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Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
Meet me there
Under the full moon
What can happen
Under the full moon?
Meet me there
Under the twinkling stars
What can happen
Under the twinkling stars?
Meet me there
Under a canopy of trees
What can happen
Under a canopy of trees?
Meet me there
Under a cloudless sky
Sun so bright
What can happen
Under a cloudless sky
Sun so bright?
Magic of course!
Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
I see you sitting on a park bench
in the pouring rain
As I get closer I hear silent tears
and see a red stained wrist
I have never been more scared in my life
As I run to you
And hold you
your breathing becomes slower
and your eyes flutter
as your pulse begins to fade
the blood is flowing
and staining my white shirt
but I don't care
I start to cry
and I realize I'm too late
I didn't pay attention to the scars
you never cared to hide
I was too caught up in my own world
my own pain
to see the signs
you were alone,
you needed me
and I failed you
I'm as guilty as the next
I soon realize
...Its my fault...
Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
When I think about you
I think of happiness
Because you make me so happy
You cheer me up
And make me laugh
When I think about you
I think of warmth
Of being in your arms
Holding on forever
Of falling asleep together
And of our cuddles
When I think about you
I think of love
The way you look at me
After we kiss, just once
The way you say you love me
And the way you hold my hand
how it fits just right
When I think about you
I think about how I never want this to end
Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
In the dead of night
the silence slowly kills you
closing in around you
making it hard to move
or even make a sound
don't try to scream
it will pierce the silence
only making it seem all too real
You are alone,
yet you feel eyes on you
searching your soul
you try to move
only to find you can't
your legs and arms bound tight
as he reaches for you
you let out a cry
just a single cry
a little cry
as he grabs you
and takes you deeper into the darkness
into the unknown
where he will keep you forever
and your soul will be gone
Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
As I cry
I write my sad note
On the back of an old napkin
Soon I'll be forgotten
Left alone in the storm
I write what I feel
I hide nothing
Of what I've hidden for so long
All the feelings
and the hurts
That know one knew
My tears smudge the ink
It doesn't matter anymore
This is my goodbye
My form of suicide.
Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
I stand there
In the night
Under a starlit sky
I look up at you
So many questions in my eyes
Will this last
Will we be forever
Will you be my eternity?
It starts to rain
And as the cold drops
Drip down my face
You kiss me
And I know
You are my forever.
Ashlea Daune Sep 2012
Do you really care?
I'm left here alone
Hurting and broken
Wondering what happened
To our forever
I cry when I think
About the love that we shared
Was it even real?
Do you not know
How much it hurts?
Or do you even care at all?
My tears mean nothing
They go from one ear to the other
I'm alone
Hurting and Broken
And feeling so stupid
I love you
Do you not know?
Or do you even care at all?
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