and Passionate kisses
Bluest sky brings the brightest faces
Infectious smiles that reflects what the air has
And a dash of light for the blooming fragrant roses

Then just one mistake, dark clouds overtakes
Thunder and lightning comes with an earthquake
Rain starts pouring with tears to the rivers and lakes
Flowing lavas, falling rocks bruise more the heart that aches

So, if love's a game it must be a losing one
Lose everything once everything's gone
Yesterday, it have begun but tomorrow it'll be gone
A wrong step can finish it all, and can't be undone
It only takes a second to notice you
A Smile, a minute to talk to you
An hour to know you, A day to fall in love
But will take forever to forget you,
until when we're in the heavens above

In the middle of the night, I call your name
And when I dream, it's so real that they can be one and the same
When I close my eyes, I see your smile
I remember your touch, That I long for a while

Some feelings, you just can't control
Things, no matter how big or small
Are the catalyst for a Love to Grow
Better or worse, it has it's own way to go
Left or right, no matter which path be taken
Unsaid, but Love can never be mistaken.
Jun 2010 · 494
You're my Addiction
Why would I need a potion to talk to you...
Is it so that I'll have the courage to?
And talk nonsense and just talk and talk,
Until you get bored and decide to walk.

Why would I need a powder just to approach you...
Is it that so that I'll positively think you'll talk to me too?
And expect everything will work out just fine.
To trust the effect that once taken, you'll be mine.

Why would I need an herb to bind with you?
If you laugh because I laughed, it won't mean it's funny.
And if you laugh and I laughed, It might sound genuine,
But I laughed because of the smoke, not just because of the wine.

Why would I take a tablet just to dance with you?
And look foolish even if you dance with me too.
Cool or not, it's not me doing the move I make,
It was the chemicals, I wished I could hide and fake.

Please wait until I'm sober,
Wait until I think right.
But don't wait until I'm better
Because you're the reason why I'll do all this tonight.

— The End —