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Ashley Dennis Jan 2014
I’d rather be a star in your life sky,
Invisible when the sun is out, but still high.
To see you go through life night after night,
Wishing to be seen in the daylight.

When you look up and see me,
I’ll shine beyond compare,
To guide you to your destiny.

When your wish soars to the sky
I’ll give it wings to fly.
And I’ll fall to the earth for you,
Just to make your wish come true.

I’m not your sun, your great light,
But I’m still a constellation
In your shimmering night
Ashley Dennis May 2013
Where does the time go?
Yes, it seems everyone asks this
While they watch as a time they know
Slowly goes into the dark abyss.
I, like many others, swear
To only look for ten minutes, at most,
Okay, perhaps ten more if I dare,
Upon the new twitter post.
But I cannot resist the pull
I feel towards the status updates
Maybe I really am a fool
For wasting time when homework awaits.
Ashley Dennis May 2013
For the first time ever, we twirl
Around on the dance floor
Tonight I’m finally a girl
In your eyes. And you, I realize, I adore.

We’ve been friends for so long
We never thought of each other as
Anything other than that. Is it so wrong
To tell you I like you or has

The moment passed me by?
I should tell you, but I can’t seem
To make out the words to say it, I’m shy
Around you for the first time.
Ashley Dennis May 2013
As I stare into space
I try not to focus on the race
Of words coming from her mouth
For they make my eyes go south.
I feel myself slump in my chair
But close my eyes I do not dare.
I resist the temptation of rest,
And focus on my test.
Ashley Dennis May 2013
In the fullness of night
I want to be your light.
The one that blazes the trail
For you to follow without fail.
I’ll hold your hand, and you mine
Until we make it out just fine.
Don’t look back, stay with me
Then we’ll always be
Together amidst the darkness.
Ashley Dennis May 2013
Behold the mighty cloud
That floats above the rest, and is proud
Of it. His fluffiness no teddy bear
Can match. Snow is jealous beyond compare
Of his whiteness, and the fact that he
Can make rain, hail, or snow be.
The trees themselves cower and shake
When he yells thunderously, and quake
When his rage electrifies the night.
He can fly low, create fog, and banish sight
Or soar in the sky with the wind, his friends,
Who help him move faster than a car tends
To go. His awesomeness no other can show.
Ashley Dennis May 2013
It had been said that showers
Can give magical powers,
But I didn’t believe it.
Sure, someone can smell like ****
And then take a shower, and boom
They’re the cleanest in the room.
You can go in there dead tired
And come out awake and fired
Up, ready to go on for a few more
Hours than would have been possible before.
You can appear to be the lowly peasant
Covered in dirt, grime, and cement
And then get under the magical water
And shazaam you’re a king’s daughter.
Now, however, I’m much wiser on the subject
And have learned to really respect
The powers of showers.
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