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 Jan 2014 Ashley
Mary Clare
 Jan 2014 Ashley
Mary Clare
Play with me like a globe
Spin me around
Allow your fingers to drag across the surface
Daydream about where you could explore
Hope to visit places that are secret to the rest of the world
 Jan 2014 Ashley
Mary Clare
Your eyes were key holes, I never really tried to pick the lock
All I did was peer through to see what was inside of you,
and this was always more than enough.
I imagine I see you every time I leave my house
When my mind plays these tricks she also fills my lungs with ice water
and lights a match underneath my palms
But I haven't seen my reflection in your eyes since the night you made me cry
and yet I still feel your strong arms pulling me towards you
while your breath on my forehead whispers goodbye
My tears still revisit the same trail they took
On the night when all I could do was look into your eyes and cry.
 Jan 2014 Ashley
 Jan 2014 Ashley
We all have demons
big or small
we hear them in the silence of the night
we try to do whats right
starting off with a whisper,
you start to quiver
dragging you deeper and deeper into the abyss
no way out
searching for the light
thats not in sight
we feel them mostly at night
searching for the light
that will never ignite
who are they?
I'm sorry to say sir
but, the demons are you
 Jan 2014 Ashley
Devon Clarke

Ive been thinking about you a lot lately.
At this point in time, i should probably be studying *Mathematics

But instead, I'm looking to add us two together
Because it wouldn't be nearly as complicated as long division
To subtract all the zeroes in my life
Until its just you and I as a final product.
The only thing I really got out of calculus
Was that a great relationship could be our derivative.
I think the function for Y
This is happening is because
You have made
an X-ceptional difference
In my life;
Your beauty's limits are just imaginary numbers.

But -
I think I should review my English notes,
Because, I swear- We're just like Romeo and Juliet!
... minus the whole killing ourselves thing,
There aren't enough words in any dictionary
To completely envelop the feelings I have that make me so wary,
Now that you've torn down my walls, I hate being vulnerable,
You've gotten so close, so fast -
i can almost feel you hugging my soul.

Pero, uhh, donde esta mi libro de Espanol?
hay una mujer que domina mis sentidos con solo tocar mi piel,
y solo por un beso con ella soy feliz.

But in all seriousness.
The Chemistry we have is undeniable.
You take away all the oxygen in the room
When you get my blood boiling
And stomach toiling
when our eyes lock;
A limitless amount of reactions are unfolding
With you being my catalyst for my heart beating
Every time our hands are meeting.

Its now 5th period, Psychology,
When we kiss, its visualized neurology
Because my lips still tingle when you allow me
To go clinically crazy,
I'm only left to plead insanity
After our physiological fallacy.

Or maybe i should crack open my History textbook,
Because all I ever hear about
Is how Benjamin Franklin was a ****,
And that crazy chick from 300 stabbed her love affair,
Or, quite simply,
How nothing good ever lasts.
Well, I don't know why I'm even in school anymore,
Because I feel like you and I reversed millenniums
Of misguided relationships,
Because with finger locked,
We ran through Berlin Walls that said
High school romance was stupid,
And practically caused World War 3
When so many jealous lovers realized
That the only weapon of mass destruction
Is the undeniable army of two that we have become.
I'd say
We're a bit closer
To that old couple from The Notebook!
they die too.

So the last bell has rung,
You made me late to every class,
But if my homework was just to love you,
**There'd be no doubt that I'd pass.

— The End —