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Jan 2014 · 453
Ashley Greene Jan 2014
All I wanted was that moment where there was no pain
so I was going to only make a small scratch and then stop
but it wont stop the bleed just keeps going
soon every thing starts to get darker and I'm feeling lighted
I when to deep
I'm trying to stop it but it wont


Mom please come and find me before I slip away forever
I didnt mean for this to happen
Im so sorry.

3 months later:

Here I am mom
I know you can't see me anymore but I'm here
I stand right here everyday just to see you,
you still cry everyday
all because I went to deep just that one time
I wish I never did that one last cut
I should have never made that first one
but I did and I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
Jan 2014 · 405
No One
Ashley Greene Jan 2014
These words you throw at me cut like blades.
It feels like you've taken a blade to my skin
and carved all your hateful words in.

Those words left scars on my skin for all to see
but does anyone try to help me
to stop all of those words.
No one has tried to help
though out these last 3 years
I have learned
I am on my own.
No one will ever be there.

I am fine with that now

Now instead of their words cutting though me like a blade
I'm the one cutting though my like a blade.
Jan 2014 · 882
Ashley Greene Jan 2014
We all have a mask
some are better then others
they hide what we them to hide
so we can feel safe.
so we wont hurt as much as we once did .

We take them off when alone
but as soon as someone is there so is that perfect mask.

It keeps us safe
so we keep it there and it well never leave.

— The End —