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Ashley Young May 2014
Our passion was matched by only our words
That night we sat on the swing, as to be unheard
We sat and we talked and we smoked and joked
and as we continued on through the night
it seemed that each conversation took its own flight
as our train of thought soon derailed
our conversation trailed and trailed
Our eyes would meet, briefly and then
we would blush and start rambling again
You listened to me, as I laughed and cried
I couldn't resist you no matter how hard I tried
we sat closer and closer and closer until
my lips brushed yours, and now forever will.
Ashley Young May 2014
Then Jacob had his heat stroke
All I could think was to call you
Our air conditioner broke
You picked us both up, and to Nans we flew
We spent the day gathering time
collecting moments never lost
My heart wrote a song, you gave it rhyme
I wanted to be with you, no matter the cost
Ashley Young May 2014
We talked a lot that night
the more we talked the more I yearned
my heart took flight
with the more I learned
And then you sang to me
I still recall the melody

The others would not let us be
you wanted a conversation unheard
Do you speak German, or Japanese you asked
I replied sadly, I don't even know a single word
What a shame... and the moment passed
We stared at each other and sighed.
Ashley Young May 2014
My breath is taken away when I hear these amazing things
About this man I have never met
The more I hear the more intrigued I get
Black hair, brown eyes, Italian you say!
Bring him over, on moving day.

So you sped in the lot
burning rubber from your tires
electricity flowed through all my wires
later that night you saw my tears flow
you were ready to protect me, from what, you didn't know

I had just said goodbye to a boy
Who played with my love like I were his toy
Then when you looked at me
I knew I piqued your curiosity
I felt like a woman when our eyes would meet
I adore you already....
Ashley Young May 2014
There you were asleep in the bed
and I pondered over the things you had said
as the tears stung the words from my lips
Inside, my heart rips..

Why are you here, I ask with moist eyes
Not that you're unwelcome, its a pleasant surprise
The sarcasm was thick but the words were true
I stared at the floor I couldn't look at you

"It seems I was guided here" you spoke so low
"It seems that my heart will always know
That it loves you and needs you near
I am never going to leave you here."

My heart sang and we fell together
And I knew this time it would be forever.

— The End —