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May 2016 · 353
a gentle storm
ash May 2016
violet sky gathering sooted clouds
as sunlight gives way to nights shroud
a touch of rain falls warm
the pepper clouds may yet bring a storm
Apr 2016 · 342
Guarding the tree
ash Apr 2016
The winds ever howling
The gardener tends his tree
A full fruit basket
Feb 2016 · 361
ash Feb 2016
Are we such slaves
that we must bend our lives to fit inspiration?
must our every action come from some other action
must we find things beautiful?
such a cost
for those who see in black and white
Dec 2015 · 654
ash Dec 2015
Its the color of the mood I feel when I wake up next to you,
its murky water, not yet settled as I trample across the river looking for pretty stones
It's the color of your hair when its wet, and you hold me for warmth
that mongrel color of a thousand beautiful colors mixed together when a child plays with water paints.
It's modest, yet beautiful, its wildly serene. It feels like nature
It's the color of your eyes,
and it's a color that makes me want to kiss you until our eyes no longer see anything.
mi manchi tanto amore mio.
Dec 2015 · 302
the colour of time
ash Dec 2015
memories fade,
but truth has its ways,
of sticking to things that are made.
days months and all of time can pass
but truth speaks the same language,
if only in a softer voice
Oct 2015 · 324
time slips
ash Oct 2015
another day dies
but there's no fear in my eyes
this day
it slips away
should it be cause for dismay?
maybe I'm supposed to scream
as mortality slips through the seams
ever slow
life goes from shine to glow
so why
after the years of affection in the matter of days
have your eyes never changed
but stayed the same
Oct 2015 · 561
You are poetry
ash Oct 2015
cant i say it with a kiss?
this poetry that went amiss
lost by mistake, and never found
from no lips shall its rythm resound
but its monumental memory lives on
in the vacancy it causes when i saw it was gone
but perhaps we can make something beautiful there
like a graveyard with a mountain view for the dead to stare
like dead rose petals leading to a bed
the lack of the poem can cause a smile instead.
so i wrote this poem just to say
that poem you wanted so badly
was probably is in the moment we make each day
Oct 2015 · 361
three taboo words
ash Oct 2015
The words "I love you" are bursting reveal
I hope it won't cause you to reel
I know you noticed when I stumbled for an ending
"I love you---'re voice!"
we're like old friends despite knowing each other only a while
still I feel if I said them then they would just be words thrown on a pile
I'll keep holding on with these words in my mouth
and one day I hope you see what they are worth
Oct 2015 · 625
What I didn't write
ash Oct 2015
I never wrote you
I never painted your lips with words that last the world and a day

                                     Did I need to?

I didn't craft you into a sonnet or a song, I didn't draw out your existence.

                                      Maybe I just hoped it would last forever by itself.

I'm trusting you as much as you are trusting me.
its been a while.
Aug 2015 · 395
The broken kingdom
ash Aug 2015
Built on power lies and gold
how long did you think your halls would hold?
you lost gold, the day it digitized
then you relied on just the power and lies
but you built weapons that can make all things quake
now left with lies, you claim it all for goodness sake
you hold those lies, you hold them dear
they are the only things we have left to hear
you tell us this you tell us that
but we no it means no more than ****
your broken kingdoms hold the world
yet see nothing in it with beauty as you saw with gold
I'm sorry it was taken from you
a true shame you have nothing left to do
your story of protection always fails
when you break peace with yourselves and the wind hears our wails
we people know what we need
it isn't pain, not lies, not greed
there's many among us though, who follow your dream
lost wanderers they seek by you royals to be seen
a foolish notion it was indeed
to give you the reigns and take our lead

— The End —